S103 Course Syllabus


STENO 103 and S2.5



Steno 103 and Steno 2.5

Jury Charge and QA



Instructor: John DeCaro, BA, MA, CRI

Voice Mail: (215) 728-4420

Term: Winter 2011


1) Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 17.

2) Presidents’ Day – Monday, February 21.


PREREQUISITE: S102/S102-B, S2.5 or equivalent.

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course develops machine shorthand skill to 120 words per minute. Students must demonstrate competency by passing one 5-minute test of dictation in jury charge and two-voice testimony material at 120 wpm, and one 5-minute test of dictation at 100 wpm in literary material with at least 95% accuracy in computerized transcription. We will focus on 120 Testimony and 120 jury charge.

* Steno 2.5 students need to meet requirements for 2.5 before attempting Steno 3 speeds. Consult your S2.5 syllabus for requirements.

[S103-A/S103-B catalog descriptions can be found in the Evening Course Outlines and the school catalog.]

TIME ALLOTMENT: 150 Clock Hours

CREDIT AWARDED: 5 Credit Hours


Students will be able to:

1. Write a conflict-free shorthand system.

2. Read aloud from shorthand notes, quickly locating portions to be read, maintaining composure while reading, reading distinctly and with authority to the satisfaction of the instructor.

3. Transcribe at least one five-minute test of dictation in jury charge and two-voice testimony material at 120 wpm and one five-minute test of dictation at 100 wpm in literary material with at least 95 percent accuracy.

4. Practice transcription using guidelines set forth in E101 and E102, reinforcing the techniques through test correction and review.


Teaching methods include drill, readback, format discussion, dictionary building, and varied dictation for speed and endurance included in the required text, as well as supplemental materials. Realtime Coach has been added as integral part of the practice regimen.

The amount of new dictation presented in class is considerable. John DeCaro’s podcast will be available at courtreportingredlion.net for both home and lab use. If you do not have a computer and Internet connection at home, you are expected to record these selections for out-of-class practice. In addition, students are encouraged to borrow tapes from the OTI tape library.

The first half of the term includes much drill work in high frequency words, phrases, and vocabulary. Students are encouraged and expected to use S103 time to learn these. Waiting until speedbuilding levels to learn briefs and phrases SEVERELY inhibits automatic writing necessary for building speed. Learn other briefs and phrases as they occur and are needed when you are a working court reporter.

Students are expected to learn from each transcription and test correction session. Therefore, all students will transcribe all tests, even if the student feels it is a "no pass" test, to gain experience in reading all qualities of notes and in transcribing using proper formats and grammar/punctuation rules.

Transcript correction should be an opportunity to learn from testing successes and mistakes.

Students must attend lab and turn in assignments. This is not an optional lab but part of the course work and the course grade.

GRADING CRITERIA: S103 grades are calculated according to the school's "Transcription and Theory" Grading Standards as outlined in the school catalog. A transcription grade of 95 percent or better is required to pass each test at the S103 level.


To satisfactorily complete S103, students must pass three verbatim tests with at least 95 percent


§  one jury charge test at 120 wpm;

§  one literary test at 100 wpm (not in this class);

§  one two-voice testimony test at 120 wpm.

* Steno 2.5 students need to meet requirements for 2.5 before attempting Steno 3 speeds.

In this class, take your time and pass tests with progressively better grades at 100 and 120 wpm. Our goal is always depth of performance. In other words, pass more than one test.


1)  Tests and quizzes = 99%

·  Five-minute tests will be graded according to NCRA guidelines.

·  One-minute tests will be graded according to NCRA guidelines with attention to detail and degree of student progress taken into consideration.

2)  Class work = .5%

·  Attendance and punctuality will be part of class work grade.

·  For a high grade, individual student folder of accumulated work should show careful, complete, and thoughtful in-class note analysis. An additional critique of you writing will be reflected in Realtime Coach reports.

·  You must be able to read back your notes aloud when called upon.

