Student ID Badge
Policies and Procedures
TW Browne Policy
For the safety and well-being of all TW Browne Scholars, Staff, and Visitors, Student ID Badges must be worn on a lanyard around the neck and be visible (outside of clothing) at all times.
Dallas ISD Policy
Secondary students will be required to wear ID badges at all times. The first ID badge will be issued to the student at no charge. There will be a $5.00 fee charged for each lost or damaged ID badge. A temporary badge will be provided until the replacement badge is issued. Lanyards will be available for students to purchase. Badges are considered a part of the student dress code. Consequently, failure to wear a badge is a Level I Offense.
Guiding Principles
1. The ID Badge is essential for the safety and security of our Scholars and Staff. For example:
- To identify intruders
- To quickly assist a sick or injured student
- To properly address student discipline
- The Policy is designed for sustainability. It allows staff to consistently reinforce the policy without comprising instructional time or other duties.
- ID Badge checks will happen during morning arrival as students enter the building.
- Security will check to ensure:
- Badges are visible
- Worn around the neck
- Outside of Clothing
- Not covered, distorted, or defaced in any way
- Teachers will do ID Badge Checks during breakfast and at the beginning of each period as part of “On Your Mark” procedures.
- Hallway Monitors will repeat ID Badge Checks in Common Areas throughout the day.
- Student possesses an ID Badge, but it is not visible at Morning Arrival:
- At Morning Arrival Check, if the student does not possess an ID Badge, or the ID Badge is defaced/damaged (1st Offense):
- At Morning Arrival Check, if the student does not possess an ID Badge, or the ID Badge is defaced (Beyond 1st Offense:
- During classroom checks, if student is in violation of ID Badge Policy:
- During common area checks, if a student is in violation of ID Badge Policy:
- The student will be instructed to display the badge properly.
2b. The student will be collected at the entrance by for morning triage so that adequate identification can be obtained. When student has ID, he/she will be released from triage and sent back to class with a pass. Proper identification can be obtained via the following:
- Parents bring ID to school.
- Student pays One Dollar for a temporary ID Badge.
- Student pays Five Dollars for a permanent Replacement ID Badge.
- If student cannot acquire the proper identification, he/she will remain in triage for the day.
- 2nd Offense: Parent call home and the student will be assigned detention.
- 3rd Offense: Parent call home and the student will be assigned ISS.
- 4th Offense: Mandatory Parent Conference and the student will be assigned ISS. At Conference, parent will pay $5 for replacement ID.
a. Administers a demerit
b. Instructs student to display ID Badge Properly
c. If student continues to be non-compliant, do not interrupt instruction. Alert nearest hallway monitor to escort student to triage as needed.
- Monitor:
- Instructs student to display ID Badge properly.
- Escorts student to Mr. Green for triage as needed.