Virginia Society for Respiratory Care
Board of Directors Meeting
Virginia Tech Inn
Blacksburg, VA
Oct 25, 2013
I. Call to order: Tom Malinowski
II. Roll Call: Present-Tom Malinowski, Shelia Mullins, Jim Shuke, Dan Rowley, Lois Rowland, Andrew Carruthers, Cathy Bray, Cathy Blevins, Jamey Young, Pat Doorley, Robin Wilson, Chad Gibbs, Pam Niblett, Cam McLaughlin, Ken Ours, Marc Winstead
III. Excused-Hanns Billmayer, Paul Dalby, Mike Simmons, Stan Holland, Ed Robinson, Wendy Ayers, Dave Faux, Tom Trenis, Sherry Compton, Eric Kirkland, Dr Rubin, Tim Sharkey, Leigh Haverstick, Chris Baughman
Absent: Terry Cunningham, Shane Blake, Brian Wilson, Maria Ling, Jolynn Hamelman, Michelle Leonard, Tabatha Dragonberry, David Squeglia, Denise Bieszcsad
Conference Call: Richard Stairhime, Nancy Woods
Guest: Keith Lamb, Nancy McLaughlin, Tarille Downey, Michael Clark, Daniel Kokuhan, Ryan Sharkey, Steve Rowland, Ingrid Rowland, Marbeth Shuke
Quorum present for meeting.
July 2013 meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
Executive Committee Reports:
I. President Report- Electronically submitted.
II. Vice President Report- No report
III. Treasurer- Electronically Submitted.
IV. Secretary- No Report
V. President Elect – Electronically submitted
VI. Immediate Past President- No report
VII. Delegate- Electronically submitted by Dan Rowley. Discussion on several HOD bills up for discussion.
HOD 19-13-16 BOD supports this bill.
HOD 77-13-14 BOD does not support this bill
HOD 32-13-18 BOD supports this bill.
HOD 36-13-15 BOD supports this bill.
HOD 35-13-17 BOD support this bill.
District Directors Reports:
1. Blue Ridge – Electronically submitted.
2. Central – Electronically submitted.
3. Northern – Electronically submitted.
4. Tidewater – Electronically submitted.
5. Western – Electronically submitted.
Standing Committees:
1. Audit- Electronically submitted.
2. Bylaws/Historian-Electronically submitted. Standing rules and bylaws are complete. Will be posted on web site.
3. Education- Discussion by Tom Malinowski on BSRT program at ODU (Old Dominion University).
4. Judicial- No report
5. Legislative- No report
6. Membership- Membership up about 5%.
7. Nominations/Elections- Electronically submitted. Motion made to approve elections unanimously approved.
8. Programs-
A. Spring program –No report
B. Fall Program- Verbal report by Cam McLaughlin. 58 attendees, 14 vendor booths, 23 actual vendors. There were no students in attendance this year. No numbers are not in yet but might possibly be small profit. Report to follow.
C. Central District/Capital City Symposium- Electronically submitted.
D. Peds Program-Electronically submitted.
E. Public & Professional Relations- No report
9. Publications-Electronically submitted.
10. Strategic Planning-Continue to work on long term strategy.
Other Standing Members:
1. Medical Advisor-No Report
2. Parliamentarian-No Report
Ad-Hoc Committee/representatives:
1. Disaster Response- Electronically submitted. Presentation by Tom Malinowski the James P. Baker award to Marc Winstead.
2. Historian-Lois and David Squeglia working on the history of RT.
3. Home Care- No report
4. Industry Liaison- No report
5. Student Representative-No report
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
1. Discussion on the vacant VP position. Anyone interested please get with Tom Malinowski.
2. Discussion on RT performing in the role of a polysomonography tech. It is not included in the language of our scope of practice.
3. 2014 Budget reviewed. Motion made to approve 2014 budget unanimous approved.
Motion made to adjourn and so moved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelia Mullins, RRT, CCT, RDCS
Secretary Virginia Society for Respiratory Care