December 2015
Monthly Observances
Aids Awareness Month Link
Bingo's Birthday Month
Buckwheat Month Link
National Drunk & Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
National Tie Month Link
National Write A Business Plan Month
Operation Santa Paws (1-19)
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
Spiritual Literacy Month
Take a New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking (TANYRSS) (12/17 - 2/7)
Universal Human Rights Month Link
Worldwide Food Service Safety Month
Weekly Observances
*Cookie Cutter Week: 1-7 Link
Clerc-Gallaudet Week: 3-10 (First Week)
National Hand Washing Awareness Week: 6-12 Link(First Week)
Chanukah: 7-14
International Coelenterate Biology Week: 7-11Link
Older Driver Safety Awareness Week: 7-11 Link
Recipe Greetings For The Holidays Week: 7-11 (First Full Week)
Computer Science Education Week: 7-13 Link
*Human Rights Week: 10-17
Gluten-free Baking Week: 13-19 Link(Week Before Christmas)
Christmas Bird Count Week: 14-1/5 Link (Always every year)
Halcyon Days: 14-28 (Always 7 days before and 7 days after the Winter Solstice)
*Posadas: 16-24
*Saturnalia: 17-23
*It's About Time Week: 25-31
*Kwanzaa: 26-1/1
Daily Observances
*Antartica Day: 1
*Basketball Day: 1
*Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day: 1
*Civil Air Patrol Day: 1
*Day With(out) Art Day: 1
*Rosa Parks Day: 1
*World Aids Day: 1 Link
Giving Tuesday: 1 (Always after Cyber Monday) Link
*International Day for the Abolition of Slavery Day: 2
*National Mutt Day: 2 Link
*Safety Razor Day: 2
*Special Education Day: 2
Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting: 2 (First Wednesday after Thanksgiving)
Special Kids Day: 2 Link (First Wednesday)
*International Day of Persons With Disabilities: 3
National Christmas Tree Lighting (DC): 3
Faux Fur Friday: 4 (First Friday)
*National Cookie Day: 4 Link
*National Dice Day: 4
National Salesperson Day: 4 (First Friday)
*World Wildlife Conservation Day: 4 Link
*AFL-CIO Day: 5
*Bathtub Party Day: 5
*Columbian International Day of The Reef: 5Link
Earmuff Day or Chester Greenwood Day: 5 Link(First Saturday)
*International Ninja Day: 5 LinkPhoto Photo
*International Volunteer Day for Economic & Social Development: 5
*Sachertorte Day: 5 Link
Skywarn Recognition Day: 5 Link(First Saturday)
*World Soil Day: 5 Link
*Miners' Day: 6
*National Pawnbrokers Day: 6
*St. Nicholas Day: 6
XTERRA Trail Running Championship: 6
*National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: 7
*International Civil Aviation Day: 7
*National Cotton Candy Day: 7 Link
*Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day: 8
*Cremation Day: 9
*International Anti-corruption Day: 9
*Weary Willie Day: 9 Link
*Dewey Decimal System Day: 10
*Human Rights Day: 10Link
*Jane Addams Day: 10
*Nobel Prize Day: 10
*International Mountain Day: 11
Official Lost & Found Day: 11 (2nd Friday)
*UNICEF Birthday: 11
Day Of The Horse: 12 (Always 2nd Saturday Senate Res. 452)
Gingerbread Decorating Day: 12 (2nd Saturday)
*Gingerbread House Day: 12
International Shareware Day: 12 (2nd Saturday)
*National 12-hour Fresh Breath Day: 12
*National Cocoa Day: 12 Link
National Wreaths Across America Day: 12 (Second Saturday)
*Our Lady of Guadelupe: 12 Link
*Poinsettia Day: 12
Rabi'I: 12
AsarahB'Tevet: 13
*Pick A Pathologist Pal Day: 13 Link
Worldwide Candle Lighting Day (The Compassionate Friends): 13 Link(The 2nd Sunday)
World Choral Day: 13 Link (Always 2nd Sunday)
Green Monday: 14 Link(2nd Monday)
*Monkey Day: 14 Link or Link
*Bill of Rights Day: 15
*Cat Herders Day: 15
*Barbie and Barney Backlash Day: 16
*National Chocolate-covered Anything Day: 16 Link
*Zionism Day: 16
*Clean Air Day: 17
Free Shipping Day: 17 Link(3rd Thursday at Participating Retailers)
National Re-gifting Day: 17 (3d Thursday) Link
*Wright Brothers Day: 17
*Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day: 18 Link
*Arabic Language Day: 18 Link
*International Migrants Day: 18
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day: 18 Link (Friday of second full week)
Underdog Day: 18 (3rd Friday)
*International Human Solidarity Day: 20
*Games Day: 20 Link
*Mudd Day: 20
*National Sangria Day: 20Link
*Poet Laureat Day: 20
*World Day of Prayer and Action for Children: 20 Link
*Ann & Samantha Day: 21 (Summer& Winter Solstices. Also June 21)Link
*Celebrate Short Fiction Day: 21
*Crossword Puzzle Day: 21
National Flashlight Day: 21 (Shortest Day of The Year)
*Forefathers Day: 21
Global Orgasm Day: 21 Link(Always on Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice)
*Humbug Day: 21
*International Dalek Remembrance Day: 21 Link
*National Homeless Persons' Remembrance Day: 21 Link
*PhileasFogg Win A Wager Day: 21
*Short Girl Appreciation Day: 21 (Shortest day of the year)
*World Peace Day/Winter Solstice: 21
Winter Solstice: 21 (11:48 pm)
*Yalda: 21
*Yule: 21
Human Light Celebration: 23
Mawlid Al Nabi: 23
*Christmas Eve: 24
*Egg Nog Day:24 Link
*A'Phabet Day or No "L" Day : 25
*Christmas: 25
*Christmas Pudding Day: 25 Link(Note: If you eat this on Easter, it's referred to as Plum Pudding Day.)
*Boxing Day: 26 (Canada)
*National Candy Cane Day: 26 Link
*National Thank-you Note Day: 26
*National Whiner's Day: 26
*Howdy Doody Day: 27
*Visit The Zoo Day: 27 Link
*Holy Innocents Day: 28
*Endangered Species Act Day: 28
*National Chocolate Day: 28 & 29Link
*Pledge of Allegiance Day: 28
*Tick Tock Day: 29
*YMCA Day: 29 (Organization not The Song)
*Bacon Day: 30 LinkLink
*Falling Needles Family Fest Day: 30
*First Nights: 31
*Make Up Your Mind Day: 31
*New Years Eve: 31
*New Year's Dishonor List: 31
*No Interruptions Day: 31
*Universal Hour of Peace Day: 31
*World Peace Meditation Day: 31
NOTE: An * in front of the date means that the observance is on the same date every year regardless of the day it falls on.