Substance Misuse Treatment Contract

You have self referred or been referred by management to Health and Well-being for substance misuse. You are about to commence a treatment programme as identified within the Substance Misuse Policy. You will be required to sign to agree the below stated conditions. Any failure to comply with those conditions will be regarded as a refusal to complete the programme and may render you liable to disciplinary proceedings.

I agree to undertake and attend sessions as agreed by Health and Well-being or their representatives as part of a Treatment Programme.
I agree to take a baseline assessment test at the start of my Treatment Programme.
Sussex Police will not be responsible for funding any substance misuse treatment programme that you undertake. This may be achieved through or by your GP at no cost to you.
I give consent for any organisation involved in the treatment programme to share management information with Health and Wellbeing, Substance Misuse Testing Coordinator and Lead People Services Consultant for the Division or Department. I understand that clinical information will remain confidential within Health and Well-being.
I understand that the organisation will normally set a maximum limit of one year for me to complete my treatment programme and that Health and Well-being will undertake a review after one year, to assess if further support is reasonable if treatment has not been completed. Health and Well-being will update the Divisional or Departmental Lead People Services Consultant, who will arrange a meeting of the Misuse Risk Assessment Group to decide what further action is necessary.
I understand that on completion of the programme I will be liable to additional testing for a period not exceeding three years.

There are some circumstances in which the interests of the proper administration of justice may over-ride an absolute confidentiality. In particular the Disclosure Manual, agreed between NPCC and the Crown Prosecution Service, place on the individual officer a personal responsibility to declare any matter that may affect their credibility as a witness in a court case. In some circumstances substance misuse on the part of an individual acting as a witness may have to be revealed to the Crown Prosecution Service, as the damage to the credibility of the individual as a witness may be a factor to be considered in a decision whether to proceed with a prosecution.

I understand that any failure to comply with the conditions prescribed may lead to disciplinary proceedings.

I have read and understood the information above and agree/decline (delete as appropriate) to accept the treatment contract.

Officer’s Signature
Staff’s Signature
Warrant Number / Date
Print Name