Course XXIV


Teaching 1: Great Initiates

Teaching 2: Solar Initiates

Teaching 3: Solar Initiates of First Category

Teaching 4: Solar Initiates of Second Category

Teaching 5: Solar Initiates of Third Category

Teaching 6: Solar Initiates of Fourth Category

Teaching 7: Lunar Initiates

Teaching 8: Twelve Categories of Lunar Initiates

Teaching 9: Initiates of Fire

Teaching 10: Diverse Types of Initiates of Fire

Teaching 11: Disciples of the Great Initiates

Teaching 12: Relationship of Diverse Categories of Initiates Each Other

Teaching 13: Mission of the Initiates of Fire as Guides of Souls

Teaching 14: Current of Initiates of Fire in Secret Orders

Teaching 15: Initiates of Fire at Present

Teaching 16: Maitreya

Teaching 1: Great Initiates

The first circle of Initiates is that of Solar or Divine Initiates.

Seven Entities rule the evolution of the surge of human life, circumscribed to our Solar System and especially to Earth.

These divine Entities are not tied any more to the law of Cause and Effect and pour their quite powerful forces on mankindby nurturing the latter with their vivifying energy. As emanations of the Fourth Ray of Eternal Life, they pervade all things, animate days and nights, guide good and evil, mark births and deaths, and go with men during the pilgrimage of men through the higher worlds.

These Beings spiritually pervaded show up in the world as Divine Incarnations.

When the evolution of Races becomes more necessary, periodically these Entities, with a quite subtle ethereal body, rule the evolution of different groups of human Monads from the astral world, and even come to Earth in physical raimentin order to lead directly the destinies of Humanity.

These Divine Incarnations are called Solar Initiates.

They are not driven by the law of life and are free of ties of the past and future; they come into being on Earth without seed of desire and this turns their conception immaculate.

They are as they are.

The second circle of Initiates is that of Lunar or Semi-divine Initiates.

These Entities reached a quite superior evolutionary grade to that of present man in a previous Round; but they left aside the Blessedness to help the surge of Monads who follow them immediately behind. They work for the latter to reach an equalstate of Perfection to the state reached by Them.

Lunar Initiates are not tied to the Law of Cause and Effect, but are tied since they long for the Liberation of Humanity and the memory of the human round transcended by them.

These Beings vivify and protect certain sectors of the world by means of their magnetic power. When it is necessary, they take astral or ethereal body to drive further progress of groups of men under their care and even, now and then, they take physical body to lead personally their Work.

They carry the karma of their Work while they are living on Earth.

The third circle of Initiates is that of Initiates of Fire or Super-Men.

These great Beings, who did not entirely remove yet their karma but that are about to reach the goal, periodically return to Earth to remove quickly dregs of the past, and to help men.

Initiates of Fire are not driven by the subconscious force of their actions and past wishes as other beings subject to the law of births and deaths, but they willingly come and reincarnate on Earth.

Their Work made, their help given and their knowledge provided to souls respond to a need of intrinsic nature.

Teaching 2: Solar Initiates

There are seven categories of Solar Initiates.

In the course of a Race Root, certain number of Them comes and incarnates on Earth.

So far, periodically four of these Divine Dynasties have appeared.

Solar Initiates of First Category appear in the beginning of a Race Root, or when it is necessary to drive again completely the above mentioned Race. They stimulate and lead the definite annihilation and destruction of previous races and teach the Divine Wisdom that, conveyed throughout times, will maintain the spirit of life, in the whole Race, latent.

They are life, existence of the Race.

Solar Initiates of Second Category are those who shape the Idea-Mother incarnated by the Race.

They make their appearance in the world in order shape and establish definitely this Idea and periodically re-activate them during seven sub-races.

The collective Idea that has been fostered by Them lasts throughout times, even after Their disappearance.

They are the individualism of the will.

Solar Initiates of Third Category periodically incarnate on Earth during a Race Root, but their coming and presence are absolutely unknown to men, with the exception of some few.

Their mission is to project strong mental forms, which cover the whole planet and are projected on thoughts of human beings with higher or lesser potentiality, according to the state and progress of every one. They keep the Idea-Mother of the Race alive and foster it constantly.

They are stability of consciousness, which maintains the individualism of the will.

Solar Initiates of Fourth Category appear seven times during every sub-race.

They are Masters of Compassion and Mercy.

Their mission is to materialize the Idea-Mother of the Race, as Creative Will. So they are in direct contact with men and events of life, or with human surges. They come to the Earth and suffer, feel and share miseries of men, by contributing to their salvation.

