Monday, January 30, 2006

B. Anderson, Chair / B. Anderson
K. Leibovici / K. Leibovici
M. Nickel / M. Nickel
M. Phair

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk



Councillor B. Anderson called the meeting to order at 1:34 p.m.


Councillor B. Anderson explained the appeal hearing process and asked if anyone objected to any Member of the Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee hearing the appeals. No one objected.


MOVED M. Nickel:

That the October 27, 2005, Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee meeting minutes be adopted.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.



Q.1.a.Appeal Notice – Gary Sumlak, 10513 – 76 Avenue, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Committee hear from J. Paul, an interested party.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

G. Sumlak, Appellant, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

A set of photographs of the subject property taken by Administration on January 30, 2006, was provided to the Appellant and a second set was circulated to Members of the Committee and then filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

J. Paul, an interested party, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillor B. Anderson asked if the Appellant would like to provide closing comments or respond to anything arising from the presentations.

G. Sumlak, Appellant, made a further presentation.

Councillor B. Anderson asked if Administration would like to provide closing comments.

J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department, made a further presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

DECISION BY THE QUASI-JUDICIAL STANDING COMMITTEE ON APPEAL NOTICE - Gary Sumlak, 10513 – 76 Avenue, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

In dealing with this appeal, the Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee heard from G. Sumlak, Appellant; J. Paul, an interested party; and J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department. Recent photographs of the subject property were also reviewed.

On behalf of the Committee, Councillor M. Nickel stated: “Based on the evidence presented the Committee finds the property to be in an unsightly condition, and varies the Order as follows:

1.Allow the Appellant 30 days from January 30, 2006, to tidy the property
(compliance date being March 2, 2006).

2.Allow one unregistered vehicle to remain on the driveway.”

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Order issued pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act dated November 17, 2005, be upheld with the following variance:
1.Allow the Appellant 30 days from January 30, 2006, to tidy the property (compliance date being March 2, 2006).
2.Allow one unregistered vehicle to remain on the driveway. / Planning & Dev.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

Q.1.b.Appeal Notice – Vicky W. Wong, 11344 - 85 Street, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, advised the Committee that the Appellant, V. W. Wong, had requested a postponement of this hearing as she was not feeling well, however her agent,
Y. Leung, was at the meeting.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong, Appellant, made a presentation regarding the request to postpone the hearing.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, advised the Committee that M. Leung, public trustee for
V. W. Wong, Appellant, was also in attendance at the meeting.

M. Leung, public trustee for V. W. Wong, Appellant, made a presentation regarding the request to postpone the hearing.

J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation regarding the request to postpone the hearing and answered the Committee’s questions.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the request to postpone the hearing be denied.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

MOVED B. Anderson:

That the Committee hear from Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong; and
M. Leung, public trustee for V. W. Wong.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong, Appellant, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

A set of photographs of the subject property taken by Administration on January 30, 2006, was provided to M. Leung, public trustee for V. W. Wong, Appellant, and a second set was circulated to Members of the Committee and then filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

M. Leung, public trustee for V. W. Wong, indicated that she did not wish to make a presentation.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillor B. Anderson asked if Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong, Appellant, would like to provide closing comments or respond to anything arising from the presentations.

Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong, Appellant, made a further presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Committee meet in private pursuant to section 4 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

The Committee met in private at 2:55 p.m.

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Committee meet in public.


FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

The Committee met in public at 3:03 p.m.

DECISION BY THE QUASI-JUDICIAL STANDING COMMITTEE ON APPEAL NOTICE - Vicky W. Wong, 11344 - 85 Street, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

The Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee heard from Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong, Appellant; M. Leung, public trustee for V. W. Wong; and J. Wilson regarding the request to postpone the hearing. The Committee denied the request to postpone the hearing.

In dealing with this appeal, the Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee heard from Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong, Appellant; and J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department. Recent photographs of the subject property were also reviewed.

On behalf of the Committee, Councillor M. Nickel stated: “In hearing today’s appeal, 11344 – 85 Street, we have considered the following evidence: photographs of the property taken this morning; the submission by Y. Leung, representing V. W. Wong, Appellant; M. Leung, public trustee for V. W. Wong; and a submission by J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department. The Committee, in considering the evidence, finds the property to be untidy and unsightly and therefore upholds the Order to Ms. V. W. Wong, dated November 9, 2005.”

