Resources you should have:

Supertraining – Mel Siff/ Verkoshansky (encyclopedia style, great reference)

Poliquin Certification Course – Level 1 (general knowledge)

Periodization – Tudor Bompa

Dinosaur Training – Brooks Kubik (motivational)

Building Muscular Strength – Dutillo (excellent on the basics)

ISSN Journal – Nutrition (current nutrition research)

Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (NSCA)

German Body Composition – Poliquin (Weight management w/out aerobics)

Essentials of Strength & Conditioning – Kraemer, et al (reference)

Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements – Antonio (reference)

Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance – McGill


1)Read at least 1 industry specific article per week.

2)Read at least 1 business-specific article per week in your field.

3)Read 2-3 industry related blogs per week.

4)Attend at least 1 industry specific seminar per year – NOT put on by your organization. Example: A4M

5)Read 1 or more personal development books per month.

  1. EMyth - Gerber
  2. Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich
  3. The Power of Less – Babauta
  4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Kiyosaki
  5. The Power of Full Engagement - Loehr

10 Random Thoughts:

1) Don’t take 1 person’s word for anything. Carve your own way…with guidance. Find a mentor, join a Mastermind Group – better yet, for one!

  1. My story

2)Never stop learning…like, ever. Invest in yourself!

3)You MUST give before you get. You can to “good” and still do ”well” Examples…

4)The meek shall NOT inherit the earth. Thinking positive thoughts will not make you wealthy. You must work, VERY hard to make it. (Tendency to expect high paying jobs with minimal work and lots of perks.)

5)You get paid for “DONE”. Success is not an accident. Many of you will be running facilities, many will be hoping for a job in one. It is NOT an accident as to which one you are.

6)Address your weaknesses, when young; outsource them when you are older.

  1. Numbers
  2. Organization
  3. Speaking to groups
  4. Attention to detail
  5. Creative skills

7)Differentiate yourself somehow. Be extremely good you’re your specific niche. You will be sought out.

8) There are many sins, but unless you believe in reincarnation, we are only here once. I believe to not use everything you were given is a sin against nature. There is no greater burden than a great potential.

9)Never ever stop. Be relentless and consistent.

  1. Be the best you can be no matter how menial you believe it to be.

10)Set short term and long term goals. Review them often with outside opinions. 6 month, 1 year, 5 years, beyond.

“A fool with a plan will defeat a genius without one”

  1. Examples: the program writes itself.
  2. Steps: Set the target
  3. Work backwards to determine what it will take to get there
  4. Make time to address the obstacles
  5. If you are on the wrong path, change it. New associates, new job, new training direction, new friends? You are defined by the 5 people you spend the majority of time with.