Introduction & Mission Statement………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………..….……Pg. 2
Student Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………….…………..…………………………………………………………………………....Pg. 2
General School Information……………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..…………….………………………..Pgs. 3- 4
Attendance Policy & Procedures…………….………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………….…………...... Pgs. 4 -6
College Day Information……………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………..….………...Pg. 6
School Social Work Services…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………Pg. 6
Academic & Grading Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……...... ……Pgs. 7 - 10
Clubs & Organizations…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….…………………....Pg. 10 - 12
Rules for Holding Office & Selection of Officers…………………………………………………………………….………..……………………………………..……Pg. 12
Disciplinary Guidelines……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….………..Pgs. 13 - 18
School Bus Rider Instructions……..………………………………………………………………………………….………….………………………………………………..Pg. 19
Athletics, Extracurricular & Co-Curricular Activities……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….Pg. 19
National Honor Society…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………...Pgs. 20 - 21
Internet Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... Pgs. 21 - 23
Student Record Rules & Regulations……………………………………………………………………………...... Pgs. 24 - 26
General District Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….Pgs. 27 - 29
Index………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..………………………..Pgs. 30 - 31
Athletic Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..………..…………………...Pg. 32
The administration and faculty would like to welcome you to another year at Henry-Senachwine High School. We hope that you take advantage of the academic and co-curricular opportunities that are provided. This school will be whatever you make it. We hope that you will always be conscious of its traditions and requirements and have the spirit to make this an outstanding year.
This handbook has been prepared to assist you and your parents in understanding our high school. All policies and rules have been reviewed by a committee consisting of students, parents, teachers, and administrators. They have been approved by the Board of Education. The student and athletic handbook is only a summary of the board policies governing the district; board policies are available to the public at the district office. The student and athletic handbook may be amended during the year without notice.
This handbook expresses the philosophy of Henry-Senachwine High School concerning the student's responsibility to the school, fellow students, and the community. One of the major responsibilities is to attend school every day. By doing this, we feel their educational goals can be attained more readily, but proper physical and mental awareness are necessary to accomplish this goal. Disturbances, truancy and tardiness create an atmosphere not conducive to the educational process. Since all organizations in our society must have rules and regulations, we feel they should be part of our educational objectives.
This is a Parent-Student/Athletic Handbook and should contain those things most helpful to both parents and students. Changes and additions to this booklet may be implemented by expressing your ideas through your Student Council or presenting suggestions to the Principal or Superintendent.
It is the express desire of the Henry-Senachwine CUSD #5 Board of Education, administration and instructional staff that all students at Henry-Senachwine enjoy academic success as well as grow socially through positive experiences in school activities. It is hoped that each student will work toward acquiring the necessary skills for promotion. This goal is not magically attained but requires a concentrated effort by three important parties: the student, the parent, and the instructor. Daily attendance, completion of assignments, preparation for tests, cooperation with instructors, and a willingness to understand and work within the guidelines as stated in the Student Handbook are all major ingredients for a successful learning experience.
Our high school is fully accredited by the Illinois Office of Education. The School Board is committed to providing educational programs and services designed to meet each student's individual needs and abilities. The District's educational environment will not discriminate against any individual for reasons of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, economic status or handicap. Any problems or concerns in this area should be directed to: Principal, HSHS, 1023 College Avenue, Henry IL 61537, phone: 309-364-2829. (See page 28, Equal Educational Opportunities, for board policy and grievance procedures.)
There are certain special responsibilities required of a citizen who is a student in school:
1.To become informed of and adhere to rules and regulations established by the local Board of Education and implemented by school administrators and teachers.
2.To respect the rights and individuality of other students, school administrators, and teachers.
3.To refrain from libel, slanderous remarks and obscenity in verbal and written expression.
4.Todress and groom in a manner that meets standards of health, cleanliness, and safety.
5.To be punctual and present in the regular or assigned school program.
6.To refrain from disobedience, misconduct, or behavior that materially and substantially disrupts the educational process.
7.To maintain the best possible level of academic achievement.
8.To respect the exercise of authority by school administrators and teachers in maintaining discipline in the school and at school sponsored activities.
In order to make it easier for parents and students to deal with school issues, we at Henry-Senachwine High School offer the following procedure:
Scholastic Questions: (Homework, tests, personality conflicts, etc.)
Parent: If the parent or guardian wishes to see a teacher concerning a school problem during school hours:
- Call the school office (364-2829) and ask for the Principal. The Principal will then make the preparations for a conference with the teacher or teachers involved. The appointment will be set so that it is satisfactory to both parties, and the parent will be called to confirm the appointment.
