January 23, 2008


The North Carolina Graduation Project is a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary performance assessment completed over time. The NC Graduation Project provides students the opportunity to connect content knowledge, acquired skills, and work habits to real world situations and issues. Through the graduation project process, students will engage various specific skills that include: computer knowledge, employability skills, information-retrieval skills, and language skills such as reading, writing, teamwork, and thinking/problem-solving skills. The NC Graduation Project consisting of four components (a research paper, product, portfolio, and an oral presentation) culminates in a student’s final year of high school. Student engagement in the graduation project demonstrates the integration of knowledge, skills, and performance.

-NCDPI’s Graduation Project Overview

Weldon City Schools Graduation Project

The Graduation Project is designed to provide guidance and assist students in successfully accomplishing the goals required for graduation. The Graduation Project is a culmination of activities and experiences presented throughout grades K-12. With careful planning, active participation, and adherence to timelines, this process can be an enjoyable learning experience resulting in SUCCESS for all Weldon City Schools’ students.

The goals of the Graduation Project include:

  • To demonstrate and document learning experiences
  • To improve and demonstrate the process of thinking, organizing, researching, writing, and oral presentation
  • To promote and practice life skills such as independent problem solving, time management, networking, decision-making, and interpersonal communications
  • To encourage resourcefulness and independence in learning
  • To share the time and talents of Weldon City School’s students with others in the community
  • To reflect on how and what goals were learned and accomplished during the Weldon City Schools experience

The completion of the Graduation Project requirements will result in a portfolio encompassing the academic and social skills acquired through grades K-12. In order to graduate, every senior must satisfactorily complete all four phases of the Graduation Project: Research (paper), Public/community service, the Portfolio, and the Presentation. Successful completion of all parts of the Graduation Project is an expectation of Weldon City Schools’ graduates. All components must be passed in order to receive a high school diploma.


It is the expectation of Weldon City Schools that all students are adequately prepared to become productive citizens in the world outside of school. In addition, it is the aim of the Graduation Project to build upon the necessary skills for success. Every school level shares the responsibility to address appropriate areas, whether academic or social, which contributes to the successful completion of the Graduation Project.

Weldon Elementary School

The Weldon Elementary School strives to provide a strong foundation for the students of Weldon City Schools. These foundations can be found in the academic performance as well as the social interactions of the students. The contributions of Weldon Elementary School include:

  • Providing PEPs for all students achieving a Level I or II on state tests
  • Grade 3 students will be required to write a 2-3 page paper on a topic of interest, provide a 2 minute oral presentation, and complete 10 hours of community service during the school year
  • Grade 4 students will receive specialized writing instruction in preparation for the 4th grade Writing Test and be required to write a 3-4 page paper when given a topic, provide a 4 minute oral presentation, and complete 20 hours of community service during the school year
  • Grade 5 students will be required to write a 5 page paper when given a topic and citing one reference, provide a 5-7 minute oral presentation, and complete 30 hours of community service
  • Using the PTA to conduct information sessions for parents on how to build successful learners
  • Sponsor and conduct Volunteer/Service Projects, such as Adopt a Street, Nursing Home visits, Support the Troops donations, Soup Kitchen, Union Mission visits and contributions, Drive for the Needy, Big Brother/Big Sister Programs, etc.
  • Sponsor a Career Day and Shadowing (Ground Hog’s Day)
  • Invite public speakers, such as political figures and motivational speakers, to visit the students

Weldon Middle School

Weldon Middle School is dedicated to providing educational instruction based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The contributions of Weldon Middle School will include but not limited to the following:

  • 8th Grade Independent Study contract
  • Socratic Instruction
  • Students engage in PBL learning instruction
  • Accelerated Reading
  • Invited Community leaders and speakers in exploratory classes for career decision and discovery
  • Computer lab for Success Maker and Fast Forward
  • Partner with GEAR UP for field trips/college awareness
  • Partner with Roanoke Valley Chamber for Groundhog Day and Job Shadowing

Weldon STEM Academy

Students at the end of Grade 9 are expected to possess knowledge of and perform the following skills:

  • Write an outline
  • Write a strong thesis statement
  • Write a five paragraph essay
  • Knowledge of at least four types of prompts and how to write a reflection, cause and effect, definition, and pro/anti prompt to include controversial and argumentative essays
  • The use of RAFT (role-audience-format-topic) or TAP-F(topic-audience-purpose-format)
  • Write a research paper (MLA style) and the use of footnotes, source cards, and bibliography
  • Produce a simple PowerPoint presentation
  • Develop good sentence structure
  • Knowledge of subject/verb agreement
  • Usage capitalization and punctuation to include use of commas, quotation marks, periods, exclamatory marks, etc.
  • Write at least four types of poetry- free verse, acrostic, haiku, limerick, and/or ballad

Weldon High School

Students at the end of Grade 10 are expected to possess knowledge of and perform the following skills:

  • Write an outline
  • The use of RAFT or TAP-F
  • Write an eight paragraph essay paper (either a narrative or expository)
  • Write a strong thesis statement
  • Write a five page research paper (MLA Style) with footnotes, and bibliography page (to include source cards and note cards)
  • Knowledge of research skills- surf the internet, and use of the library (Dewey Decimal System)
  • Develop good sentence structure
  • Knowledge of standard grammar (to include punctuation and capitalization)
  • Knowledge of affixes to define vocabulary words (to include scientific and mathematical prefixes and suffixes)
  • How to create a PowerPoint presentation and to use movie maker
  • Formal presentation of a finished product, essay paper, or PowerPoint
  • Participate in a debate on an specific argument or controversial topic
  • Able to define a weekly list of SAT words

Students at the end of Grade 11 are expected to possess knowledge of and perform the following skills:

  • Write an outline
  • The use of RAFT or TAP-F
  • Write an ten paragraph essay paper (either a narrative or expository)
  • Write a strong thesis statement
  • Write a twelve page research paper (MLA Style) with footnotes, and bibliography page (to include source cards and note cards)
  • Knowledge of research skills- surf the internet, and use of the library (Dewey Decimal System), use of mentors, and other resources in the community
  • Develop good sentence structure
  • Knowledge of standard grammar (to include punctuation and capitalization)
  • Knowledge of affixes to define vocabulary words (to include scientific and mathematical prefixes and suffixes)
  • How to create a PowerPoint presentation and to use movie maker
  • Formal presentation of a finished product, essay paper, or PowerPoint
  • Participate in a debate on an specific argument or controversial topic
  • Able to define a weekly list of SAT words
  • Participate in critical thinking and evaluation of literary works (Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales, Tintern Abbey, or Oedipus)

Students at the end of Grade 12 are expected to complete a Portfolio Evaluation according to the guidelines set forth in the Senior Project document. The portfolio is an organized notebook documenting the process of the Senior Project. The student progress will be monitored by English IV teachers or designated staff. Judges prior to the final Senior Presentation will review the portfolio and complete the final evaluation of the overall work.