Many times they immolate their lives so that the Idea, by sacrifice, takes a new aspect, more vigorous and fresh.

They are saviors of Humanity.

The other three categories of Solar Initiates did not appear yet on the planet.

Teaching 3: Solar Initiates of First Category

Solar Initiates of First Category started appearing in physical raiment on the Earth when the first Aryan types were being formed from Semitic-Atlanteans.

These Men-Gods appeared like luminous meteors in front of a continent that was sinking, and with their power they helped the latter and their memory being lost and forgot in the depth of the oceanic abyss, while they selected a small group of chosen men among these beings.

Later, they took these chosen men over waters and through swarms and ruins of the past, to the Promised Land, which gradually was emerging from the seas to serve as the seat of the future Humanity.

Before their disappearance, these Divine Initiates leave as memories of Them, fundamental Laws of Eternal Wisdom, like a pearl into a seashell and thrown to the depth of the sea. At the bottom of waters of the human soul, the Divine Wisdom will wait for long centuries until this spiritualized thought is taken out of the inner darkness by the redeemed soul; as a diver discovers a pearl and takes it out of the darkness to make it shine on the forehead of the man.

Manu Vaivasvata, a Solar Initiate of First Category, incarnated among men, selected Aryans and founded the first Aryan sub-race. He defeated the Atlanteans and leads chosen men to the Promised Land. He is the founder of ten great Tribes or Dynasties, which will give life to the whole sub-race.

In its holy writings, the Hindu legend preserves Manu Vaivasvata’s memory, and says the God Vishnu ordered Manu Vaivasvata to build an ark and save with it the chosen men during the days of the great deluge, which had to destroy the land of the black giants, taking this way the chosen men to the new land.

Menes, a Solar Initiate of First Category, founds in ancient Egypt, on the left bank of Nile River, the city of Memphis. To do so, He slanted the arm of the river, which went to the North. Herodotus, father of history, tells so. This symbolizes how Menes, overcoming troubles due to seismic movements founded a city on a sure place by replacing other city destroyed by waters.

Even if Menes is certainly a Solar Initiate, who helped form the early Aryan Race and his name appears on many ancient writings, He is not mentioned in the annals of the Mother.

As Manu Vaivasvata abandoned the lands of the Asiatic coast, he left a small group of men of Aryan type that would become founders of the Aryan-Semitics sub-race. These men were guided by a Solar Initiate of First Category, who later has entered history with the name of Noah or Nueh, and he surely is an image of the Bible Noah.

Also, Noah chooses among the Semitic people men and women indicated by God, and later he navigates during forty days of deluge, in the ark that has been built, toward the virgin and uncontaminated land

A coincident and similar point can be noticed in the story or legend of these great men: It is the Great Solar Initiate of First Category who defeats the last hosts, lost and saved from a decayed race, and it is he who founds a new dynasty of select beings.

Teaching 4: Solar Initiates of Second Category

Solar Initiates of Second Category print on Humanitythe Idea-Mother to develop during the whole Race.

In the course of the Aryan Race, these Initiates have to develop the Idea-Mother about the unification of the Divine and Humanity.Being so identified with the Idea-Mother, they become a creative mythafter their disappearance from Earth.

Even the name of any of Them is not specified in the Mother’s annals, but Rama, Teti, Abraham and others seemingly belonged to this Category, according to exegeses made by theologians of different religions.

Rama,King Initiate of the Hindus, incarnates the Idea-Mother of divine Unity in variable and different aspects of life. This idea expresses the drive given by his teaching and people to science, arts, evolutionary development of peoples and continuous research into powers of Nature.

This Idea-Mother is so strongly united with the mission of the Hindus that makes them call by her divine names all forces of Nature and all powers of man, by spreading the mighty light of the idea of God over things, as a stream rushing down from a mountain and watering the whole valley.

The life of Rama –Divine Incarnation so worshiped even today by people of India because of his feats– is allegorically described in the epic poem “Ramâyâna”.

Teti, founder of the sixth Egyptian (or Elephantina’s) dynasty, expresses the Idea-Mother of balance between unique Divine and variable Humanity. This concept develops extraordinarily the reason and makes it to build constantly a bridge between the Superior Mind of man and his instinctive mind. Through this idea, religion becomes magic or science, and divine concepts are placed within the reach of the human comprehension. The ancient religion of Egypt is religion of sciences; in the temple –symbol of the Divinity– all treasures of human and divine wisdom are stored.

