Lucretia Knapp
FLS 282: Video Seminar: Smoke and Mirrors, Paper Plates and Dry Ice: Special Effects in Film, Video and Television Production
W01:10-04:00 (studio)
M07:00-09:00 (screening)
This advanced video seminar focuses on the moving image as it relates to illusion, special effects and their antecedents. We will screen films that are low budget, as well as those that are high-end and effects-driven. Discussion and screenings will include early in-camera effects, stop-motion animation, chroma-keying and present-day digital compositing, including the films A Trip to the Moon, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Jason and the Argonauts, Eraserhead and The Science of Sleep. In addition to narrative film work, we will consider a few music videos and the compressed world of visual shorts. (In addition we will briefly engage with the virtual landscape of New Media.) Readings will examine the relationship between the development of selected imagery/special effects and contemporaneous historical or political events. This course also involves hands-on examination of visual manipulation. There will be group exercises as well as individual experimentation, and projects. A significant part of the class will involve shooting and editing, animating and compositing in Final Cut Pro. Prerequisite: FLS 280 or permission of the instructor. Enrollment limited to 13.
Please respond to the following questions and email them back to me as soon as possible.
Email your responses to
College or University you attend:
1.Why do you want to take this course?
2.Have you taken a class in which the central focus was studio art, film theory or production? What was the class?
3.Though not a prerequisite, do you have previous experience with film or video? What is that experience?
4. What is your Major?
Are you a 5 College Film Major?
Are you a 5 College Film Minor?
What year are you?
5. Name a film that, after viewing, gave you the feeling of having a new perspective, visual experience or desire to make a video? In one sentence describe what it was about this film that so strongly affected you.