PRESENT: Mayor Wilson B. Viator, Jr., Mayor Pro Tempore Brenda Burley (Div. B), Councilman Ken Ritter (Div. A), Councilman Tim Barbier (Div. D), Councilwoman Dianne McClelland (Div. E)

ABSENT: Councilman A.J. Bernard (Div. C)

STAFF: Rick Garner (CEO), Sally Angers (Asst. City Clerk),George Knox (City Attorney), Tim Robichaux (Director of Parks & Recreation)

GUESTS: Dax Douet (CHF), Gary P. Williams, Daniel Vollmer, Dana Martin, Pamela Gonzales Granger, Virginia L. Rabalais, Cyndi Smith, Cecil Little, Matt Romero, Gene Hamilton, Janna M. Quebedeaux, Jamey Abshire, Rickey Boudreaux, Lauren Landry, Brian West, Jane High, Larry Romero, Megan Segura, Linda Meaux, Zeke Zitzman

AGENDA ITEM 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Viator called the meeting of September 11, 2014 to order and called on Brenda Burley to lead the prayer and pledge. Ms. Burley asked for everyone to keep the 911 victims and their families in their prayers and also to pray for Councilman A.J. Bernard who could not make the meeting due to illness.

A motion was offered by Mr. Ritter, seconded by Mr. Barbier, to expand the agenda to add Item 8a to discuss the purchase of the property next to City Hall to be used for expansion, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.

AGENDA ITEM 2. Matt Romero announced his candidacy for City Council Division C seat.

AGENDA ITEM 3. Lauren Michel to announce her candidacy for City Council Division B seat. Mayor Viator stated that Ms. Michel called to say she had an emergency and could not be present tonight.

AGENDA ITEM 4. Presentation on the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Silver Jacket funding request for a Lafayette wide drainage study and USACE Planning Assistance to States funding request for Youngsville Drainage Study and Plan.

Mr. Ritter stated that there has been much discussion about drainage in the City and so he asked Pamela Granger, Engineer, to coordinate a meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers to explore any type of grant funding that may be available for a drainage plan.

Ms. Granger said that she has been speaking with several governmental agencies, including the Corps, about leading an area wide comprehensive drainage study with a more in-depth study being done for the Youngsville area. She said she contacted the Corps Mark Wingate, who is in charge of the Planning Assistance for States Programs (PAS) and confirmed that there are funds available and that.Mr. Wingate indicated that hewants to work with and do something in this area. She said that a meeting was held at Youngsville City Hall on August 26thwith Mr. Wingate, representativesfrom all the municipalities and Representative Simone Champagne and Representative Stuart Bishop.Mr. Wingate said at the meeting that some drainage modeling was done for this area in 2007 and again in 2010 and that Youngsville would be at the top of the list for the Planning Assistance for States funding for the drainage study and that a 50/50 cost share is required. Ms. Granger said that she is currently developing a scope whichwill be submitted to the City for comments and then to the Corps for consideration. A decision would be expected as early as the end of 2014 or early 2015.

Ms. Granger explained that each state gets between $250,000 and $500,000 from the Silver Jackets Flood Risk Management Pilot Program which is specifically for multiple agencies that want to work together to reduce flood risk. She said that this would be perfect for Carencro, Scott, Broussard, Youngsville, and Lafayette. Ms. Granger explained that the Corps is developing the scope for this project and once complete, will be soliciting letters of support from each agency wanting to participate. She also stated that the group that met on August 26th has agreed to continue to meet every 4 – 6 weeks to continue to discuss drainage issues and consider brainstorming about other projects.

AGENDA ITEM 5.Report on meeting with Young’s Industries pertaining to a regional detention pond. Mayor Viator reported that he met with Young’s Industries pertaining to regional detention ponds along the Bayou Parc Perdue area. He said that Young’s has a lot of property in floodways that cannot be used for development but would make good detention ponds which would help them and the City of Youngsville. Mayor Viator said that there would be about 20 acres of ponds north of Chemin Metairie Parkway and a 30 acre retention/detention pond south of the Sports Complex. He said that Young’s is developing a master plan for their property and he feels that the partnership with the Corps and Young’s Industries will benefit all. Mayor Viator added that he has contacted Vermilion Parish and Iberia Parish and requested that they clean out the major drainage channels that Youngsville feeds into.

AGENDA ITEM 6.Discuss Highland Ridge Phase 3 Sidewalk requirement. Mayor Viator stated that, based on the timing of the development received preliminary approval and the adoption of the ordinance requiring sidewalks, neither the developer nor the contractor is obligated to put in sidewalks.

