Meeting of the Corporation
Wednesday 10 July 2013 at 4.30pm
SB2 – Science Building
Present : Bruce Adams Emma O’Neill
Grace Bryant Karnail Pannu
Malcolm Cameron John Petitt
Bill Grady Daniela Shanly
Barry Holliman Mike Steyn
Bob Lewin John Wilder (Chair)
Philip Love
Apologies: Jade Eeles Frank Pitkin
John Holland Cllr Colin Rayner
In attendance: Anne Entwistle VP Safeguarding & Student Services
David Marshman VP Finance & Corporate Services
Gillian May VP Curriculum & Quality
[Principal Designate]
Tracy Reeve Clerk to the Corporation
Jill Small Projects Manager
Presentation: Governors page on Moodle 2.
The meeting was preceded by a presentation from Neil Prior, Head of E-Learning at BCA. This demonstrated the new Governors’ page which had been set up on Moodle 2. This would contain background briefing, key BCA documents and detailed performance data to enable Governors to monitor performance on an ongoing basis. Individuals used their new user IDs and logged-on to have a look at the page and what it would contain.
The Chair commended this new facility and asked that the Clerk and E-Learning Manager develop an aide-memoire for governors to clearly outline how they should log onto Moodle remotely. Members were informed that the new Moodle 2 page would be available from the end of July 2013.
Action: The Clerk and E-Learning Manager to develop an aide-memoire for governors to clearly outline how they should log onto Moodle remotely, (for issue by 30th September 2013).
42/13 Apologies
Apologies had been received from Jade Eeles, John Holland, Frank Pitkin, and Colin Rayner. The Chair welcomed Anne Entwistle to the meeting.
43/13 Notification of any other business
There was no other business.
44/13 Notification of Members interests
The Chair notified the meeting that regarding agenda item 6(ii), he knew Samantha Kilgour – she had provided marketing services to the school where he worked. It was agreed that the Vice-Chair should lead the meeting for agenda item 6(ii) only.
45/13 Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2013
The minutes of the Corporation meeting on 22 May 2013 were approved for signing by the Chairman as a correct record.
46/13 Matters Arising
· Request for kitchen for Foundation Studies (minute 20/13)
Members asked for an update on whether there had been any progress in securing better kitchen facilities for the Foundation department; to deliver catering and hospitality courses. The Principal assured governors that the issue was still being considered but that the cost of installing a new commercial kitchen alongside the loss of teaching space would not be viable during 2013/14. He reminded the meeting that the use of catering facilities at Maidenhead Sportsable was currently the best solution for delivery of these ALFIE courses.
· Recovery of VAT on the Sports Hall
The VPF&CS informed the meeting that after taking further specialist advice the College would be seeking to claim back an element of the VAT paid on the Sports Hall (reflecting the 95% + non-business use). The Chair reminded DM that Corporation members should be kept fully briefed on this issue going forward and that any applications for VAT exemption should be ratified by BCA lawyers in order to ensure full compliance with HMRC requirements.
47/13 Draft Meeting Timetable 2013/14
The meeting noted the proposed Corporation and Committee meeting schedule for 2013/14. It was agreed that having the July 2013 meeting earlier had facilitated better attendance so this timing should be maintained for 2013/14. Members were reminded that the date for the Governors 1½ day residential Strategy Conference at Cumberland Lodge was already fixed in the diary for Friday 4th to Saturday 5th April 2014. The Chair asked members to notify the Clerk of any non-availability by the end of July to enable this to be finalised.
The meeting timetable was AGREED in principle. All Governors to notify the Clerk of any non-availability for meetings by 31 July 2013.
48/13 Appointment of new Governor
Under the chairmanship of the Vice-Chair the meeting considered the appointment of Samantha Kilgour who had been recommended for membership by the Search Committee. Members agreed that SK would be an asset to the Corporation and would provide a level of marketing expertise not currently represented.
