Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)


Send original to be postmarked by June 15, 2009, to:
GATE Program
Mathematics & Science Leadership Office
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4309

Article I.  Sacramento, CA 95814

Application: (916) 323-5847 Program: (916) 323-5505 / LEA Name and Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 8000
Lompoc CA 93438
County: Santa Barbara
CD Code: 42 - 69229
Person Completing Report:
Printed Name: Robert Altavilla.
Title: Director of Special Education
Phone: (805) 742-3301 Ext.:
Fax: (805) 736-4620 E-mail: / Local Governing Board Approval:
The local governing board has determined the most appropriate educational program for participating students [EC Section 52206].
Date or anticipated date of local governing board approval of GATE
Application: June 9, 2009
I hereby certify that all applicable state and federal rules and regulations will be observed in the expenditure of GATE funds and that to the best of my knowledge the information herein is accurate and complete.
Marilyn Corey, Interim Superintendent
Phone: (805) 742-3320 Ext.:
Fax: (805) 737-1703 E-mail:
Signature of Superintendent Date / Parent Participation:
The district’s plan includes procedures for ensuring continuous parent participation in recommending policy for planning, evaluating, and implementing the district GATE program [Title 5 Regulations, Section 3831(j)].
Date and signature of GATE Parent/Teacher Advisory Committee or School Site Council(s) review of this application (optional):
April 21, 2009
Signature Date
Check all that apply:
LEA application includes one or more charter schools
q  GATE included in School-Based Coordinated Programs
q  LEA will participates in GATE Consortium: Lead______
Indirect costs do not exceed 3%.
District Enrollment: 10,085 Number of GATE students: 600
Grades served: ___4-12______/ For CDE Office Use Only:
q  Budget detail is missing or incomplete.
q  Excessive carryover
q  Meets Standards: 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year 5-Year
q  Denied______
q  Resubmitted ______
Reviewer (s) Date

LEA Name: Lompoc Unified School District

Proposed Budget Plan for 2009-10
Code /
/ GATE Apportionment / Other Funding / Explanation
1000 / Certificated Personnel Salaries
2000 / Classified Personnel Salaries / $3,596
(12%) / A part-time GATE secretary will focus on coordination of site dispersal of test results, fidelity of site and district budgets with regards to GATE, SSPSA, and LEAP Plans, GATE Task Force, Parent Advisory Meetings, including agenda, minutes, and updating of the Web site, and dissemination of information to administration, staff, parents, and community is included in this job responsibility.
3000 / Employee Benefits / $1,593
4000 / Book and Supplies
(including computer software) / $49,650 / Instructional materials includes books, software, and special learning projects.
5000 / Other Services and Other Operating Expenditures / $20,000 / Staff development, gate certification, and/or parent involvement that includes in-service and workshops on differentiated instruction and/or CAG conference attendance. Registration and/or transportation to training for differentiated instruction. May include a summer training program.
Subtotal / $74,839
6000 / Other Capital Outlay
(including computer equipment) / 0
7000 / Indirect Costs (maximum of 3%, excludes Capital Outlay) / $2,524 / Allowable costs as determined by the state guidelines.
Amount of GATE Carryover funds and description how carryover will be spent / $000000.00
School-Based Coordinated Programs: If LEA includes GATE in any site-level School-Based Coordinated Programs (SBCPs), please list the names of the schools and the amount of GATE funds allocated to each site. Attach additional lists as needed.
School / GATE Funds / School / GATE Funds
Buena Vista / $ / Hapgood / $
Clarence Ruth / $ / La Canada / $
Crestview / $ / Los Berros / $
Fillmore / $ / Miguelito / $

LEA Name: Lompoc Unified School District 4 2 6 9 2 2 9



Local educational agencies (LEAs) that elect to provide GATE programs may establish programs for gifted and talented pupils consisting of special day classes, part-time groupings, and cluster groupings. Programs must be planned and organized as an integrated differentiated learning experience within the regular school day and may be augmented of supplemented with other differentiated activities related to the core curriculum including independent study, acceleration, postsecondary education, and enrichment. All programs, including creative, visual and performing arts programs must provide participating pupils with an academic component. (EC Section 52206). Please indicate the GATE program services the district will provide by placing a check mark in the boxes below and provide a brief description for each.

