C-Change - Managing Adaptation to Coastal Change: Canada and the Caribbean
As a condition of theawarded ICURA grant to the C-Change project, the ICURA team in Canada and the Caribbeanis required to report on the progress of the work to date.
Based on the required reporting schedule,this report, the first team deliverable, provides the “Milestone Framework” to IDRC and SSHRC for the January 15, 2010 deadline. The Milestone Framework report is provided in the context of the timeline to date as follows:
No. / Activity to Date / Date of Activity1 / Letter of Intent submission / October 22, 2007
2 / Notice of LOI award / April 1, 2008
3 / Final Proposal submission / November 15, 2008
4 / Notice of Award (via email) / March 11, 2009
5 / Canadian Co-applicants & Collaborators meeting, Ottawa / June 4, 2009
6 / SSHRC-IDRC Start-Up and formal notice, Ottawa / June 29-30, 2009
7 / Community visits with Partners (Arichat,Charlottetown,Gibsons) / Aug-Sept, 2009
8 / OMRN Conference - ICURA joint meeting; Meeting with Canadian Partners, Ottawa / October 21-24, 2009
9 / Meeting with Canadian Co-applicants, Ottawa / December 13-15
10 / MilestoneFramework deliverable / January 15, 2010
As noted in the table above, the formal announce of the C-Change ICURA was made mid-year 2009. Thus, the project has been operating less than 6 months since the time of formal and public notification. Nevertheless, the current report provides an opportunity for the C-Change ICURA teamto develop a framework for self-assessment, and to utilize this framework for measure and assess progress and report on the results of project activities.
The purpose of the Milestone Framework is to:
update key information provided at the formal application stage;
confirm responsibilities of team members;
clarify the goals of the research program;
describe governance and management structures;
establish the milestones to track scheduled activities;and
establish indicators to report on results.
C-Change project co-directors,Watson and Lane, have been directly involved in the preparation of the report ascore members of the ICURA. Moreover, C-Change ICURA team members have been directly involved with the content and commitments of this report (see also minutes of the December 13-15 meetings for further details). The Milestone Frameworkcontains xx (xx) pages and appended documents:
- Appendix 1- C-Change ICURA Proposal
- Appendix 2-C-Change ICURA Team Members
- Appendix 3- Co-applicants’ Roles and Responsibilities
- Appendix 4- C-Change Project Management
Report submission deadline and format
This Milestone Report is provided in both electronic format and hardcopy format to the SSHRCand IDRC by the required deliverable date, January 15, 2010. The copies are delivered to the following SSHRC and IDRC contacts, as required:
Name / Organization / Email Address / Mailing AddressAmy Larin / (SSHRC) / / ICURA program
(Attn: Amy Larin, Program Officer)
Strategic Programs and
Joint Initiatives
350 Albert Street
P.O. Box 1610
Ottawa ON K1P 6G4
David O’Brien / (IDRC) / / IDRC
attn: David O'Brien, IPS
PO Box 8500,
Ottawa, ON,
K1G 3H9
Mail room: 9th Floor
The following sections follows the Milestone Framework guidelines provided for completing the report.
The following document provides the draft Milestone Framework as requested. Under the circumstances of the early days of this project, It is noted that the report does not intend to bind the C-Change project or its contributing members to specific actions. However, as requested, the Milestone Framework provides a framework for on-going project self-assessmenttoward measuring and assessing progress on projectwork.
C-Change ICURA MilestoneFramework
Section A1. Identification
SSHRC Number:
885– 2008 – 1001 (NOD)
IDRC File Number(s):
????? / Title of ICURA
Managing Adaptation to Coastal Environmental Change
(“C-Change”): Canada and the Caribbean
Report completed by:
Family Name
Watson / Given Name
Patrick / Initials
Primary telephone number
Country Area Number Extension
(613) 999-9999 x9999 / Primary E-mail
Family Name
Lane / Given Name
Daniel / Initials
Primary telephone number
Country Area Number Extension
(613) 562-5800 x4795 / Primary E-mail
Family Name / Given Name / Initials
Primary telephone number
Country Area Number Extension / Primary E-mail
Date Submitted (dd/mm/yyyy):
2. Formal Application Follow-up
2.1 Discuss any issues raised by the adjudication committee at the time of the grant decision, and how these issues have been addressed.
C-Change ICURA Milestone Framework
Section B1. Community and University Partnerships
1.1PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION – Community-university partnerships
How will you measure and assess the effectiveness of your management/governance structure?