It was AGREED that:
i. Mrs Samantha Kilgour be appointed to the Corporation for a four year term of office (10 July 2013 – 9 July 2017).
ii. The determined number of the Corporation should be set at 19 to facilitate this appointment: 14 external governors; 2 staff governors (1 teaching and 1 support); 2 students and the Principal.
49/13 College Property Strategy
The meeting considered a detailed update from Jill Small (Project Manager) who was in attendance at the meeting.
· Sports Hall/ Energy Centre
It was confirmed that the project started on site on 12 June following the appointment of Beard Construction Ltd as the main contractor. Members were informed that completion was scheduled for March 2014 (not February 2014 as stated in the written report). A programme of regular meetings with the College and Project Team was in place, reports on progress would be provided to the Corporation and updates would be provided for the local residents. The contractor would also setting up a webcam on the site which would be accessible through their website. The meeting was informed that the planning application for three small temporary changing room blocks to provide facilities for the sports teams for one year during the build had now been approved. JS informed members that these were sited on the current tennis court and were already in use. Members were pleased to note that the steel frame was being dismantled to enable it’s re-use as a frame for a bio-mass storage barn (subject to planning approval). The meeting sought, and were given assurances, that sports suitable for both genders would be catered for by the new provision. GB (Student Governor) confirmed that she played on the College netball team and that there was already provision for female students. DS asked whether the College could allow Maidenhead Sportsable to use the facilities for wheelchair basketball but there was some doubt whether the 4-court size (as opposed to a larger 6 court facility) would be sufficient to accommodate wheelchair basketball.
Budget & Financing
JS confirmed that the current estimate for the Sports Hall was £3.6m, this figure had increased as a result of the addition of extra floor space (original size 1,394m², current size 1,766m²). Governors sought, and were given, confirmation that the budget included the cost of fitting out the Sports Hall. The estimate for the Energy Centre remained as £1m. Members were reminded that a £2million loan facility was now in place to finance the balance of the capital projects costs, including the new biomass energy centre.
· Technology Research Centre (TRC)
The meeting was informed that Stage D design work on the TRC was nearing completion and that the planning application had been submitted during week commencing 24th June. Alongside this process, feedback from consultation with the College had informed the design work; the final internal design would be agreed by the end of 19th July. The planned completion date of September 2014 would be maintained as required by the SFA who were providing an element of the funding. Members noted that the budget for the building remained at £2.5m following a review of the Stage D design work to date; a detailed cost plan would be produced upon completion of the Stage D design work.
· Other Property Issues
Meeting with RBWM Planning Policy Officers
JS informed members that a site tour and meeting had taken place on 5 June involving the RBWM Planning Policy Manager, Sarah Ball. This was to discuss the College input to the RBWM review of sites and designations. As a result of this meeting a document was produced by the College (written by a planning consultant) to feed into the RBWM review process. The meeting considered the document and some Members commented that the document was poorly written and difficult to read. JS assured Governors that this document had been well received by the RBWM planners and that the technical language was a necessity.
Equine Outdoor School
Members were pleased to note that planning approval had now been received for the revised scheme. The construction of the two areas – increasing the size of the current outdoor school and adding another slightly smaller area to the east - would commence in July with completion for September 2013.
Animal Care
The meeting was reminded that planning approval would also be sought for improvements to the practical animal care facilities including rabbit housing to the west of the horticulture areas (outside the current development envelope) and an enclosed practical facility on the hard-standing between the two new animal care buildings at the northern end of the site (current site of winter housing). These were both highlighted during the presentation to residents and would consist of simple wooden structures. Subject to planning approval, the initial work on these projects would be undertaken during the summer of 2013, but Members were reminded that some of the elements would involve student input as part of their studies during the 2013/14 Academic year.