(Select at least one) / Primary / Upper Elementary /
Middle School
/ High School
Special Day Classes:
Part-time Grouping: / X
Cluster Groupings: / X / X
Acceleration: / X / X / X / X
Honors: / X / X
Advanced Placement: / X
International Baccalaureate:
Independent Study: / X / X / X
Postsecondary Education: / X / X
Enrichment (Before/After School/Saturday Classes): / X / X
Services for underachieving Gifted and Talented Pupils:
Services for Linguistically Diverse, Culturally Diverse, and/or Economically Disadvantaged Gifted and Talented Pupils:
Other (Special counseling or instructional activity or seminars):
Other (specify)______:

LEA Name: Lompoc Unified School District 4 2 6 9 2 2 9



LEAs are required to use one or more of the following categories for identifying gifted and talented students’ demonstrated or potential abilities that provide evidence of high performance capability: intellectual, creative, specific academic, or leadership ability; high achievement; performing and visual arts talent (EC Section 52202). For all programs for gifted and talented pupils, including programs for pupils with high creative capabilities and talents in the visual and performing arts, the governing board must concentrate part of its curriculum on providing pupils with an academic component [EC Section 52206(c)]. Please indicate the GATE student identification categories the LEA will use by checking one or more categories listed below:

__X_ Intellectual Ability _____ Leadership Ability _____Performing and Visual Arts

__X_ High Achievement __X__ Creative Ability __X___Other Multi-dimensional

__X Specific Academic Ability


Provide a narrative that describes the district’s GATE program and addresses the criteria in the State Board Recommended Standards for Programs for Gifted and Talented Students. Limit responses to four pages for each of the following sections: 1. Program Design, 2. Identification, 3. Curriculum and Instruction, 4. Social and Emotional Development, 5. Professional Development, 6. Parent and Community Involvement, and 7. Program Assessment. Limit responses to one page for Section 8: Budget. Applications are approved for one, two, or three years based on the quality of the plan, in accordance with the criteria adopted by the State Board. For a one-year approval, address Minimum standards. For a two-year approval, address both Minimal and Commendable standards. For a three-year approval, address Minimal, Commendable, and Exemplary standards. Applications may be approved for a five-year approval following a site validation of the application by the California Department of Education.

Section 1 - Program Design:

Districts provide a comprehensive continuum of services and program options responsive to the needs, interests, and abilities of gifted students and based on philosophical, theoretical, and empirical support. (EC 52205[d] and 52206[a])