Appropriateness of research alliance
As noted above, the communities-university alliances expressed in this project represent real linkages – many of which were already in place - between community leaders and the academic research team. At the same time, this international team is focused around the concerns of coastal communities and possesses the interdisciplinary skillset that will undoubtedly lead to value added in the proposed deliverable strategic outcomes to the communities.
Project governance and funds administration
The research program will be led by the Co-Directors through the establishment of secretariats located at the University of Ottawa and at the University of West Indies in St. Augustine. Regular information flow will be ensured through electronic communication and the development of an exclusive program website to facilitate the exchange of information and free flow of data, shared knowledge, and regular feedback. The initial year will be used to form the Canadian and Caribbean research team members and to introduce them to the selected communities and their leadership. These meetings will be used to set directions for the planned research and to prepare the extended research program.
How do you plan to monitor the participation of team members in ICURA activities, including an indication of the depth of involvement and the range of opportunities to help build their knowledge, expertise and research skills?
-See appendix for team members; active role re: meetings attended at communities; hours spent with grad students; pubs;
Provide examples as appropriate.
-Gibsons’ Open House and Charette
-Isle Madame taping for cable TV
1.2Management/governance Structure
Append to your report a description of the ICURA’s planned or actual management/governance structure and Advisory Board(s) (include mandates). Include the names, affiliations and responsibilities of members.
Team members’ contribution
The extended research team include the Canadian and Caribbean co-applicants, and research collaborators, and the community partners, as identified in Table 1 above. The Co-applicants are notably academic researchers with very strong track records for applied interdisciplinary research. The collaborators are key individuals with considerable experience in government, business, science, and the international arena with direct ties to the academy. The collaborators are key members of the team whose experience in both centres – Canada and the Caribbean - make them invaluable for delivering applied and practical research outcomes of use to the local communities. Finally, the research partners are recognized leaders in business, and community representation. In representing key components of the local communities, they, as part of the research team, bring effective and feasible leadership to the project.
Be sure to describe such elements as:
how integration of ICURA participants will be promoted (e.g., in framing the research agenda);
how partnerships between community and university researchers, and across jurisdictions, will be promoted and strengthened; and
mechanisms that will allow for partnerships to evolve and expand?
1.3Partnership Functioning
Has the ICURA established written agreements or protocols outlining partnership functioning?
x Yes (go to 1.3a)
1.3a What type(s) of written agreement(s) or protocol(s)? (Check all that apply):
Terms of Reference
Letters of Agreement
Guiding Principles
Conflict Resolution Mechanisms
Resource Allocation Principles
Contracts (Please specify type/nature of contract): ______
Other(s) (Please specify): ______
-Negotiations with Charlottetown’s City Planner’s Office re data sharing and use
-IP rules and regs
-Discussions with DIMA re data availability and use
No (go to 1.3b)
1.3b If no written agreement or protocols have been established, explain how partnerships will be managed.
-No agreement in place for use of Isle Madame data (as yet)
1.4Management Challenges and mitigation strategies
What management challenges and mitigation strategies are envisioned for dealing with such issues as ethics review, resources sharing, funds and personnel administration, publication policies, etc..?
-IP issues (Gilles Morier and Daniel Lefebvre meeting pending)
2. Research Training and Development
2.1PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION – Research Training and Development
Skills and Knowledge: What type of skills and knowledge will be developed?
-Interdisciplinary skillset;
-Matrix here w/o names
Co-applicant’ matrix (coverage)?
Governance / Advisory
Groups / Communication Model / Scenario Development / Capacity Building
Arichat / Lane / All
Gibsons / Matthews / All
Charlottetown / Nichols / All
Iqaluit / Forbes / All
How will you measure and assess the degree to which students, community partners and other researchers have acquired the identified skills and knowledge?
Collaborators’ matrix
Governance / Advisory
Groups / Communication Model / Scenario Development / Capacity Building
Arichat / All
Gibsons / All
Charlottetown / All
Iqaluit / All
Students’ matrix:
Governance / Advisory
Groups / Communication Model / Scenario Development / Capacity Building
Arichat / All
Gibsons / All
Charlottetown / All
Iqaluit / All
2.2How do you plan to measure and assess the degree to which team members participate in the alliance, and the impact of their participation within and across country locations?
