Huntingfield, Heveningham &
Ubbeston Village Hall

Minutes of The Hub CIO Trustees held on Wednesday 25th January 2017 at 9.30 am at The Hub

Present: Sue Lucas, Joan Baker, David Burrows, Mike Stephens, Helen Cannon, Allan Pike

  1. Apologies for absence: Christine Barnes, Tony Howe
  1. Minute of Meeting held on 23rd November 2016:

These were signed as a correct record

  1. Matters Arising:
  • Wildflower bank: Tony Howe is scheduled to have a review meeting with SL today
  • B.T. billing problem: This is ongoing and proving to be difficult to resolve with BT, who appear to be uncoordinated and unresponsive. Action SL
  • Effects Lights:

a)Laser 3 colour pattern display currently used on the ceiling is deemed to be successful – committee agreed to purchase a second unit for further use, since they are currently on sale at half price. Action HC

b)DB pointed out the need for stage lighting in addition to 'effects lighting' and suggested that the hall would benefit from a rig supported on the wooden beams which would be an asset for most theatre or entertainment productions. DB to prepare a report/proposal. Action DB

a)Magna Carta Shield:The committee agreed to mount this on the street side office wall.

  • Cleaning The Hub/maintenance:

a)Paint touch up: SL explained that this was the Hub responsibility and undertook to make good some minor damage to skirting

b)Small cracks in walls:SL explained that this was probably the Hub responsibility as it not a building defect and is normal for such expansion cracks in new buildings.

c)Large crack in storage room wall:SL explained that this was not the Hub responsibility but likely to that of SEH French.

d)Damp in toilets:SL explained that the damp around the extractor grill had been addressed, but there is now a problem with water ingress around the skylight.

e)Architect to address items b), c) and d) with SEH French. SL to enquire as to decorator costs/contract for items a) and b) Action SL

  1. Millennium Green steps:Architect to draw up health and safety guidelines for contractor, who will commence this project on the 1st February.Action SL
  1. Marketing:

a)Bookings to date - 2017 plans: (see attached “What’s On agenda”) In addition,; Open Space theatre - a farce - proposed for April 15th. Also, Rough Cast theatre is interested in further productions at the Hub. The proposal for these theatre groups is that no tickets would be printed, but a system of e-mail tickets checked against a list would be used.

b)July/August Craft Fayre proposal:Following last year’s event, the committee felt that a Sunday was the preferred day. There was a discussion about upgrading the event to a village fete with displays and a marquee. Action: SL HC and JB.

c)Further discussion relating to matting for the marquee. Action MS

d)Other event proposals: Further discussion took place concerning the possibility of organising a jazz afternoon in June, with cakes/tea together with an Open Gardens day organised by the Garden Club together with music on the Hub green.

e)Publicity–Awaiting photos and photo opportunities to use in flyers/brochures. Action HC.

f)There was also discussion relating to a 1stbirthday party, to coincide with a possible newspaper feature spread on 22nd/23rd April

g)Cookery Masterclass–awaiting details and date/time confirmation from Paul from the Fox & Goose. Action MS

h)Guidelines for hall users: This is being reviewed, but it was felt that it may be appropriate to have 2 versions – (a) detailed – for management and (b) short summary – procedural. Action MS and HC

i)Guidelines for key holders:in review.Action MS. HC

j)Events group plans:These include a Bring & Buy Sale on March 18th. In this case, any raffle prizes would be sourced by the Events Group, but the Hub committee would sell tickets and also provide refreshments.

  1. Management:

a)Electrical and mechanical demonstrations:

b)Maintenance contract:There is now a new contract with BBC Fire. A Log book for reporting Fire Alarm checks to be obtained from BBC Fire for the kitchen notice board. PAT testing to be arranged with Pearce and Kemp. Action SL

c)Risk Register: This is now complete and a copy will be displayed on the notice board in the kitchen. Action SL

d)Grass cutting:Quote obtained. Suggestion that P.C. pays for this and they then invoice the Hub for a percentage (to be negotiated) Action SL

e)Village Notice Board - position:Parish council have agreed to move it to Hub site– however, the committee were unable to agree on a suitable position. This to be put back to PC for suggestions. Action HC

f)Key holders – the way forward:After much discussion, it was agreed that continued locking/unlocking by the present committee was irksome and a better arrangement would be to have a key holder access on the outside wall for use by regular and trusted clients. This would ease the constant burden upon keyholders. Check with insurers Action SL

g)Eon: This has now been reviewed with ongoing monitoring of the electricity meter versus subsidy from RHI. Off peak, or low cost fixed price agreements to be investigated Action SL

h)Report to PCs:see attached report

i)Emergency Centre proposals:PC agrees that this is a good idea. Request meeting with Suffolk CC to draw up proposals Action SL DB

  1. Finances:

a)CapitalandRevenue:Positive figures, with projection of a small cushion after the first year operations.

b)Funding: No additional funding since last report.

  1. A.O.B.
  • Records of meetings to PCs: Committee agreed to send Agenda and Minutes to the 3 Parish Clerks of the 3 PCs.
  • ResignationMike Stephens advised the meeting that he would regrettably be resigning as a Trustee and Committee Member.
  1. Date of next meeting:Wednesday 22nd February 2017 0930 hours


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