Georgia Rivers
Kyndall Hall
Tracy Skinner
ECED 4261
Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson:Instruction clarity
Stage 1 The Desired Results
Standards / SS2G1 The student will locate major topographical features of Georgia and will describe how these features define Georgia’s surface.
b. Locate the major rivers: Ocmulgee, Oconee, Altamaha, Savannah, St. Mary’s, Chattahoochee, and Flint.
People, Places, and Environments
Social Studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of people, places and environments.
Specific Learning Objective(s) / The students will label the major rivers in Georgia by using a map for reference and an artifact bag for clues of the rivers.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation, Picture, etc.) / The students will label a map of the major rivers accurately and present their maps to the class.
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric, Checklist, etc.) / Rubric:
Participation(artifact bag, engaged in lesson): 30 points
Energizer: 20 points
Labeling map: 20 points
Presentation: 30 points
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Materials /
- Georgia Rivers Power point
- River map for labeling
- Markers/crayons
- Artifact bag
- Books
- Energizer list
Sequence of Teacher Actions
*Tie to Previous Learning
*Significant Actions to Introduce and Guide Lesson /
- TTW introduce the essential questions:
- What are the major rivers in Georgia?
- Where are the major rivers located in Georgia?
- TTW share the artifact bag with the students
- TTW lead the energizer
- TTW read a book: GeorgiaAlphabet
- TTW show the power point presentation of the Georgia rivers
- TTW hand out a map for students to label the major rivers
- TTW monitor student’s progress when labeling the map
- TTW recap lesson by having the students share their maps with the class and where the rivers are located on the map
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are Engaged During Lesson
* Explain How Students Discuss or Present Results of What They Did During the Lesson /
- TSW be introduced to the essential questions:
- What are the major rivers in Georgia?
- Where are the major rivers located in Georgia?
- TSW guess what the items are that are in the artifact bag
- TSW participate in an energizer
- TSW listen to a book about Georgia Alphabet
- TSW view the power point presentation of the Georgia rivers
- TSW be given a map to label the Georgia rivers
- TSW recap the lesson by sharing their finished maps with the class and stating where each river is located on the map
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/Wrap-Up/Transition /
- TTW review the major rivers and name some of the locations of the rivers such as: Savannah is the oldest city in Georgia and the Savannah River runs through Savannah.
Adaptations for Exceptional Students (Anyone who requires modifications for their needs) / Any student that needs additional assistance can have a map to recreate at their desks.
Any student that is ahead can assist other students that need additional assistance.
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need more than is in the lesson? Should be related to lesson.) / For additional activities, students can label more rivers instead of the seven major rivers. Students can also name the cities in which the rivers run through or border.
Connections to Other Disciplines / Science: different land formations surrounding the rivers
Physical Education: Energizer
- Essential questions
- Artifact bag
- Energizer
- Book
- Power point presentation
- Labeling map
Book list:
A Georgia Alphabet, P is for Peach written by Carol Crane
Georgia , My State Rivers books:
Oconee River by Jill Ward
Flint River by Amelia J. Pohl
Ocmulgee River by Amelia J. Pohl
Altamaha River by Landy Thompson
St. Marys River by Jill Ward
Smart about the Fifty States, a class report
Georgia by Rita C. LaDoux
Fast Facts about the 50 States Scholastic
State Reports, The Southeast by Thomas and Virginia Aylesworth
Georgia by Paul Joseph
From Sea to Shining Sea, Georgia by Dennis Brindell Fradin
Georgia by the Capstone Press
Everglades by Jean Craighead George
Georgia: Home of President Jimmy Carter by Jan Faul Rogers
Georgia, in words and pictures by Dennis B. Fradin
Explore Georgia brochures from the Georgia Bureau of tourism