-Reference to outputs
2.3Indicate the anticipated number of students, community partners and other research staff expected to participate in the ICURA. (Please note that actual figures will be required in your Mid-term and Final Research reports).
Paid / # at Canadian universities / # at (name country) universities**
** add additional columns if more than one LMIC country is involved
Host organization of team member (gov’t, community organization, advocacy organizations, etc…) / Paid or Unpaid? / Role of team member (research coordinator, project manager, technician, etc.) / #
2.4Briefly identify planned university courses, degree programs, professional training courses/workshops etc., to be developed.
Summary of proposed research
Up to this time, climate change has been the prerogative of meteorologists, climatologists, economists and political scientists. This project will help to map out all the areas where the disciplines taught and researched in a management school like Telfer can be applied to managing the problems presented by our changing climate. As the visible signs of the changing climate are becoming more and more evident, emphasis for public and private action is gradually shifting from mitigation to adaptation, i.e. learning how to live in a changing climate. Much of the way our society has to change involves management principles[1]: accounting, finance, change management, organizational behavior, corporate structure and strategy, marketing, new product development, etc. The end objective is to become a sustainable society. What is not clear is how the broad range of skills and expertise found in a school like Telfer can be applied to the multiplicity of aspects pertaining to adapting to a changing climate, and becoming sustainable.
What we are proposing here is a problem definition exercise, that would allow us to position the Telfer School of Management to apply for a growing number of research programs in the areas of sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation. The proposed tool for the problem definition exercise would involve an applied creativity workshop, using the methodology[2] developed by Prof. Min Basadur from McMaster. This tool has been used over the years in Fortune 500 companies, and in large major Canadian research laboratories such as the National Research Council of Canada, Environment Canada, the National Water Research Institute and Atomic Energy of Canada[3]. The result of this workshop will be an identification of the major contributions and gaps in the various management disciplines as pertains to managing our environment. It will also help coalesce an emerging cluster in climate change and sustainability, which for the moment is being called the Cluster for "Managing for sustainability".
Project description
a) objectives
The objectives of this project are to
- map out areas where management research and management skills can contribute to adaptation and mitigation of climate change;
- identify those specific areas of research that could be carried out by Telfer and other management schools;
- identify specific individuals within Telfer, other University of Ottawa departments, and other schools willing to collaborate on research proposals to explore how management and related disciplines can help address the challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation; and
- identify related topics for managing for sustainability that are recommended to be included in a revised curriculum at the undergraduate and graduate (MBA, MSc) programmes for teaching and research.
Describe the role of each partner in these events.
3. Research and Knowledge Production
3.1PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION –Research and Knowledge Production
How do you plan to measure and assess:
the execution of your planned research program?
-As per our proposal and production of outcomes
individual projects and their expected results?
-Reference to matrix above
the use and quality of the research conducted (from an academic and community perspective)
-peer review, publications
3.2 PROGRAM OF RESEARCH:Append to your report an outline of the ICURA’s main research components,using the table below.
Project component & location / Project title / Project Lead(s), Affiliation / Specific project-level research objectives / Expected results / Time Frame
(start – finish) / Projected expenditure ($)
4. Knowledge Mobilization
How do you plan to engage partners in creating knowledge mobilization strategies including the development of new tools; i.e., publications?
4.2How do you plan to measure and assess the:
implementation of yourknowledge dissemination / communication plan?
influence of audiences’ input on knowledge dissemination activities and its impact?
impact of knowledge dissemination activities on users; i.e., intended audiences, internationally and in Canada?
4.3Has the ICURA developed a formal knowledge mobilization plan?
Yes (please append document to your report) and indicate who was involved in formulating it.
No (go to 4.2a)
4.2 a) If not, describe plans for the development of a formal knowledge mobilization plan, including who will be involved and anticipated completion date.
4.4 Describe the mechanisms for external audiences to influence ICURA knowledge dissemination plans.
-TV interview
-Radio, web
-Charrette participation, open house (Gibsons)
5. Additional Information and Funding
5.1 Provide any additional information on your ICURAs performance measurement and evaluation plan, not yet discussed in this framework. For example, you may use this space to discuss plans for a formal evaluation of your ICURA. Append any relevant documents that further describe your performance measurement and evaluation plans.
5.2. Do you have intentions to mobilize resources in addition to those listed in your application? Please describe.
Please note that SSHRC or IDRC may request copies of documents referenced for your file.
[1]See Doppelt, Suzuki, Stern, Victor & Sachs references below