‘Access and Inclusion is Good for Business’ Video - Transcript
Animated Video: 2 minutes 6 seconds.
Map of Australia. Silhouettes of people overlaid on map – man with white cane, woman with guide dog, man using crutches, man with hearing aid. Then assistive devices disappear, just leaving the silhouettes of the people.
Disability is common in Australia, but often invisible.
Map of Australia with large group of people overlaid. Approximately 10 percent of the group is then highlighted. Scene changes to nine people in a row, wearing suits and industry specific clothing - nurse’s uniform, chef’s outfit, professional driver’s uniform, other uniforms. This group becomes smaller and moves to the top of the screen, and a man in a business suit using a mobile phone and woman sitting at an office desk with a computer, appear.
Nearly 10 per cent of the workforce has some form of disability, with 32 per cent of employees with disability working as professionals or managers.
Five outlines of human heads. One of the heads has red cogs turning inside it, which start shaking and not turning properly.
As many as one in five Australians experience mental illness in any year, and 45 percent experience mental illness in their lifetime.
Middle aged man sits at an office desk. Time passes on a clock. The man’s office chair turns into a wheelchair.
The rate of disability increases with age. Nearly 40 per cent of the Australian workforce is aged 45 or over, which means that your most experienced and skilled employees may be impacted at some point.
Two doors, one is locked with a padlock. The unlocked door opens, and three people walk through in turn – the first is a man in a doctor’s coat using a single crutch, with the text ‘Doctor, 11 years’ appearing above. The second is a middle aged man wearing a hard hat with the text ‘Electrical Engineer, 8 years’ appearing above. The third is a younger woman wearing a skirt and shirt and with a hearing aid visible, with the text ‘System Analyst, 5 years’ appearing above.
So it makes sense for employers to be accessible and inclusive to people with disability to ensure that they can hire the best person for the job and retain their skilled and experienced employees who may acquire disability.
Padlocked door. Man sitting in wheelchair, with wheelchair highlighted in red. Business woman in suit with guide dog on a harness highlighted in red. Man’s head, with hearing aid highlighted in red. Image of resume is then overlaid on other images.
Who knows what great ideas could be lost because people see this [wheelchair highlighted], this [guide dog highlighted], or this [hearing aid highlighted], before this [image of CV].
Woman in casual clothes using a walking stick waving into a mirror at a woman in business attire also using a walking stick. The woman in business attire then sits down at office desk.
A business that reflects the diversity of the community it serves, gains the loyalty and trust of both its customers and employees, as well as enhancing its reputation.
Silhouette of a group of business people, some using assistive devices including a white cane, wheelchair.
And by making the recruitment process accessible and inclusive of people with disability, organisations have access to a wider talent pool of people with the right skills, qualifications, and experience.
A set of stairs smooths out to become a ramp, and a line of people walk up it, including a person using a wheelchair.
What's more, when you build your business to be inclusive, you're making it safer, minimising injuries, avoiding breaching discrimination law, and improving access for everyone.
White square with the text ‘New talent’ and a tick, then ‘New ideas’ and a tick, then ‘New opportunities’, and a tick. Text: Access and inclusion is good for business. Web address
Disability confident businesses benefit from new talent, new ideas, new opportunities.
Access and inclusion is good for business.
For more information, visit