- When visiting school, please check in at the office to let the school secretary know you are here for a conference.
- After such a conference, it may benefit all concerned if you would discuss the situation with the Guidance Counselor.
Student: Any time a student is having difficulty with a particular class, be sure to ask the teacher involved for a private conference during independent time. After a conference with your teacher, be sure to discuss the situation with the Guidance Counselor.
Personal Questions:
Parent: Call the school and ask for the Guidance Counselor and/or Social Worker. After discussion, if the parties agree it is necessary, the problem will be brought to the attention of the Administration.
Student: Feel free to discuss personal problems with the Guidance Counselor and/or Social Worker; conferences are kept confidential.
Bus Transportation and School Business: (Changing bus routes, riding different bus home, a problem with another student, etc.):
Parent: Call the school and ask for the Principal.
Student: Report to the office and ask to see the Principal.
Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices: The possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices (e.g. video gaming machines, digital music players, cameras, etc.), are subject to the following rules:
- They must be kept out of sight and in an inconspicuous location, such as a backpack, purse or locker.
- They must be turned off during the regular school day (7:07am/8:35 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.) unless the supervising teacher grants permission for them to be used.
- They may not be used in any manner that will cause disruption to the educational environment or will otherwise violate student conduct rules.
- Earbuds/headphones may not be worn in hallways and foyer during the regular school day.
Henry-Senachwine School District #5 is not responsible for the loss or theft of any electronic device brought to school.
Early Dismissal and School Closings: Parents are asked NOT to call the school and/or school personnel to inquire about school closings. Decisions regarding early dismissal or school closing due to severe weather will be broadcast as soon as they are made. When it becomes necessary to close school because of severe weather conditions, the following radio/TV stations will be notified: (1) RADIO STATIONS WRVY 100.5 FM; (2) WZOE 98 FM, (3) WMBD 1470 AM, (4) WIRL 1290 AM, (5) WLPO 1220 AM, (6) PEORIA MIX 93.3, (7) PEORIA WXCL 104.9, AND (8) TV CHANNELS 19 (WHOI), 25 (WEEK) OR 31 (WMBD). The District SchoolReachsystem will also be activated.
Law Enforcement: The school will require parental permission before allowing Law Enforcement Officers to speak with a student under the age of 18.
Loitering: Students may visit in a conversational tone before classes begin, and when passing in the halls between classes. Students are to refrain from shouting, whistling, and making excessive noise in the hallway or in any other part of the building. Groups which block traffic in the halls are not allowed. Students are asked to keep moving when in the hallways between classes. School bus stop locations are reserved for students who are riding the bus. Loitering at school bus stop locations is not permitted.
Lunch Period: All students are to remain at school during the lunch period unless special permission has been granted by the administration. Students leaving the grounds without permission are subject to receiving detentions, suspensions, or being expelled from school.
Medication: When it becomes necessary for a student to take medication which must be administered during school hours, the school must have a Medicine Authorization Form filled out by the parent and doctor (if prescription) specifying that the medication needs to be taken at school. Medicine AuthorizationForms are available in the high school office and are only valid for the current school year. Medication, prescription or non-prescription (including aspirin or vitamins), brought to school should be in clearly labeled original containers with the student's name attached and taken immediately to the school office for notification. Aspirin and Tylenol will not be provided by the school.
Physical Education Exemption Policy (as outlined in the IL School Code [105 ILCS 5/27-6]for 11th and 12th grade students:
- Students will be required to resume Physical Education once the element of interscholastic competition concludes.
- Once eligible to resume Physical Education participation, students are required to meet applicable participation and course requirements in order to receive a PASS grade and/or access upcoming exemptions [this will apply to multi-sport athletes who may need to resume participation for a limited number of days].
- Per 9-week grading periods, students who are exempt will received a PASS as a physical education grade.
- Relating to final exams, students will not be responsible for material covered during their exemption period.
Physical Education Uniform: All students are required to wear a P.E. uniform during class. May purchase uniform in the office.
Physical Exams and Vision Screening: All incoming freshmen and out-of-state students must, by law, have a physical exam. The Board of Education of Henry-Senachwine requires that each entering freshman and out-of-state student also have a dental exam. Students, faculty, and staff may use a doctor of their own choice. Student inoculation records must be up-to-date and must include the month and year of each inoculation.
Vision screening will be done, as mandated, for the following children (K, 2, 8, 10, Special Education, plus teacher referrals and transfer students) in the month of October. Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to undergo this vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a vision examination form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months and that evaluation is on file at the school. This notice is not a permission to test and is not require to be returned. Vision screening is not an option. If a vision examination report is not on file at the school, your child in the mandated age/grade/group will be screened.
