College Planning Council
/nov 6, 2009
/10:00 am – 12:00 pm
/mal comm. room
Attendees / Jerry Patton, Jeff Place, Rick Rawnsley, Wendy Sanders, Doug MacIntire, David Buttles, Victor Rios, Ty Thomas, Chris Nelson, Rey Ortiz, Daniel Kleinfelter, Lisa Soccio, Chuck Decker, Susan Evans, Ted Grofer, Mary Lisi, Terri Fleck, Aries Jaramillo, Michelle Price, Carlos Maldonado, Lee Ann Weaver, Leslie Young, Jim Berg, Adrian Gonzales, Juan Lujan, Bina Isaac, Pam LiCalsi, Farley Herzek, Diane Ramirez, Edwin Deas, Matthew Breindel.Recorder: Revae Reynolds
Agenda topics
1. update on assessment
/ /A. DiBello / C. Lasquade
Discussion / Amy DiBello and Carol Lasquade gave a presentation on assessment.Student Learning Outcomes: 100 percent of COD courses have SLOs written. Faculty have been encouraged to include them on syllabi. 20% of courses entered into assessment this fall. 100% will be assessed over the next 3 years.
Program Level SLOs: Basic skills, career and tech education, general education and student support services, all course offerings have been aligned. Program level assessment will begin now as a pilot and more will be done in Spring 2010.
General Education has been divided into 5 categories. Course outcomes are mapped to program level outcomes. Students will be assessed after having taken 30 units. Career and Tech Ed, same thing except assessment takes place after 12 to 15 units. The Basic Skills committee is still working on this – they have 6 categories including problem solving, reading/writing, independent study skills, and they may choose to assess after 6 or 9 units. Student Support Services has 3 categories: 1. Personal development and responsibility, 2. Self-awareness, self understanding and self-advocacy, and 3. Self-sufficiency and independent learning.
Institutional outcomes – have been categorized as well including personal and professional development, scientific inquiry, aesthetics, critical thinking and communication, global citizenship, and ethical behavior. The course and program outcomes will map to institutional outcomes and this is applicable to all areas of the campus. These need to be incorporated into the managers’ goals and objectives.
The Curricunet software will help map these outcomes “up line.” This work was created keeping the president’s goals, the institutional goals, and the strategic plan in mind. This information is posted on the OAC web pages.
Program review updates provide an opportunity for CPC members to get involved to prioritize and make decisions that improve classroom outcomes.
VP Herzek noted that within the Curricunet software there will be a tool that faculty can use to create a syllabus from the course outline template in Curricunet. They can click on SLOs and course objectives to have these items converted from the course description to a course syllabus. This will result in greater consistency. Each student will have consistent objectives and course outlines, regardless of instructor. Faculty cans also customize. This helps particularly part-time faculty.
A DiBello attended the Student Success Conference last month in San Francisco which emphasized fostering a culture of evidence and inquiry and integrating research into planning. Instructors should not wait until the end of the semester; taking intermediate measures of student progress is important. Faculty must produce the classroom data that is relevant to them. There are numerous experiences that help students that go well beyond the classroom. We need to do a better job of capturing all these beneficial experiences and evaluating them. We want to use institutional data in addition to classroom data to make the best decisions. Institutional data are measures such as completion rates, numbers of certificates and graduates, persistence, etc.
It was noted that adjunct instructors find it more difficult to participate fully in the process. A DiBello noted that their resources include their division dean as well as their SLO division coordinator. The decision making is not about the data, but what the data tells us. The accreditation standards include quantitative and qualitative information. The college needs to embrace this idea that data is important to our decision making in informing our decisions. Dialogue in its appropriate form allows the data discussion to take place in a non threatening way and all voices to be heard.
It was noted that there are pockets on campus where open discussion can take place and others where it is more difficult. Some people are afraid of retaliation from people above them. Some disciplines have a physical area where interaction can take place and others do not. College hour will help this. More time together will help to relieve the lack of trust, or competition between faculty members. J Patton would like to have more conversation about where this lack of trust comes from and how we address it. It was noted that the trust factor has improved over the last few years. Some are still living with memories of history that no longer exists. It is important not to confuse disagreement with distrust. Disagreement is ok, even encouraged, but fear of retaliation is of great concern to the president.
The Faculty Development Committee would like for faculty to get Flex credit throughout the semester when they work on assessment – particularly for adjuncts.
