Name: ______Period: ______
Citizenship: Ancient Greece vs. United States:You currently are a history professor who teaches Ancient Civilizations at a local college in your area. The governor has requested your presence at the next meeting at the capitol building regarding citizenship. Your task is to prepare a display that incorporates the true establishment of citizenship in Ancient Greece and compare it to U.S citizenship.
Assignment Requirements:
_____1.The term “CITIZENSHIP” should be written or typed vertically.
_____2. You must indicate which civilizationeach line ofyour acrostic represents (Greece, U.S., or Both).
_____3.TWO (2) accurate expectations of ancient Greek citizens.
_____4. TWO (2) accurate expectations of U.S. citizens.
_____5. TWO (2) accurate rights of ancient Greek citizens.
_____6. TWO (2) accurate rights of U.S. citizens.
_____7. ONE (1) similarity and ONE (1) difference between citizenship in ancient Greece and citizenship in the U.S.
_____8. Include your specific personal responsibility as a citizen of the U.S. Itshould be written in first person.
_____9. You must include 4 relevant picturesthat accurately represent your citizenship descriptions.
_____10. The terms“polis” and “perioeci” should be included somewhere within your acrostic.
_____11. Every line of your acrostic must be relevant to either citizenship in ancient Greece, United States, and your personal connections.
Scoring Checklist:
_____ /3CITIZENSHIP written vertically, correct spelling, all capital letters
_____/ 4TWO (2) accurate expectations of ancient Greek citizens
_____ / 4TWO (2) accurateexpectations of U.S. citizens
_____/ 4TWO (2) accurate rights of ancient Greek citizens
_____ / 4TWO (2) accurate rights of U.S. citizens
_____/ 4Your personal responsibility(s) specifically stated
_____ / 4ONE (1) similarity and ONE (1) difference between citizenship in ancient Greece and citizenship in the United States
_____ / 5You must indicate which civilization (ancient Greece, U.S., or both) each line of your acrostic refers to (written in parenthesis).
_____/ 6FOUR (4) relevant picture(s) from magazines or the Internet that accurately representcitizenship within your acrostic
_____ / 4The terms “polis” and “perioeci” are included, relevant, and accurate
_____/ 5Every line of your acrostic must be relevant to citizenship in ancient Greece, the U.S., and your personal connection.
_____ / 2Neatness and organization: Your work should be neat and well organized.
_____ / 6Within the conclusion of your presentation, express your opinion on the following topic: (This may be written within the acrostic or can be a separate prompt on the front of your display.)
“Do you think that citizens of the United States feel the same about our country as the citizens of ancient Greece? In other words, do people in this country put the United States first before anything else?”Address this concept by providing specific evidence to support your opinion.
TOTAL SCORE: ___ /55
Citizenship Acrostic Example
C citizenship is open to both men and women in the United States. This is unlike ancient Greece where only Greek adult male citizens were considered citizens of a polis. (United States today)
T oday,citizens are expected to… All citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote in the U.S. (United States today)
Zero members of the perioeci were considered citizens in ancient Sparta… (ancient Greece)
E very Greek citizen was expected to participate in the government by running for office and defend the city-state. Greek citizens only had the right to vote. (ancient Greece)
Written Conclusion: People in the U.S. today are very patriot and celebrate various holidays throughout the year that honor America. This shows pride because…
Citizenship Acrostic Idea Sheet:Name______
Directions: Tell me about the ideas you have so far for your acrostic. Complete this sheet with some of your ideas by Tuesday, February 7.
1. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the expectations of ancient Greek citizens.
2. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the rights of ancient Greek citizens.
3. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the expectations of U.S. citizens.
4. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the rights of U.S. citizens.
5. What is a responsibility that you personally have in the United States?
Citizenship Acrostic Idea Sheet:Name______
Directions: Tell me about the ideas you have so for your acrostic. Complete this sheet with some of your ideas by Tuesday, February 7.
1. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the expectations of ancient Greek citizens.
2. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the rights of ancient Greek citizens.
3. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the expectations of U.S. citizens.
4. Share 1 of your ideas that discusses the rights of U.S. citizens.
5. What is a responsibility that you personally have in the United States?