AGENDA ITEM 7.Discuss increased cost for water meter installation. A motion was offered by Mr. Ritter, seconded by Ms. McClelland, to approve the increase in meter installation costs beginning October 1, 2014 as follows; ¾”meter - $950.00; 1” meter -$1,425.00; 2” meter - $4,300.00, all as recommended and due to price increases from the contractor, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.

AGENDA ITEM 8.Discuss and consider incentives for the Brookshire Store. A motion was offered by Ms. Burley, seconded by Mr. Barbier, to approve the recommendation of Mayor Viator to provide incentives to Brookshire Grocery Company as presented in a memo dated September 11, 2014, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.

Prior to the motion, Mayor Viator stated that he and Mayor-elect Ken Ritter have been in conversation with representatives of Brookshire Grocery Company who is pursuing the construction and operation of a new 58,000 square foot store within the corporate limits of the City of Youngsville. He stated that this firm is in the midst of due diligence to ensure that the required infrastructure is available at the site they have chosen for this new operation and that they are determining the economics of choosing the City of Youngsville for the store over other locations. Mayor Viator stated that the location they are considering is at the southwest corner of the intersection of Bonin Road and Ambassador Caffery and presently, there is no city provided water or sewage on the site they have chosen. He said that in order for this construction to proceed, the city services will have to be extended as well as the construction of a left turn lane on Bonin Road to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow.

Mayor Viator thenpresented the following chart showing the incentives and expenses vs proposed revenue.

Exemption on Sales taxes for facility equipment
$2,600,000 X 0.035 / $ 91,000.00 / $ - / $ -
11.68 Mil Property tax exemption total for 15 years
$7,000,000.00 X .001168 X 15 / $ 122,640.00 / $ - / $ -
Extension of city water lines / $ 100,000.00 / $ - / $ 100,000.00
Installation of Sewer Lift Station / $ 150,000.00 / $ 75,000.00 / $ 75,000.00
Turning Lane for Bonin Road / $ 150,000.00 / $ - / $ 150,000.00
TOTALS / $ 613,640.00 / $ 75,000.00 / $ 325,000.00
Annual Sales Taxes
Projected Annual Sales $24,000,000.00 / $840,000.00

Mayor Viator stated that the tax revenues that Brookshire will bring in to the city coffers will far outweigh the cost of the incentives. He said that he and Mr. Ritter are recommending Council approval of the incentive package because if it is not approved, Brookshire will jump right down the road into Lafayette or Broussard.

Ms. Burley and Ms. McClelland both stated that they are in favor of approving the incentives to bring Brookshire Grocery into the City Limits of Youngsville because the location is far enough away from the downtown area that it will not affect the local stores, but will draw from all of the traffic on Ambassador Caffery and areas outside the city limits.

AGENDA ITEM 8a. Discuss the purchase of property next to City Hall for expansion. A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Barbier, to approve the purchase of the property next to City Hall on Iberia Street owned by Young Industries, Inc. at a cost of $150,000, funding from the General Fund and authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents pertaining to said purchase, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.

Prior to the vote, Mr. Ritter stated that the advantage of locating the new city hall next door to the current one is the continuity of services and communication between departments. He said that he has spoken with Architect Mark Lalande about some preliminary plans and how the new facility could house the Council Chambers and several offices and still keep the current city hall and offices. Mr. Ritter stated that it is his recommendation that the property be purchased.

Mayor Viator added that the Council could consider selling the horse arena property which is 6 acres of land which would provide funds needed to pay for the land and/or some of the funding for the construction of the new City Hall. He said another option would be to build a park and retention pond on the horse arena property which would help with drainage and beautify the property.


AGENDA ITEM 9.Preliminary Plat Approval, Allen J. Bernard, Jr. Property Subdivision, Young Street (LA 92). A motion was offered by Mr. Barbier, seconded by Ms. Burley, to grant preliminary plat approval for the Allen J. Bernard, Jr. Property Subdivision subject to the following: a) acceptance of City Engineer Dax Douet's recommendations in a letter dated September 4, 2014 with the following changes:1) Item G change “Area of Lots” to “Total Area”; 2) Item H. change “public right of passage” to “private right of passage”; 3) Item J. change “All proposed future access driveways as shown on the plat onto Iberia Street” to “The most easterly driveway as shown on the plat onto Iberia Street”; 4) On the Area Wide Development Review Committee letter dated August 20,2014 waive No. 3 under Plat Revisions, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.

AGENDA ITEM 10.Preliminary Plat and Final Plat Approval, Partition of Robert Vincent & Zulma Sellers Property, Lot 4-D. This item was removed from the agenda.