3)  Homework = .5

·  Realtime Coach keeps track of practice time. You are expected to log 10 hours on Realtime Coach per week. Once there, you can work on assignments listed in the outline, apply correctional techniques as prescribed by the Realtime Coach report, or, if neither of the above is needed, move on to another RTC topic.

·  Paper notes reflecting practice of individual recordings or podcast should be handed in weekly.


Attendance must be regular. You must attend class a minimum of 80% of the scheduled class time to pass the class. You must be on time. Three lateness occurrences equal one absence. Three early departures equal one absence. Transcription is considered part of class time. Excused absences require supporting documentation.


Computer Resources:

Realtime Coach



Freer, Carolee. Computer Shorthand: Skill Building and Realtime Transcription.

StenEd, Professional Dictionary.


American English dictionary for transcription.

StenEd, Reverse Dictionary.

StenEd, Real-Time Dictionary of Briefs and Phrases.

Nixon and Reiss, Courtroom Testimony for Skill Development.

Machen, "Comments to the Court and Instructions to the Jury."

Stenograph, Courtroom Testimony.

Gaudet, "Tangle Tamers," with audio tapes.

Patterson, Speed Development Book IV.

Appropriate Vital Speeches Material

ACRT prepared dictation

Actual jury and testimony transcripts.

Students may not pass on to Steno 104 in mid-semester after completing all testing during their first semester in Steno 103. Students are required to improve on steno quality and to work on real-time skills once tests are passed. Exceptions may be made only after a satisfactory progress meeting with the Director of Student Services and the Instructor.


A major tool for evaluation is the quality of student readback. While the instructor uses this tool during the class to determine the subject matter and the speeds to be dictated, it is also an important diagnostic tool for the instructor and student together and the student practicing out of class to identify individual problems. The instructor expects each student to work hard on correcting any errors, especially recurring errors.


Students are expected to come to class with a professional attitude. Follow classroom etiquette guidelines and the conduct code outlined in the OTI, Center City catalog.

Food and drinks (including gum and candy) are not, under any circumstances, allowed in the classrooms. Keep everything in your locker, please.

Dress appropriately for cold summer and hot winter classroom temperatures.

Cheating is cause for immediate dismissal.


Students will:

1. Learn and practice high frequency words and phrases and specialized vocabulary specific to jury charge, testimony.

2. Write and read back real-time conflict-free outlines, attempting to maintain 95 percent accuracy or better in writing.

4. Demonstrate competency in Jury Charge by passing one five-minute test at 100 and/or 120 wpm respectively, with at least 95 percent accuracy in typewritten transcription.

5. Demonstrate competency in Two-Voice Testimony by passing one five-minute test at 100 and/or 120 wpm respectively, with at least 95 percent accuracy in typewritten transcription.

6. Transcribe ALL tests, regardless of pass potential, using CASE/OTI transcription guidelines.

7. Finalize writing all high frequency words and phrases (brief forms optional) during S103 skillbuilding so that speedbuilding can effectively begin in S104.

8. Conscientiously follow class practice methodology as outlined in revised formula for practice that now includes Realtime Coach.

9. Complete all weekly text assignments following the course outline.


Testing schedule will follow school steno testing schedule.

Each week you will transcribe class work during your test transcription time to learn the transcription guidelines.

At the teacher's discretion, additional homework assignments may be given and added to this grade during the term.


(See TRANSCRIPTION GUIDELINES packet for updated information.)


Revised 1/2/2011 Page 1 of 10


S103 Outline


S103 students are expected to practice a minimum of 14 hours per week. Ten hours on Realtime Coach is highly recommended. Two hours a day of steady practice, at the minimum, will enable students to progress and meet S103 requirements by the end of the term. Extra practice as needed will enhance students' success.

For a practice schedule, students should make an appointment at any stage of the trimester with their instructor and/or with the OTI-CC tutors.

In addition to machine practice and readback, S103 students must complete the assignments listed below. These assignments are intended (1) to train students in proper transcription and test grading techniques, (2) to reinforce students' real-time theory, (3) to prepare steno for new vocabulary before the in-class dictation, and (4) to review basic punctuation to reinforce what students know or to help learn what did not "stick" in E101 and E102.

