Rubric for Capstone Research Paper (60 points)
This assignment is the backbone of the course. It consists of several sub-assignments that should be completed by their respective due dates. Following are the guidelines for each sub-assignment:
· Research proposal: The proposal should clearly address the following issues (or their equivalents in line with your research paradigm): purpose of research, literature review, theoretical framework(s), and methodology (including participants and method(s) of data collection). You should write the proposal as if you are writing the first half of a paper. In addition to the writ-up, which should be submitted by the due date, you will be given approximately 30 minutes to present your proposal. A brief handout or a copy of your proposal will be helpful. (10 points)
· Research paper: This paper is the end product of your research endeavor. It consists at least of the basic components (again or their equivalents in line with your research paradigm) of a typical scholarly paper, i.e., purpose of research, literature review, theoretical framework(s), methodology (including participants and method(s) of data collection, data analysis, research findings…. (25 points)
· Research presentation I: The presentation is for you to present your research to the class. Feedback from the instructor and your colleagues will help you prepare for the second presentation, this time, to the faculty of the school of education. Each presenter has 25 minutes to present the highlights of your research. After everyone has presented, we will have some time for questions/comments on each presentation. A brief handout or a copy of your paper will be helpful. (5 points)
· Research presentation II: Based on what you have learned from the comments on your first presentation, you should address the comments (for example, by revising your paper and presentation) and then present your research to the faculty of the school of education. The invited guests are likely to ask questions regarding your research/presentation; therefore, be prepared. Again, each presenter has 25 minutes for presentation and I will facilitate the Q&A session at the end. Please bring in enough copies of your handout for our guests. Also, make sure you wear appropriate (formal) attire for the presentation. (10 points)
· Scholar-practitioner assessment and/or G&T assessment required by your degree/certification program: Everyone enrolled in the capstone course (i.e., any of the three courses listed in the beginning of the syllabus) needs to complete the scholar-practitioner assessment. Those enrolled in W595 will need to ADDITIONALLY complete the G&T assessment. The forms can be found on Blackboard Vista. MAKE SURE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASSESSMENTS ARE ALSO REFLECTED IN YOUR PAPER. (10 points)