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Order issued pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act dated November 09, 2005, be upheld. / Planning & Dev.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

Q.1.c.Appeal Notice – David Hung Che Leung, 9618 – 106A Avenue, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, advised the Committee that the Appellant, D. Hung Che Leung, would not be in attendance. However, three interested parties were in attendance who wished to address the Committee.

MOVED B. Anderson:

That the Committee hear from M. Leung, R. Stack and S. Yeung, interested parties.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

A set of photographs of the subject property taken by Administration on January 30, 2006, was circulated to Members of the Committee and then filed with the Office of the City Clerk. A copy of the photographs was mailed to B. W. Mielke, legal counsel for D. Hung Che Leung, the Appellant, as previously requested by the Appellant.

J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

M. Leung, interested party, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

R. Stack, interested party, made a presentation.

S. Yeung, interested party, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillor B. Anderson asked if Administration would like to provide closing comments.

J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department, made a further presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

DECISION BY THE QUASI-JUDICIAL STANDING COMMITTEE ON APPEAL NOTICE - David Hung Che Leung, 9618 – 106A Avenue, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

In dealing with this appeal, the Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee heard from M. Leung,
R. Stack and S. Yeung, interested parties; and J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department. A written submission from D. Hung Che Leung was reviewed. Recent photographs of the subject property were also reviewed. The Committee did not hear from the Appellant, D. Hung Che Leung, who was not in attendance.

On behalf of the Committee, Councillor M. Nickel stated: “In hearing today’s appeal, 9618 – 106A Avenue, we have considered the following evidence: photographs of the property taken this morning; a submission by J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department; submissions from R. Stack, S. Yeung and M. Leung, interested parties. The Committee, in considering the evidence, finds the property to be untidy and unsightly and therefore upholds the Order to
D. Hung Che Leung, dated November 18, 2005.

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Order issued pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act dated November 18, 2005, be upheld. / Planning & Dev.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

MOVED M. Nickel:

That Administration refer this matter to Capital Health and Community Services Department, Fire Rescue Services, for further investigation. / Planning & Dev.
Community Svcs.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

Enforceability of Orders Issued

MOVED M. Nickel:

That Administration report back to the Community Services Committee regarding the enforceability of an Order on an ongoing basis. / Planning & Dev.
Corporate Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: Apr. 3, 2006


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Committee recess for five minutes.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.

The Committee recessed at 3:55 p.m.

The Committee reconvened at 4 p.m.

Q.1.d.Appeal Notice – Shairose Esmail, 12843 – 67 Street, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

S. Esmail, Appellant, was not in attendance at the meeting.

A set of photographs of the subject property taken by Administration on January 30, 2006, was circulated to Members of the Committee and then filed with the Office of the City Clerk. A copy of the photographs was mailed to S. Esmail, Appellant.

J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

DECISION BY THE QUASI-JUDICIAL STANDING COMMITTEE ON APPEAL NOTICE - – Shairose Esmail, 12843 – 67 Street, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

In dealing with this appeal, the Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee heard from J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department. Recent photographs of the subject property were also reviewed. S. Esmail, Appellant, was not in attendance at the meeting.

On behalf of the Committee, Councillor M. Nickel stated: “In hearing today’s appeal, 12843 – 67 Street, we have considered the following evidence: photographs of the property taken this morning; and a submission by J. Wilson, Planning and Development Department. The Committee, in considering the evidence, finds the property to be untidy and unsightly and therefore upholds the Order to S. Esmail, dated November 24, 2005.

MOVED M. Nickel:

That the Order issued pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act dated November 24, 2005, be upheld. / Planning & Dev.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel.


The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.




Quasi-Judicial Standing Committee

Meeting Minutes1 of 9

January 30, 2006, nr



JANUARY 30, 2006







Q.1.a. Appeal Notice – Gary Sumlak, 10513 – 76 Avenue, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

Q.1.b.Appeal Notice – Vicky W. Wong, 11344 - 85 Street, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

Q.1.c.Appeal Notice – David Hung Che Leung, 9618 – 106A Avenue, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act

Enforceability of Orders Issued

Q.1.d.Appeal Notice – Shairose Esmail, 12843 – 67 Street, Edmonton – Order Issued Pursuant to Section 546(1)(c) of the Municipal Government Act