Abraham, Patriarch of the Hebrews, incarnates the Idea-Mother of religious and civil unity, which will be shaped in the course of times and transformed into the concept of the only God unveiled by one social law. And Abraham was well aware of his mission and of the mission reserved to his people in the future, since God had said to him: “I will make you head of a nation, and I will give to your descendants this land (God does not say “lands” but land).

So, the mission of Solar Initiates of Second Category in the world is to channel the Idea-Mother of the Race; and the Idea-Mother of the Aryan Race is to humanize the man seemingly by leading him to forget his divine origin so that he succeeds in possessing the Divine by hisnatural –rational and instinctive– efforts.

Teaching 5: Solar Initiates of Third Category

Solar Initiates of Third Category roughly point out the work that Humanity should fulfill inthe course of a Race and channel this divine force as a Mother-Idea. At the end of their mission they come back to higher worlds, to their Father’s bosom, to the Eternity.

Even if men follow the course indicated, many times have to deviate from the fulfillment of their mission because their nature is more human than divine. Then, in order to keep the flame continuously alive and not to deviate themselves from the true path, many times it us necessary the descent of great beings on Earth and their stimulation to understand and achieve the Mother-Idea.

Solar Initiates of the First Category fulfill this mission.

From the astral world, where they put on ethereal forms, often they descend periodically on the physical world and more in contact with the work of Humanity.

When these sublime beings appear on Earth, they live isolated and lonely, and Their lives and works never will be written in a human language, since Their work is merely mental.

In order to lead more easily mental currents on vital centers of human life, they choose as their abode magnetic points in the planet. Mystical writers and holy seers pointed out as locations of these beings the most ignored chains of mountains in Tibet. They live in the most inaccessible places, blocked many times by snows, where an ordinary man cannot arrive. They live in islands totally lost in the ocean, whose names do not figure in any map. They live in the widest desert, in the oasis more unknown and more distant from centers of life and population.

Suddenly they appear as a meteor among masses at very urgent moments when terrible wars are bleeding the world and extreme evils overwhelm Humanity. They calm rages, relieve pain, utter a word of command or orientation, and quickly disappear.

Schmiachen, a painter who was able to see once the face of one of Them, painted then an admirable head of a Christ, which symbolized him.

Many people wonder why these Great Initiates come to Earth, since their mission is merely mental and they will not have any contact with the world. What need do they have to take a physical aspect, when they neither need nor use it during their work?

This is so because the mind of man indispensably needs a suitable message transmitted by a similar human brain. Otherwise, thought would arrive through a different wave, subtler, more vibrant and more difficult grasp by the human brain.

Solar Initiates of Third Category are beacons of mankind; periodically they illuminate the mind of Humanity from their mortal abode; they keep the Idea-Mother alive among men, illuminate the Path, which has been darkened by passions, and make human beings to toward the achievement of their destiny.

Teaching 6: Solar Initiates of Fourth Category

Solar Initiates of Fourth Category appear on Earth seven times during each race, and facilitate the labor of individual progress in Humanity.

Peoples of all times present as prototype of their race to one of Them; he lives in conditions of ideas of his people, and tries to renew and invigorate them in such a way that he leaves an undeletable track and divine memory of his work by initiating a new era.

The Solar Initiate of Fourth Category joins closely to men, shares their lives and transforms the troubles of people into his own troubles to such extent that He becomes an image of these troubles He is God, and tries to solve these troubles taking part in their human flesh and idiosyncrasy by becoming a Savior of Humanity.

So close is the union of God-Man with men that in many cases his form seemingly prevailed over the divine one. In Him, human and divine are so closely united that he feels sorrows of mankind in such a way that one can say a Solar Initiate of Fourth Category carries in him all sorrows of Humanity; since only a perfect man, because he is truly God and truly man, can entirely feel and suffer from them.

The work of Them is to remember the Mother-Idea, to vivify and renew it, by removing debris that the times and an imperfect work of man have piled over. Their mission is that of creating an individual will of Humanity.

Many times Solar Initiates of Fourth Category have come down to Earth. Their coming always was without a seed of personal or universal karma, and their conception has been truly virginal. Their coming has been prepared and prophesied by great Moon and Fire Initiates. Also, a selected cohort of the latter has accompanied them being still alive, as relatives, disciples, and closely related persons and Masters.

A Solar Initiate of Fourth Category affirms his divine incarnation during his life by unequivocal words, in front of witnesses and public, in such a way that his memory is imperishable among men.

So that his work discloses its high end, he testifies the memory and truth of his doctrine by means of his own blood.

His body disintegrates quickly after death. Through his death, every human being and those who are on astral planes get a noticeable and beneficial influence. Forty days later, his subtle body also disintegrates and comes back to the bosom of the Divine.