College Travel Plan
JS informed Corporation members that as part of the planning approval for the Sports Hall, the College was required to prepare an updated Travel Plan. A baseline transport assessment has been completed and discussions were currently taking place with RBWM regarding their requirements for the Plan. Members sought confirmation on the completion date for the College Travel Plan. VPF&CS informed the meeting that a full survey of staff and students would be required; this would be undertaken during autumn 2013. The Chair expressed surprise that the College would be required to pay the RBWM for their input to this process; he stated that in Oxfordshire the local authority wrote travel plans for educational institutions with no charge. The Chair sought, and was given, confirmation that this was not a service that the RBWM provided for free. JS informed the meeting that the RBWM would charge the College £5,000 for their input plus £1500 to review the Travel Plan; there was definitely no free provision of this service to educational establishments within RBWM. The completed BCA Travel Plan would be presented to the Corporation for adoption in the autumn term.
50/13 College Budget 2013/14 and 5 Year Financial Forecast
· Budget Re-Forecast 2012/13
The VPF&CS informed the meeting that the forecast 2012/13 was as presented in the May 2013 management accounts. The forecast surplus, (pre-FRS17 adjustment), was £54,000 against a budgeted deficit of £46,000, (a positive variance of £100,000).
· College Budget 2013/14
The VPF&CS presented a budget and supporting commentary for 2013/14 which clearly outlined the rigour of the budget process and the underlying assumptions. The VPF&CS was asked about the assumptions made for future years and he confirmed that the detail of these was in the commentary to the budget which considered the 5 year financial plan for BCA. Members noted that the budget and plan had been produced to reflect the predicted growth in student numbers resulting from the September 2013 enrolment cycle, (this was confirmed as steady state growth of 7% in 2013/14). The budget was based on a very robust curriculum plan for 2013/14 which had been developed with full involvement of all the HoDs. The continued growth was confirmed as a combination of second year roll-over of new curriculum areas – eg. A levels and Art & Design – plus increased interest in core activities such as Equine and Motor Vehicle.
The budget allowed for a deficit in 2013/14 to reflect lagged learner funding with the College returning to a surplus in 2014/15. Members noted that the budget 2013/14 showed projected income of £12.396m and an operating deficit of £201,000 at year-end. Members were assured that this budget had been constructed using the very comprehensive Curriculum Plan and using the agreed Strategic Plan as the underlying strategy for the college during the next year. Members discussed the detailed narrative and underlying assumptions and considered each element of income and expenditure; a full explanation was given for any substantial variation on current year forecasts.
Overall pay costs would increase by £447,000 to £7,509,000 to accommodate the 7% increase in student numbers. Members noted pay costs as a percentage of turnover as 60% (same as in 2012/13). The meeting discussed that there was no allowance for a pay review in the 2013/14 budget and members were assured that this was currently a common occurrence within the FE sector with many colleges not paying any cost-of-living increase for the last 2 or 3 years; BCA staff did receive an increase in August 2012. In addition there would continue to be incremental increases and some realignment where salary anomalies existed; this was included in the budget. Governors were reminded that there was an allowance for an annual pay award to all staff in the future plan years.
VPF&CS reminded the meeting that non-pay costs of the large BCA estate were harder to flex. Members were reminded that the arable farming contract, (previously covering 400 acres), had been cut back in order to enable the land to be used for an increased sheep flock and student centred activities. The meeting was informed that the recovery of VAT on the Sports Hall build to reflect non-business use had now been included in the budget (a £500k saving).
Members considered the cash-flow prediction in detail and noted that cash-flow would be tight in March 2014.
Members noted that all bank covenants would be satisfied during 2013/14.
· Five Year Plan 2012/13-2017/18
The meeting considered detailed figures for the five-year period 2012/13-2017/18. The projected total income figure would rise to £14.241m by the end of the five year period. Governors commended this forecast and the fact that the College was moving towards its stated aim to grow to exceed £15m turnover. Governors sought and were given confirmation that this was a realistic five-year plan based on the growth secured in 2012/13.