Pure Harvest
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” – James 3:17-18
approximately 59” x 74”
Blocks - 12 fat quartersBlocks - 12 fat quarters
Inner border – ½ yd.Inner border – ½ yd.
Outer border – 1 ¼ yd.Outer border – 1 ¼ yd.
Binding – ½ yd.Binding – ½ yd.
Backing – 4 yds.Backing – 4 yds.
Blocks–see below
From each fat quarter, cut one 10 ½” strip and one 5 ½” strip.
From the 10 ½” strip, cut 6 – 3” x 10 ½” rectangles.
From the 5 ½” strip, cut 3 – 5 ½” squares.
Inner border – Cut 6 – 2 ½” x WOF strips.
Outer border – Cut 7 – 5 ½” x WOF strips.
Binding – Cut 7 – 2 ½” x WOF strips.
For each block:
1. Sew 4 – 3” x 10 ½” rectangles (unit 1) as shown below. Press. Sew 2 – 3” x 10 ½” rectangles (unit 2). Press. Sew unit 2 to the bottom of unit 1 as shown below. Press.
2. Sew 3 – 5 ½” squares (unit 3) as shown below. Press.
Sew unit 3 to the right side of unit 1/unit 2 made in step 1. Press.
Lay out the blocks in 4 rows of 3 blocks each. Turn the blocks to create an interesting look. Sew the blocks into rows. Press the rows in opposite directions to facilitate nesting. Sew the rows together. Press.
Sew the 2½” border strips together to make one long strip. Measure the quilt in three places—top, middle and bottom. Using the average of these three measurements, cut two strips for the top and bottom borders. Attach and press toward the border. Repeat thism process for the two side borders.
Sew the 5½” border strips together to make one long strip. Measure the quilt in three places—top, middle and bottom. Using the average of these three measurements, cut two strips for the top and bottom borders. Attach and press toward the border. Repeat this process for the two side borders
Prepare the backing. Sandwich the quilt and quilt as desired. Trim the edges of the quilt.
Sew the 2½” x WOF strips together at right angles to make one long strip. Press seams open. Press in half, wrong sides together. Attach to quilt with a 3/8” seam, mitering the corners. Hand or machine stitch binding down.
Cut a piece of backing fabric 6” x 13”. Fold in half lengthwise right sides together making a piece 6” x 6½”. Sew along the top edge with a ¼” seam (see below). Clip the corner, turn and press the pocket. Cut out the heart label using pinking shears. Turn the pocket horizontal and place the label in the center. Sew onto the pocket with a zig-zag or crow foot stitch. Place the pocket in the lower left corner of the back of the quilt with the sewn edge on top. Pin or baste in place. The pocket will be secured when the binding is sewn onto the quilt. Hand stitch the right edge of the pocket. Be sure you reinforce the top corner(s).
Please remember to fill out the inventory label and attach it with a safety pin (not a straight pin) to the pocket of your finished quilt.
Have you prayed for the recipient of your quilt?
Grace and Peace Quilt Ministry