AGENDA ITEM 11. Ordinance No. 374-2014An ordinance of the City of Youngsville, Louisiana amending the official map of the City providing for the annexation of additional land into the corporate limits of the City of Youngsville, being a portion of the Renee Elizabeth Colvin property located at 2010 Chemin Metairie Parkway. A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Ms. Burley, to adopt Ordinance No. 374-2014, an ordinance of the City of Youngsville, Louisiana amending the official map of the City providing for the annexation of additional land into the corporate limits of the City of Youngsville, being a portion of the Renee Elizabeth Colvin property located at 2010 Chemin Metairie Parkway, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.


AGENDA ITEM 12. Ordinance No. 375-2014 An ordinance of the City of Youngsville, Louisiana regulating and permitting the use of golf carts and slow moving vehicles upon Municipal Streets.

Mayor Viator stated that he put the golf cart ordinance back on the agenda but doesn’t think there is enough support for a 2nd to discuss the issue.

Ms. McClelland responded that she has done some studying and called different neighborhoods who allow golf carts and the only issue is parents allowing their children to operate the carts. She said if the parents help manage this, then it may work, but she wanted to assure everyone that if problems arise, then the Council has the authority to suspend the ordinance. She also asked Chief Menard to review the ordinance and let the Council know if he has any recommendations.

A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Barbier, to introduce Ordinance No. 375-2014 an ordinance of the City of Youngsville, Louisiana regulating and permitting the use of golf carts and slow moving vehicles upon Municipal Streets, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: Burley

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.

Prior to the vote, Chief Menard, reiterated that those violating the ordinance will be issued citations.

Mr. Barbier stated that he has also done some extensive research and he believes that this will bring neighbors together and bring about a better relationship within the community. He then asked if this ordinance could be tried out for a 60 day period.

City Attorney George Knox, said that he would rather see the Council introduce and adopt and then if necessary, the ordinance could be suspended, dissolved or amended.

Mr. Ritter added that standard operating procedures will have to be in place which should include the permitting process and placement of signage in the subdivisions and areas that are approved in the ordinance and that this will take some time.

AGENDA ITEM 13. Ordinance No. 280.5 An ordinance amending and re-enacting Ordinance No. 280.4 regulating the construction, installation, maintenance, alterations and placement of all signs within the Municipal Limits of the City of Youngsville. A motion was offered by Mr. Barbier seconded by Ms. McClelland to introduce Ordinance No. 280.5 an ordinance amending and re-enacting Ordinance No. 280.4 regulating the construction, installation, maintenance, alterations and placement of all signs within the Municipal Limits of the City of Youngsville as amended, amendment being tochange the erection of political signs from 120 days to 90 days prior to an election, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.

Rick Garner, CEO, said that there has been some minor confusion in the interpretation of the sign ordinance as well as the requirements on political signs. He said that he has modified the ordinance to make it easier to read and comprehend and has arbitrarily changed the time for the erecting of political signs at 120 days prior to the election.

Ms. McClelland stated that she would prefer political signs be erected only 90 days prior and the Council agreed. She also questioned what is considered public right of way and Charles Langlinais replied that the public right of way is considered to be telephone pole to telephone pole.

Much discussion took place on the process of the removal of signs in the public right of way and Mr. Ritter stated that this is an administrative function and they should decide how to proceed.

Mr. Knox stated, as far as illegal political signs go, he said that there should be a formal notification procedure in the ordinance as well as a penalty clause. He said that he will research this and come up with the wording before final adoption.

AGENDA ITEM 14. Ordinance No. 370.1 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 370 providing for salaries for City of Youngsville employees for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.

Mayor Viator stated that he is bringing the raises for the Sports Complex personnel before the Council at this time because the increase would not become effective until November 1st, which is the date in the ordinance for reconsideration.

Ms. Burley said that she understood that this would be looked at in November and that she would like more information before deciding on this.

A motion was offered by Ms. Burley, seconded by Ms. McClelland, to table this item until the regular meeting in November, 2014, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Burley, Barbier, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Bernard

Motion was approved.


AGENDA ITEM 15. Resolution No. 2014-16 A resolution expressing support of Constitutional Amendment 3 and Constitutional Amendment 10, Constitutional Amendments to assist Municipalities in the fight against blighted property, as recommended by the Louisiana Municipal Association. A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Ms. Burley, to adopt Resolution No. 2014-16 a resolution expressing support of Constitutional Amendment 3 and Constitutional Amendment 10, Constitutional Amendments to assist Municipalities in the fight against blighted property, as recommended by the Louisiana Municipal Association, and the vote was as follows: