NAEO Membership Committee Conference Call
Thursday, 3/6/201211:30 a.m. CDT
Attendees: Billy Peppard, Laurie Blow,Jana Olson, Jillian Henry, Rob Bennet, Gail Russell, Mary Hutchinson, Rob Bennett
Absent:Sarah Wilson,Ron Waine, , Judy Lathan, Martha Thomas
Staff: Andy Shelp
Chairmen Report- Laurie
Laurie provided a overview of the purpose and responsibilities for the membership committee. This include renewal, expired, and potential member direct contacts. She review the typical agenda for meetings and what is expected.
She noted that the committee first task is to create a toolkit for committee members to used when contacting members.
Billy reviewed the membership case study and it goal.
- The committee will assemble and distribute a tool kit to committee members by March 31, 2012.
- Shelp will pull a list of people who have not completed the service contract test for completion.
Membership Status Update - Andy
The Board discussed how to get hospital members. Gail asked if we can develop a hospital track annual conference. Mary added that getting some continuing educational credits available would be a large draw for hospital members. Another idea is for NAEO to have a larger presence at Amtelco’s fall 1Call Conference.
Shelp reviewed the membership report and the details and acronyms.
- Shelp will pull the non-member conference attendees and offer a credit for membership that amounts to the member and non-member conference rate.
- Shelp and Laurie will review the current membership language and be sure to include links to the membership packet and case study.
Sub-Committee Review and Assignments-Laurie Blow
Laurie requested sub committee chairs: the following people agreed to the standing sub committees:
- Canceled / Expired Members Commercial– Ron Waine
- Canceled / Expired Members Hospitals– Gail Russell
- New Member/Introductory Members – Rob Bennett
- Listserv Welcome – Rob Bennett
- Ambassador Program – Billy Peppard
- Social Media Promotion- Marty Imes (not confirmed yet)
The group reviewed challenges and opportunities for communication and member benefits. The committee reviewed the conference performance and took feedback. Shelp requested to get specific requirements for accreditation for people to attend and administer an accreditation.
- Shelp will send a copy of the new member packet to Rob and will ensure it is included in communications to new members.
- Shelp will send the Primary How To Guide to the committee and make sure it is in the membership renewal language.
- Mary and Gail will send Shelp and outline for accreditation and it’s requirements, type, and administrative needs to execute.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 CST. Next meeting will be April 12, 2012 @ 11:30 am CDT.