SECTION 01 2300
***** The Design Professional shall include the following requirements as noted and complete this section with information for the specific project in coordination with PSFA Section 00 7200 - General Conditions*****
A.Section includes: Procedures and descriptions for alternates which decrease or increase scope of project, or determine cost of separate agreements.
B.Related documents and sections:
*****Use as 1.1-B-1 if Design-Bid-Build (DBB) project.*****
[1.Section00 2113 - Instructions to Bidders:
a.Subparagraph 4.1.5: Requirements for bidding all alternates.
b.Subparagraph Owner's intention to accept alternates in order listed on Bid Form.]
*****Use as 1.1-B-1 if Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) project.*****
[1.Section 00 5200 – Attachment No.1: Summary Matrix of Cost Allocation.
a.Separate cost allocated for 3-Year Extended Service & Maintenance.]
2.Section00 5213- Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, Article 4: Incorporation of accepted alternates to determine Contract Sum.
*****Remove if Section 01_9310 not applicable to Project.*****
3.Section01 9310- 3-Year Extended Service & Maintenance: Description of work to be performed under separate agreement and included alwaysas Alternate No.1 separate from Base Bid.
A.All requirements of General and Supplementary Conditions, applicable sections of Specifications, and applicable portions of Drawings shall govern scope, quality, and execution of alternates.
B.Alternates will be selected in order listed on Bid Form and as allowed by available funding.
***** In order to simplify bidding and ensure low competitive prices, avoid or minimize the number of alternates and keep scope of alternates simply and direct, onlyadditive alternates are used. *****
***** Unless directed otherwise in writing by Owner, Alternate No.1 shall be included as follows(Fill in blanks with ‘N.A.’ if Alternate No. 1 not applicable to Project): “*****
1.3ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO. 1 - 3-Year Extended Service & Maintenance
A.Alternate requires Installing mechanicalcontractor’s proposal for total cost of work described in Section 01_9310 – 3-Year Extended Service & Maintenance and to be performed under separate contract with the District Owner.
1.4ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO. 2 - [______]
A.Alternate requires [construction] [provision] [installation] of [______].
B.Include as part of alternate [______].
C.If alternate is accepted, delete [______] as part of Base Bid.
A.Consider all work that must be accomplished for complete incorporation of alternates including modifications to Base Bid items and work to be performed under separate contract.
B.Include in lump sum prices for alternates all costs of labor, materials, equipment, permits, fees, insurance, bonds, overhead, and profit.
C.Immediately after award of Contract, advise all necessary personnel and suppliers as to which alternates have been selected by Owner. Use all means necessary to alert those personnel and suppliers involved as to all changes in the work caused by Owner's selection or rejection of alternates.
D.Coordinate related work and modify surrounding work to integrate work of each alternate.
Not used.
Not used.
ALTERNATES01 2300 - 1