Students are required to fill in the lines next to the words in each section of each chapter as assigned. The instructor will check the assignments at the start of class. If students have fingering difficulties or questions about their research, please speak up at this time.

Proper names outlines may be "created" by the student but should not conflict with existing real-time outlines. For example: Harrison = HAIR/SON will translate as "hair son" = HAIRS/SO*N can be created and practiced prior to class (in the "real" world put in a job dictionary and practiced before the deposition)

Not all of the "Phrase Review" sections contain one-stroke outlines in the StenEd theory. If StenEd does not have a one-stroke outline available, write the phrase out. For example: "is a" = S-/A; "had a" = HAD/A.

A punctuation summary is found in the back of the text. If the rule in the text conflicts with the texts from E101 or E102, use the guidelines from E101 and E102. If you have three or more corrections on a punctuation test page, see the instructor for guidance.

Steno 3/2.5 Course Outline

Week One

QA 100/120

Introduction to course syllabus and outline

Introduction to Realtime Coach and podcast

Setup of Realtime Coach

RTC – Begin Q&A: Time Slips Away or live dictation with 2nd Voice.

Jury Charge 100/120

Finger Drills: RTC, Initial F- and Initial G-

Straight jury charge dictation on Instructions to the Jury, page 1, with research and Short Strokes for the Week

RTC: Jury Charge: Assault and Battery, begin work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb


Explore Realtime Coach in lab, on campus, or at home.

Week Two

QA 100/120

Finger Drills: Sanford Heller Drills

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 16, Testimony, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week

RTC: Q&A: Time Slips Away, begin work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb

Jury Charge 100/120

Finger Drills: Sanford Heller Drills

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 16, Legal Terms, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week

RTC: Jury Charge: Assault and Battery, continue work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb


Reach goal speed for RTC assignments according to IIc. Practice Lesson 16, stroke lists, and podcast according to IIIc.

Week Three

QA 100/120

Finger Drills: RTC, Final -B- and Final –D.

Review Lesson 16 through readback.

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 17, Testimony, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week

Review Time Slips Away through reports and readback.

RTC: Q&A: Direct Examination by Mrs. Ivers, begin work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb.

Straight QA dictation from transcripts

Jury Charge 100/120

Finger Drills: RTC, Initial F- and Initial G-

Realtime Quiz

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 17, Legal Terms, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week

RTC: Legal Opinion: Automobile Insurance, continue work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb.

Straight jury charge dictation from Instructions to the Jury


Reach goal speed for RTC assignments according to IIc. Practice Lesson 17, stroke lists, and podcast according to IIIc.

Week Four

QA 100/120

Finger Drills: RTC, Initial H- and Initial J-.

Review Lesson 17 through readback.

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 18, Testimony, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week

Review Q&A: Direct Examination by Mrs. Ivers through reports and readback.

RTC: Q&A: Direct Examination by Mr. Pope, begin work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb.

Straight QA dictation from transcripts

Test at 100 and 120 QA.

Jury Charge 100/120

Finger Drills: RTC, Initial K- and Initial L-

Realtime Quiz

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 18, Legal Terms, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week

RTC: Legal Opinion: Automobile Insurance Part 2, continue work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb

Straight jury charge dictation from Instructions to the Jury

Test at 100 and 120 jury charge


Reach goal speed for RTC assignments according to IIc. Practice Lesson 18, stroke lists, and podcast according to IIIc.

Week Five

QA 100/120

Finger Drills: RTC, Initial M- and Initial N-.

Review Lesson 18 through readback.

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 19, Testimony, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week.

Review Q&A: Direct Examination by Mr. Pope through reports and readback.

RTC: Q&A: Cross-Examination by Mr. Golden, begin work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb.

Straight QA dictation from transcripts

Test at 100 and 120 QA

Jury Charge 100/120

Finger Drills: RTC, Initial P- and Q-

Realtime Quiz

Computer Shorthand, Lesson 19, Legal Terms, Dictionary Build and Short Strokes for the Week

RTC: Jury Charge: Negligence at 85 wpm, continue work toward goal speed according to Plan IIb