To: Region& Group Presidents and Secretaries
From: International Biometric Society
On an annual basis, the International Biometric Society allocates funds for the Officer Visitation Program. The program encourages and assists IBS officer to attend conferences sponsored by IBS regions, groups and networks.
Before requesting an officer, please review the responsibilities of both IBS and the sponsoring/inviting organization.
Responsibilities of IBS
- IBS will send a communication each January to all regions and groups about the availability of officer visits.
- IBS may send one officer to attend a conference sponsored by an IBS region, group or network on a rotating basis and in order of last visit.
- The visiting officer is generally the president of IBS, but it may be the vice president, the outgoing vice president, secretary or treasurer depending on schedules, costs, and other factors. Regions, Groups or Networks may specify a particular officer to attend.
- IBS will make travel arrangements for the visiting officer and pay for the airfare and land transportation costs of the officer that attends a sponsored conference.
- The officer will be available to meet with representatives of the sponsoring organization when needed.
- Priority for visitation will be given to organizations that have not been visited in the most recent years.
Responsibilities of Regions/Groups/Networks (Inviting organization)
- Inviting organizations will request attendance by an officer of IBS at least two months in advance of a meeting/conference.
- Inviting organizations will submit a request form to the International Business Office with dates, activities, locations, etc.
- Inviting organizations will provide one complimentary registration to the IBS visiting officer.
- Inviting organizations will provide local accommodations for the IBS visiting officer.
- Inviting organizations will provide atleast a 10-15 minute time period for the officer to speak and provide an update of current IBS activities and topics. This may include a video or PowerPoint presentation, and appropriate AVM equipment should be required.
- In odd numbered years, the IBS may designate one of its region, group, or network conferences as the venue for a meeting of IBS council/members. If your organization is interested in being considered for such an event, please indicate here.YES ___ NO ____
Invitation to the IBS Officers
To complete this form electronically, click in the Date field and begin typing. The field length is unlimited and will expand as needed. Tab to move from field to field.
Date of Invitation:
Conference Name:
Conference Sponsor(s):
Conference Date(s):
Spouse: ___ or Guest ___ also invited?
Hotel accommodations should be provided by the sponsoring organization and confirmation information be sent to Executive Director, Peter Doherty.
Name, address, web site, phone and fax number of hotel:
Contact person from inviting organization (include phone and email.)
Specific officer requested? No ___ Yes ___ please specify ______
Officer Participation Expected: Please list activities that are most important for IBS officer to attend or participate in. Please describe, including dates, times, and specific duties expected. Please list your Board meeting if the officer is welcome to attend.
EventDateTimeAttire Level of Participation
Is registration complimentary? YES ___ N0 ____
Additional Information:
Please submit this form not later than two months prior to a conference seeking a visiting officer.
IBS 1444 I Street, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 USA Tel: 1-202-712-9049 E: