CAST Deliverables for Awardees: Brief Descriptions

General Conditions: CAST awardees agree to the following elements:

  1. Commitment to work with the county coalition through each of the steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework (Assessment, Capacity Building, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Cultural Competency, and Sustainability) with guidance from DAODAS/PIRE CAST team and the Regional Capacity Coaches.
  2. Conducting an assessment of needs and resources of the county based on the information provided by DAODAS and the Regional Capacity Coaches. A plan will be due on October 22, 2010. The needs assessment will need to be conducted prior to the strategic plan being written in the spring of 2011.
  1. Developmentof a county strategic plan that will be used to outline how the county will implement the five steps of the strategic prevention framework (assessment, capacity, planning, implementation and evaluation) throughout the grant period. The strategic plan will be due on March 25, 2011.
  1. Participation in outcome and process evaluation as designed by The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE). DAODAS has contracted with The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE)to provide process and outcome evaluation. CAST awardees will be required to share their data and associated data documentation with PIRE, DAODAS, and CSAP/SAMHSA as soon as the data are cleaned, coded and ready for analyses. Please note that both the state and sub-recipient levels will participate in cross-site evaluation conducted by CSAP/SAMHSA.
  2. Participation in required national, state and regional meetings and training events. CAST awardees (staff and coalition) will be required to participate in training events to address program wide needs and to address specific needs that may be identified for the project.
  3. Completion of all CAST deliverables as outlined in the reporting requirements section of the acceptance package.

CAST Acceptance Letter

The original and two copies of a fully completed and signed packet, secured with binder clips. Packet must include: FY 2011 budget with narrative; CAST coordinator (or person to contact until CAST coordinator is hired) and financial person’s contact information; county coalition information, or a coalitionplan, if no coalition exists; signatures of the required partners, and a plan to hire the local county CAST coordinator.

Due: To Carolyn Chitwood, DAODAS, on August 2, 2010 by 3pm.

Report: Staffing Report

Provide the contact information, resume, and indication of compliance with required certification for CAST Coordinator.A template will be provided.

Due: To Carolyn Chitwood, DAODAS, on October 1, 2010.

Report: Quarterly Coalition Status Report

Using the report template provided, provide the partner coalition’s contact information, describe the partner coalition’s organization,and report on the coalition’s achievements and challenges. To be completed by the CAST Coordinator and a coalition representative. The report will be updated on a quarterly basis.

Due: To Carolyn Chitwood,DAODAS, on October 22, 2010; January 14, 2011, and April 15, 2011. Dates for years 2 and 3 are to be determined.

Report: Needs Assessment Plan

A documentto be completed by the CAST Coordinator with assistance from the coalition. In the plan, counties will need to:summarize how they plan to utilize archival data to assess the priority issue; summarize how they plan to identify contributing factors to the priority issue; and explain what data is needed, how the data will be collected, who will do what, how, and by when in order to complete the needs assessment. A template will be provided.

Due: To Carolyn Chitwood, DAODAS, on October 22, 2010.

Report: Community Level Instrument (CLI) Part I

An online survey from SAMHSA/CSAP regarding a site’s progress through the Strategic Prevention Framework steps. It consists of 178 questions and is estimated to take four hours to complete. The survey does not have to be completed at one time. You can save your work and come back to it another time. To be completed by State CAST Staff and the County CAST Coordinator on an annual basis.

Due: To CSAP on November 1, 2010; dates for Years 2 and 3 TBD.

Report: Monthly Report Part I and II

Part I – A monthly data report of the County CAST Coordinator’s activities completed must be entered in the web-based SC KIT Prevention data system. To be completed by the CAST Coordinator using a provided template.

Due: in SC KIT Prevention on the 8th working day of each month

Part II: A monthly structured narrative report on developments, accomplishments, and challenges in working the steps of the SPF process. To be completed by the CAST Coordinator using a provided template. Sections include:

  • Describe any major changes, accomplishments or challenges regarding the CAST project and your partner coalition.
  • Updates on the SPF: Summarize progress made by the County CAST coordinator and/or coalition this month regarding each component of the SPF (Assessment, Capacity Building, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Cultural Competency, and Sustainability). In addition, describe what the coalition is planning to accomplish next month.
  • List any Training or Technical Assistance (TTA) received by you or the coalition this month, as well as TTA needs not yet addressed.
  • Other Information: Share any other pertinent information regarding the project.

Due: To Carolyn Chitwood, DAODAS, on the 8th working day of each month

Report: County Capacity Plan Report

To be completed by the County CAST Coordinator in conjunction with the partner coalition. The plan will focus on the current capacity of the coalition and community to implement the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and identify ways capacity can be strengthened. A template will be provided.

Due: To Carolyn Chitwood, DAODAS, on December 17, 2010

Report: Strategic Action Plan

To be completed by the County CAST Coordinator in conjunction with the partner coalition. The plan should include the following sections: Assessment, Capacity Building, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Cultural Competency, and Sustainability. A template will be provided.

Due: To Carolyn Chitwood, DAODAS, on March 25, 2010

Report: CLI Part II

An online survey from SAMHSA/CSAP regarding the specific prevention interventions and strategies being implemented by the funded site. A sub-form with questions must be completed for each strategy implemented; each sub-form is estimated to take about one hour to complete. To be completed by the County CAST Coordinator every six months; monthly updates are encouraged.

Due: To CSAP on May 1, 2010