Student Lockers: Lockers are made available to students for their convenience; however, the lockers remain the possession and under the control of the school district which reserves the right to enter into any locker at any time and remove the contents of the locker. Any student wishing to have a lock on his or her locker needs to request a lock from the office. A $5.00 deposit will be collected when the lock is issued and will be refunded when the lock is turned back in.
Student Vehicles: Students are allowed to drive cars and other vehicles to school. Student vehicles shall be parked in the north parking lot in designated spaces only. Cars parked on campus property are subject to inspection and search under the appropriate circumstances. Unlawful use of drugs and alcohol are inimical to the health and well being of every student in the district as well as contrary to the best educational interests of the student body. The school district reserves the right to randomly search the school grounds and lockers with specially trained dogs for the purpose of detecting the presence of unlawful drugs on campus.
After a student vehicle enters the school drive and parking lot, it must be parked. After the vehicle is parked, all riders must immediately leave the vehicle. The students will not be allowed to return to their vehicles until the end of the school day. Once re-entering, they must leave immediately. Unsafe operation of your vehicle will result in your parking privilege being revoked.
Attendance Policy and Procedures
It is the policy of the Board of Education that eight semesters of attendance or equivalent in time in attendance at other schools shall be a normal minimum requirement for graduation from Henry-Senachwine High School. Summer school will not count as one of the eight required semesters. Decisions regarding unusual circumstances will be left up to the discretion of the Board of Education.
Regular attendance of all students is required at Henry-Senachwine High School and is the responsibility of the student and parents or guardian. Seven days of absence is the maximum number of days allowed per semester. All absences after the seventh day will be considered unexcused, unless a third party medical excuse is provided and accepted. Special consideration will be given for students with extended illnesses when they are under a doctor's care.
Parents or guardians are to call the school -- Phone: (309)364-2829 -- for their son/daughter between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. the day the student is absent. It will be assumed by the school that the student is truant unless a parent calls the school before 2:00 p.m. on the day of the student's absence. If we do not receive a call, the student will receive an unexcused absence. The parent must call the school each day the student is absent unless the student will definitely be absent for an extended period.
Should it be necessary for a student to be released from school before the end of the school day, the parent or guardian must call prior to the student's release time. If a student leaves the building prior to checking out in the office, the absence will be considered unexcused. The student is required to report to the office for an early release pass, prior to leaving the building.
Juniors/seniors may be permitted to take two college days. This will be an excused absence, provided the student fulfills all of the requirements which are specified in College Days.
Students who are going to be absent from class for school activities, workshops, conferences, festivals, field trips, contests, senior college day, etc. must complete their work in accordance with excused absence make-up work policy.
Tardiness: Students who report to school after 7:07am/8:35 a.m. must report to the office and will be issued a pass to class.
Tardies are accumulated per semester. Students who are late without a valid excuse will be subject to the following consequences:
- After 3rd tardy - 1 detention
- After 6th tardy - 1 detention
- After 9th tardy - 1 detention
Please note that students who are excessively tardy may be subject to additional disciplinary policy, such as internal isolation, Saturday detention, and out of school suspension.
Determining Excused or Unexcused Absences: The Principal will decide whether a student is to receive an excused or unexcused absence, regardless of the parent's approval for their child's absence.
Excused Absences are given for:
- Student's illness, serious enough to keep him or her at home.
- Illness in the family of such a nature that the student's help is needed at home.
- Death in the immediate family. For students missing school to attend the funeral of a member of the immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, or spouse), those days will not count as days missed toward final exam exemption.
- Unusual circumstances that must be APPROVED IN ADVANCE by the Principal.
Students who are absent from school more than one-half of the day will not be allowed to attend after-school functions that day.
Non-School Related Function: Students will be allowed to miss school for a non-school related function (such as going to work with a parent) with an excused absence provided the following criteria are met:
- The student has 7 or fewer days of excused absences (not counting a medically excused absence).
- Parents inform the school in advance that the student will be absent and stating the specific reason for the absence.
- Students must make arrangements with teachers for any work that may be missed prior to the day of absence.
Make-up Work for Excused Absences: Students who have excused absences are expected to make up their work and will receive full credit for such work. It shall be the responsibility of the student to approach the teacher first concerning make-up work. Students who have been absent from school with an excused absence will be given one day to make up work for each day they were absent. At their discretion, teachers may extend this make-up time for pertinent assignments.
Permission to Leave School: Permission to leave school is granted only in the office. Leaving school without permission is considered an unexcused absence.