1:1 The plan for the district program has a written statement of philosophy, goals, and standards appropriate to the needs and abilities of gifted learners.
LUSD Vision: To create a culture of excellence, LUSD will raise the achievement level of all learners by 2012 ensuring state standards are taught and learned in collaboration with all stakeholders.
LUSD Mission: The staff of the Lompoc Unified School District is committed to educating all students to become responsible, thinking, contributing members of our society. For this to occur, students must become: proficient in reading comprehension, communication, computation, reasoning, and problem solving; aware of our American heritage and the importance of participation in the democratic process; capable of problem solving in a variety of real life situations; aware of the many cultures which contribute to and make up our world; responsive to the important role of fine arts and humanities in personal development; committed to good health, a lifestyle that promotes physical fitness, and positive self-esteem; willing to assume responsibility for their actions; and respectful of the rights and feelings of others. These goals will be accomplished as the district establishes high expectations for student achievement, maintains a safe and orderly learning environment, develops cooperative and collaborative decision-making processes, and places primary emphasis upon the importance of effective teaching-learning practices. We take pride in student success.
LUSD GATE Philosophy: In recognition of the unique needs of gifted students and the diversity of potential and capabilities within this group, the Lompoc Unified School District, working with the guidelines of the District Mission Statement, provides a GATE program based on differentiated, intellectually stimulating curriculum and a variety of teaching/learning strategies. Because of the differences in needs of these students at the various levels, the program in the early years focuses on gifted potential transitioning to a greater focus on students’ academic strength areas as they progress through the grades. Opportunities are provided for students to develop individual potential, develop social responsibility and ethics, and have a healthy self-concept.
·  Identify students in grades 4-12; observe and meet needs of high potential learners in grades K-3.
·  Serve students whose assessed potential suggests that the regular classroom may not meet their total educational needs, including underserved and under-represented populations.
·  Provide a stimulating learning environment for GATE students of similar potential who can inspire each other intellectually to meet or exceed state content standards.
·  Provide an environment that is supportive and both psychologically and socially safe.
·  Provide an environment which values cultural and linguistic diversity.
·  Encourage creative problem solving within a challenging environment that supports inquiry and intellectual exploration.
·  Provide an expanded access to academic and/or creative opportunities through differentiated instruction.
·  Provide accelerated materials in subject areas where individuals or groups of students have an interest and a talent to pursue beyond the normal level of curriculum.
·  Provide professional development for teachers and parents in differentiated curriculum and the social emotional needs of gifted students.
Minimum Standards: One Year Approval
a. The LUSD GATE Plan aligns with California academic content standards and the frameworks which form the basis of the plan. Courses of study and curriculum guides based on state standards, have been implemented K-12 in core subjects. The LUSD course sequence delineates extensions and academic modification for gifted students.
·  The criteria for identification of GATE students include intellectual ability, specific academic ability, and creativity using multi-dimensional criteria that support qualification opportunities for under-represented groups. The process is further defined in Identification Section 2.1. Program options are defined in Section 1.2. The GATE program provides a variety of opportunities for students to acquire complex curriculum that meets or exceeds state academic standards and offers expansion of the core curriculum using differentiation of the core curriculum through various methods such as acceleration, depth and complexity, and novelty that is consistent with current research and literature.
b. The GATE plan was developed utilizing the expert knowledge of certified GATE teachers, parents, counselors, psychologists, and administrators. Expert information was obtained from state guidelines, the California Association for the Gifted, and the UCSB guidelines for GATE certification. Twenty-seven teachers in the district have completed classes and have received GATE Certification through UC Santa Barbara. Approximately twelve teachers are in training. The content of classes is further elaborated on in Section 5. The plan also incorporates expert knowledge and philosophy from current thinking of leading researchers in the field: such as Kaplan, Clark, and Winebrenner, among others. The plan was approved (06/09/09) by the Board of Education and is available for parents in each school office and the district office. The plan is available at each GATE Parent Advisory meeting, on the LUSD Web site, in GATE brochures, and meetings. A workshop is provided to parents each fall to inform the district GATE Parent Advisory Committee about the plan.
c. The plan, based on Recommended Standards for Programs for Gifted and Talented Students, aligns with the Local Education Agency Plan and is based on state standards. Content standards, benchmarks, and courses of study based on state frameworks, have been implemented K-12 in core subjects. Effective implementation of District curriculum is supported by curriculum guides, pacing calendars, course sequence matrices, and staff development opportunities. Materials and equipment to support the program of instruction are available. The process is defined in Section 3.1
·  The district GATE Director provides training for members of the district GATE Parent Advisory Committee regarding the GATE plan, standards, and relevant philosophy of teaching methods. Expert help from the community and local universities are sought out.
·  Materials and equipment are made available to support and implement the plan.
d.  A GATE Parent Advisory Committee consists of counselors, students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. The committee meets regularly.
e.  School site Parent Advisory Committees meet twice per year. / Commendable Standards: Two Year Approval
a. The GATE Plan is disseminated in a variety of ways including GATE Parent Advisory meetings and Task Force meetings. A power point presentation has been prepared for Board of Education and parent presentations. Copies of the plan are distributed to each school site for staff and parent use. In addition, a two-page brochure has been developed in English and Spanish which outlines key points in the plan and is available from the district office. The Curriculum Department has GATE links in both English and Spanish, and other languages as needed, on the district Web site.
b. Participation in the program is not limited by other problems of logistics. Each K-6 site has a GATE program using the cluster model for grades 4-6.
c. The district GATE Parent Advisory Committee consists of parents, students, teachers, administrators, counselors and community members representing the various levels in the school district and meets at least once a quarter. This process is further defined in Parent and Community Involvement in Section 6.2. Parent Advisory meeting dates are set for the year in June. Meeting dates, agendas and minutes are posted on the LUSD Web site.