The data leads to discussions about the data, what it means, what we could do differently, what is working well, how we support what works well, and ways to close gaps. The structural and cultural changes are important; these processes must be formalized and deliberate.
The BRIC (Bridging Research, Information, and Culture) Project includes a campus survey which will be available to colleges soon to help close the information gaps.
Conclusions / The college’s assessment and SLO progress is significant. Managers’ goals and objectives need to reflect the institutional outcomes. Curricunet software and annual Program Review Updates are valuable new tools. Dialog in some divisions needs to be more inclusive and uniform across campus. A culture of assessment must be institutionalized.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
1. Managers (President, VPs, Directors) should keep the Institutional Outcomes in mind when writing annual goals/objectives.
2. Address the request from Fac. Dev. Comm. for faculty to get Flex credit when they work on assessment. / Cabinet
F. Herzek? / Ongoing
2. committee updates
/ /committee chairs
discussion / Skip for now. Reminder to post your committee’s minutes on the portal.conclusions
action items / person responsible / deadline
3. planning document approval
/ /p. Licalsi
discussion / Pam did not receive any additional comments on the planning document, so the version as it stands is our current working document.conclusions / The Planning and Institutional Effectiveness document is approved. It will be updated from time to time as necessary.
action items / person responsible / deadline
4. educational master plan
/ /f. herzek
discussion / F Herzek gave an update on the Educational Master Plan.The Voorhees Group completed a great amount of work pulling data together including the community scan and the student scan. The college must combine that work with updates from our new yearly program review updates, etc. The Educational Master Plan must be completed rather quickly (March 2010) because it drives our facilities planning and we have many decisions to make in the west and east valley locations.
F Herzek noted that the college has brought in an outside firm (GKK) to help us bring both efforts to conclusion. GKK will be paid from our bond initiative, not the general fund. They have expertise in master planning and they are well connected in the chancellor’s office and Sacramento. They can also help with the establishment of “center” status for east valley as well.
There was discussion as to how to involve the faculty and planning council to create a quality product in a short time line. F Herzek spoke with D MacIntire and R Ortiz. A task force of deans and faculty representatives will meet during Deans’ meetings and will bring the recommendations to CPC. Student Affairs should also be represented, and there should also be some faculty members who teach at east and west valley locations. B Isaac noted that the Technology Plan is also being updated, so someone from IS should be included. F Herzek believes 3 or 4 2-hour meetings should be enough to complete the plan.
It was suggested that the campus be notified that this is being done, and people should know who their representative is.
conclusions / An outside firm will be paid by bond funds to assist the college in finalizing its Educational Master Plan. Representatives include deans, faculty, student affairs, IS, and instructors from east and west valley.
action items / person responsible / deadline
1. Establish a task force to complete the Educational Master Plan.
2. Notify campus of the task force and the representatives. / F. Herzek
F. Herzek / March 2010
5. title V grant
/ /f. herzek
discussion / F Herzek announced that COD received this 5-year grant that will focus on professional development, transfer and advisement, in collaboration with Cal State San Bernardino-Palm Desert Campus. A project director will be hired ASAP. The job description will be drafted and the position promoted internally first. There would be no automatic backfill, but it will be considered. The Council agreed to the process.conclusions / COD’s application to the Dept. of Education for a Title 5 grant was awarded. The project director position will be filled ASAP.
action items / person responsible / deadline
1. none
6. values subcommittee report
/ /nelson/lisi/place
discussion / This topic was postponed due to lack of time.conclusions
action items / person responsible / deadline
7. reports from kpi teams
/ /kpi teams
discussion / KPI group 6 suggested the addition of another column titled, “Action Plans.” There was further discussion about whether or not KPIs contain verbs.The President suggested the leaders of the KPI groups should meet to discuss the format of the KPIs.
conclusions / There is still confusion as to the wording of the KPIs. The KPI team leaders will meet to clarify.
action items / person responsible / deadline
1. Convene a meeting of the KPI team leaders to clarify. / J. Patton / ASAP
8. other
/ /p. licalsi
discussion / A Jaramillo announced the appointment of Michelle Price to the Board of Governors.conclusions
action items / person responsible / deadline
Adjourned at 12:10 pm.
Next Meeting: Friday, December 4, 2009, 10:00-noon, MAL Community Room.
Attachment: Value Subcommittee Report – draft Values Statement