AP Statistics 2017 - 2018
Course InfoInstructor: Dr. Rebecca Jensen () / (972) 972-6308
Google Classroom code: 377e5hh4 / 1st, 2nd, 4th Periods / Room 308
Book: Stats: Modeling the World, 2nd Ed., Bock, Velleman, DeVeaux.
Statistics Learning Process
required / · Active participation in class (starters, notes, examples, etc.)
required / · Daily homework (book work, review packets, college research)
required / · Organizational skills (meeting deadlines, keeping up with starters and other documents)
optional, but recommended / · Occasional extra multiple choice problems
as needed / · See calendar for recommended reading and extra problems from the book; make a tutoring appointment; join a study group
Statistics Guidelines
· Get help early if you need it. I tutor at C lunch and after school. AP Physics 1 and 2 tutoring can also be arranged.
· Respect the class and the instructor enough to stay off your phone/laptop unless you are using it for activities in our class. Phones will be taken up on exam days.
· Retests are available for students who have failed the exam, with a max grade of 70.
Statistics Grading
50% Exams / Usually 2 per six weeks
15% Quizzes / Usually 2-3 per six weeks
20% Homework / One per class day, can drop one.
10% Classwork/Starters / Collect and turn in on each exam day
5% Participation/Trek/TAG-IT
· TI-84 (or higher) graphing calculator (can be checked out from school)
· spiral for stats notes only (70 or 120 pages – you’ll need lots of room)
· 2- or 3-inch binder or folder or portfolio (dividers should be starters, homework, quizzes, and helpful handouts)
To do
· Read the syllabus, especially the Late Work Policy on the next page.
· Add yourself to the Google Classroom.
· Get a calculator by the second class day. You can check one out from me – take a form home on the first day for your parents to sign.
· Fill out and turn in only the parent contact sheet by the third class day (for a grade).
When you and your parents sign the last page, you are affirming that you have read and discussed this material with your parent(s). In particular, you know how your grade will be determined and you understand the retest and late work policies, all of which are in place to prepare you for college in the near future.
AP Statistics Late Work and Absence Policy
Why? I’ve heard the same comment from seniors at Ideas Festival and TAG graduates who have returned after a year of college: some say that their time management and organizational skills are under-developed because many TAG teachers are too lenient in their late work and absence policies. In college, deadlines might be listed on a syllabus and never mentioned in class. At work, employees need to take initiative to get their work done when they miss a day. TAG should prepare students to deal with situations such as these.
Goal: Teacher and students will organize their tasks and time in a professional manner, including around the time of planned or unplanned absences, as would be required in the workplace or in college.
Behavior Expectations for Teacher and StudentI will: / You will:
1) provide you with a paper calendar for each unit, listing all dates for major exams, quizzes, and homework. This will also be posted in Room 308 and online in Google Classroom. / 1) decide on and implement an organizational plan to keep track of deadlines and materials such as notes, handouts, and assignments. This may include a paper planner, an online calendar, folders, binders, files, or any system that works for you.
2) never move a due date earlier without a class discussion, although I may move a due date later by making an announcement in Google Classroom. / 2) pick up handouts (starters, etc.) as soon as possible after an absence, even if it’s an B day. Your handouts will be labeled with your name and stored in a designated slot at the back of the room.
3) return graded quizzes or exams no later than 2 class days after you take it, provided that all students have taken the exam. / 3) discuss planned absences for college visits, competitions, etc. with me in person or by email before the absence. If you will miss a quiz or exam, take it before you leave or have a make-up time arranged before you go.
4) make a copy of a classmate’s notes for you if you are absent, if you bring me the notes you’d like copied. / 4) take initiative quickly after unplanned absences. Arrangements could include picking up handouts, borrowing notes from a classmate and scheduling tutoring or exam make-up times. Don’t wait until the next A day.
5) keep a written log of scheduled times for make-up quizzes and exams. / 5) keep track of your handouts. I don’t make extras.
Good to Know
· Late homework from the book may receive up to 7 out of 10 if it is done and turned in with the starters on exam day. No homework will be accepted after the exam on that topic has been taken. (One homework grade per six weeks can be dropped.)
· Starters are due at the beginning of the exam. Students will be penalized 15 points per missing starter and 5 points per late starter. Starters should be picked up and completed even if you were absent.
· You will be penalized for not making arrangements (in person or by email) for make-up quizzes or exams before planned absences. You may be penalized for missing scheduled make-up exam times.
· A pattern of repeated absences on exam days may be discussed with your parent(s), other grade-level teachers, and/or Mr. Mackey.
· Emergencies such as illness can prevent you or me from fulfilling our obligations. If this happens to you, please communicate with me (or the TAG office) as soon as possible so adjustments can be made. Note that forgetting a due date or leaving something at home is not an emergency.
· DISD policy mandates retests only for failing grades. If you make below a 70, you must request a retest within 5 class days of receiving the grade. You will receive a maximum grade of a 70 on the retest unless you can prove that you did all assignments completely and on time.
AP Statistics
Parent Acknowledgement and Contact Form
Student’s name:(printed)
Parent(s) names:
Phone number(s):
Because this is a college/Advanced Placement course usually offered to upperclassmen, the policies for grade percentages and late work may differ from usual DISD policies in order to closely align with college policies. If you have questions about these policies, please contact me at . By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to these policies.
Student signature:
Parent signature: