Monday, September 16, 2013 – 9:00 PM – HICKS 111 A/B
- Moment of Silence
- Take a moment of silence for those killed at the naval base in Washington DC and for all those that have been killed recently in the US and abroad.
- Call to Order (Darrin Camilleri)
- Called to order at 9:01
- Roll Call (Cameron Goodall)
- All here
- Adoption of Agenda
- Motion by Graham,Seconded By Lucas, Motion passed
- Approval of Minutes
- Struck from the agenda (no old minutes)
- Icebreaker
- Guilty pleasure song
- Public Comment
- Allison: I am editor of the index and we come to every meeting and report about the commission and we do pay attention to what you say and it is public record. We may ask for follow up interviews. And this is my friend graham.
- Executive Reports
- President (Darrin Camilleri)
- Welcome back, Hornets!
- Darrin: Welcome back, student commission matters, take job seriously and have fun. Learn from your mistakes and remember that you can make mistakes
- Setting the tone for the best Commission yet
- My role as President
- Here to serve all of you, service to all, answer questions
- Attendance policy
- One unexcused absence per quarter, more than one liable to be removed
- Commitment to the Commission and our student body
- Remember that you’re campus representatives
- Appointment: Colin Lennox to Secretary of Records and Elections
- Umang got a big offer for a class and decided to step down
- Motion by Tendai, Seconded by Kari
- Motion Passed
- Oath of office administered
- Creation of Student Conduct Advisors committee, appointment of Colin Lennox as chair
- Motion by Graham, Seconded by Kelly, Motion passed
- Motion by Lucas, Seconded by Wyatt, Motion passed
- Adoption of pilot programs
- StuComm Fellows
- Interest in expanding reach on the campus and integrating students into stucomm without having a vote on the commission as people who give input on the commission and give experience to run for a full position later
- Wyatt: have to look into it more to give a solid answer on constitution
- Public financing for elections
- We are offering $15 for each candidate to make copies, posters, buttons and you cannot go over the amount.
- We will see how it goes this quarter and we will also have to check on constitution to see how this fits in
- Student Life Advisory Committee and Community Council appointments
- Who would like to serve on these committees?
- We need two from StuComm and two non-Commissioners
- Tendai serves on the committee already
- We meet once a month to discuss issues on campus and how to solve issues. The admin talk about what they are doing
- We talk about what the admin are doing and what they would want to bring to the table for the student body.
- Dylan volunteered for student life advisory committee
- José, Rian and Graham for community council.
- Friday, Cameron and I are having lunch with students and Dr. Reid Gomez, candidate for the Mellon Fellowship in Ethnic Studies
- Two candidates for the ethnic Studies program and one other will be coming next week.
- President’s Advisory Council
- Communicating one on one with students and organizations and allows for better advocacy on the part of the student organization leaders
- Vice President (Cameron Goodall)
- Agenda items due 10pm on Sunday. If not sent by then, items pushed to next meeting
- Cameron: Issues in the past, please make sure to get them in early as possible. Otherwise, they will be pushed to the next week.
- One-on-ones with committee chairs
- Cameron: I want to be a resource for the chairs and the different things that we want to get accomplished
- Secretary of Student Affairs (Tendai Mudyiwa)
- Probably one of the most diverse stucomm bodies and it has the chance to seriously change things on campus
- Take things seriously and make sure to have fun.
- Secretary of Communications (Kari Paine)
- Team site
- We have a student commission team site now. Accessed through the hornet hive and will make your life a lot easier and less confusing. Bar says team sites and brings up a list for the school. The calendar will list the events, discussion board, announcements, documents, wiki to sign up for things
- Darrin: questions?
- K Fest
- Kfest is this Thursday please sign up for one of the 45 min slots. We will have info on candidacy and an email update list
- Secretary of Finance (Kelly Ohlrich)
- KOC Budget structure
- Darrin: before they present, I want to talk about this presentation. The outing club needs to have certain things planned out and they need to have their money early. Hopefully we can provide a more stable finance situation.
- Power point by KOC
- Zack Voigt and Michael – trial starting last spring. KOC has provided experiences to a huge number of students. Many locatiions and events.
- Increased by 20% since last year, 156 students for last year, 26 new people
- Budget committee
- Partnered with different living learning houses and sent students to conferences
- Hope to provide more trips for students: gear and scholarships
- $5000 from stucomm and $5000 from student act fee
- Motion by Tendai, Seconded by Kari, abstention: Emily Motion Passed
- Kelly: thank you for making the presentation, last year went great and this will help both us and you tremendously.
- Tendai: impressed with the work that they have done and we are to support students that have
- Bylaws changes change
- First I want to go over the possible Bilaw changes. They were out of date and rewrote several. New agenda format, voting next week. Changed funding eligibility, previously active for one quarter then they could be eligible. Changed to stucomm retaining the right to choose who gets funding. Must be registered. Only able to 0.5% of the first active quarter.
- Allocation of funds: 111273.49 4% increase. 1% for crisis, 8% for stucomm budget. Fixed innovation fund: $5000. One time grant run on winter quarter to create a change on campus and FPC will have forms.
- Structure: 1% of annual budget, only a week in advance of the actual date.
- Darrin: all will get copies and we can think about it all week and then vote next week
- Wyatt: are we still taking out $10000 for club sports?
- Kelly: We will do something similar to KOC and we are going to do it as a one time request
- Kelly: Cash advances are available for some extreme cases.
- Lucas: Club sports lost one of the big club, LAX. What to do? -- lucas
- History of club sports- athletics took over the responsibility of it but need money from us.
- Sina: max for new is 0.5?
- Active for one then able to get the full funding.
- Innovation fund
- Five points on the bilaws. Just need the application to be completed.
- Approved: K College Republicans, $1000, Speaker: Katie Pavlich
- The author wrote about the fast and furious scandal.
- Approved: K Zoo Keepers, $400, "County Fair" Petting Zoo
- After second week
- Committee Reports
- Athletic Committee (Emily Sklar)
- Only Charlotte and Emily as it stands now
- Educational Policies Committee (Graham Wojtas)
- I will get in touch with the chair as soon as possible
- Experiential Education Committee (Luisa Marroquin)
- Asking questions about being new/ No report
- Information Services Committee (Lucas Kushner)
- Just me! Waiting for greg Diment
- App for Kzoo? Kari
- No one can program on IS
- Club was made
- Bring up that there is interest
- Noticed that it is hard to find the password to wifi - tendai
- Committee on Student Organizations (Ogden Wright)
- Spent time over the summer that we did last year, there were good and bad things, any question or comments please direct them to me. And I call on support from the commission.
- What is COSO? Lucas
- Darrin: there to help Stuorgs organize and run strongly
- Constitutional Integrity Committee (Wyatt Smith)
- Move elections to the VP
- Diversity and Multiculturalism Committee (Rian Brown)
- We had a good dialog over the summer and how we want this committee to go. I think that this committee can address being inclusive and also working on making K more inclusive.
- Dylan: Can we make sure that this group can be a resource for the first years?
- First year forum:
- Rian: it started well and got intense at the end. Talking about privilege.
- Kelly: many students hadn’t had that conversation before and it is a very touchy subject.
- Convo was directed a certain way because of the questions that were posed. Race became the focus of the convo.
- Jose: look to athletics to make students of color feel included in the different teams on campus.
- Work with the diversity advisory board?
- Talking about it with Dean
- Elections Committee (Colin Lennox)
- Meeting after this meeting
- President’s Community Council (Chair needed)
- No chair yet
- Food and Dining Services Committee (Charlotte Steele)
- New food service provider, started in July. Manager has been awesome and want to incorporate more options and trying to keep some things local.
- Kari: James and I talked and we talk more about it
- Dylan: will farmers who provide food be at K fest?
- Charlotte: Yes they will be giving things away but not veggies. I will ask about it.
- Mele: Has there been talk about the rush of students during meal times?
- Charlotte: It will be talked about further down the line and the to go boxes will still be around for the students.
- Mele: can to go boxes be available for all meals?
- Charlotte: Yep I will look into it
- Retreat Planning Committee (Darrin Camilleri)
- Friday 9/27 – Sunday 9/29, Pretty Lake Camp
- Starting here and talk with Dean Westfall
- Incredible line-up of speakers and facilitators
- We need drivers. Who wants to be certified?
- 21 and up volunteers for van training: Colin, Wyatt, Lucas, Jose Darrin
- Drivers that are certified for cars: Emily, Ben, Graham and Cameron.
- Darrin: Let me know if you have a game but I would love to make sure that all of you are there for the retreat.
- Security Advisory Committee (Ben Baker)
- Added a blue light in the grove
- Plans to add a speed bump behind Hicks.
- Please direct suggestions for lights and cameras to Ben Baker at or Tim Young in the Security Office
- Ben: Dave will be looking at emergency management like shooting and weather issues
- Strategic Readjustment Task Force (Wyatt Smith)
- Meeting this week
- Came out of multiple ideas, evaluation of constitution and access to the commission.
- Student Health Advisory Committee (Chair needed)
- Works with the health center,
- Wyatt and Kelly both volunteered to work on the committee
- Old Business
- No old business
- New Business
- Graham: Changed overnight parking in the trow parking lot, 20 spots have been taken away.
- Wyatt: Limit for parking for off campus students to specific parking lots now.
- Darrin: We’ll have ben look into it
- Public Comment
- Kat: Have some sort of bookstore rep to meet with people and advise what the people want in their bookstore apparel.
- Lucas: Bookstore is looking into new systems for comparisons. Might be a year to check in with the bookstore.
- Hagop: Would each person only be able to use $15 or can they use more than that?
- Darrin: they can only use that $15 and no other funds, in order to ensure accessibility and fairness in the elections.
- Allison: Question for IS, can we make it easier for stuorgs with list serves and accounts for transitional periods?
- Lucas: Yes I will talk with them about it
- Issues with the Commonplace reflections
- Kari: it’s a great way to start your résumé and look at the balance breadth of your time here at K. So go check it out!
- Good of the Order
- Fall Student Organization mini-retreat 5pm, Friday
- Going over the new system
- Talk to Kate Yancho for Details
- Cam: First years, Please apply to run on our website
- Cam: Try to make sure that the wording is the way that you want it the first time as you cannot make changes after it is submitted
- When are statements due?
- Monday the 23rd
- Tail gate for football
- Mens home soccer game under the lights
- Adjournment
- Motioned by Graham Seconded by Kari, tendai was opposed