Staff Assembly Day
February 11, 2010
Breakout Session Notes
- Nazareth supports foreign education
- International students and diversity
- Interfaith Awareness
- Curricular
- Co-curricular
- International students and financial support
- Thinking Globally
- Conversations
- Resources
- Pressure on international students to complete the programs
- Advisement
- Redesign the programs
- Link Civic Engagement opportunity to the core
- How can Nazareth remain viable
- Influencing world issues
- Awareness on what’s happening in our country
- Civic Engagement
- We are involved with LEEDMetropolitanUniversity in England
- Virtual Campus
- Perspective Students
- Interacting with international students
- Connecting
- Encourage our students to take risks
- Be adventurous
●Collaboration with international schools
● Addressing international students need while they are here
Community College
●2 + 2 programs
●Staff members devoted to 2 + 2
- dedicated to transfers
- Website information for transfer students
●Transfer Equivalency System
- Online information for incoming transfer and current students – summer
●Satellite Campuses
- Saturday classes
●Community Colleges are ahead of us in technology
- Distance learning
- Phone registrations
- Look to them as a model
●Programs in high schools that transfer into community colleges
●Syracuse – S.U. P. A. for high school students
- Need to get into high schools
●Look at adults going back to school – course offerings
●More full time faculty needed
Pluses at Nazareth:
●Class sizes
●Academic Advising
Negatives at Nazareth:
●Course offerings
●Need for males
●Athletic Training
●Golf Management
●Money – costs
●Criminal Justice
Online Comp:
●Summer courses – for undergraduates
●Graduate level – work and travel
●SUNY learning network
●Movement of new schools to area
- Legislation to limit?
Saturday Campuses/Accelerated Programs
●Use executives in MBA Programs
●MS – dedicated programs
●Make connections with companies
- Make arrangements with companies and give tuition reduction by volume
●Academic support systems
- Tutoring
- Remedial help
- ESL tutoring
●Marketing our opportunities/accessibility for disabled population
●Commuter students
●Veteran population
●Rehab services attracting future students
Vision of 2020
●Communicate to campus administration plans for future enrollment
●More partnerships with other area colleges – less competition and more collaboration
●Increase services for academic services
●Offer same services to grad students that they are entitled to as undergrads
●Flexibility in over lapping undergraduate and graduate students taking courses on both levels
●High school students taking classes here
●Teaching part of undergraduate classes in high schools (Rochester City Schools)
●Need flexibility with course transfer from community colleges
●Adult students – 25 and older
●Career changer types
●After retirement – retrainees
●Life long learners
●Socio-economically disadvantaged
- Support services of College
●Academically disadvantaged
●Out of state students
- How to get here
- Marketing
- Retention
●Reaching students academically
●Marketing out of area
●Women graduate students and adult population
●Program offerings for male students
●Single parents
●Online course considerations
●Students with disabilities
●Satellite course offerings and/or campuses
●Continue with message that Nazareth is comprehensive, non-catholic institution, private and co-ed
●Address possible changes in external forces that effect enrollment – regulations, education, certificates, etc.
Environment and Climate Changes
- Bio-diesel
- Lowered steam output – best way to go
- Costs? Problematic?
- College willing/able to invest up front to see results “down the road”
- Better publicized about recycling
- Campus community needs to see that recycling happens
- Be held accountable
- Building i.e., Math/Science building – LEED?
- Flapless toilets conserve water
- Window replacement
- Design of heating placement in dorm rooms
- Awards/prizes – competition for conserving
- Larger compost/worm farm – Chartwells/Facilities
- Library printers are set for double-sided
- Less printing
- Computer labs – charge for printing
- Printers need to be checked for jams – paper spits out after cancelling
- ‘Card System’
- Scan to file
- ‘Environmental Green fee’ on tuition – specify for what
- One central recycling area – boxes, etc.
- Individual offices dump own blue box end of each day
- Better location of trash/garbage bins
- More bins/garbage bags
- Shut down computer
- Eliminate drive to apartments?
- Shuttle/electric?
- Security/bio-degradable
- Incentives for bike riding and carpooling
- Year-end dumpster diving – bazaar
- Used clothing
- Staff Welfare Committee/carpool
- Chartwells – paper recycle products usually go in garbage
- New lights/gym
- Facilities are checking lighting in buildings
- Res. Halls – after certain hour, lights dim
- Faculty on-board about printing vs. online, single-sided vs. double
- Motion lights – regulate – classrooms/offices/restrooms
- On-line courses
- Working from home – staff
Changes – Visible
- Recycled paper towels
- Electric cars
- Heat
- Controls
- Energy audit
- Open windows in winter especially dorm rooms
- Older outdated equipment
- Needs better promo/educate not aware of it
- New recycle bins
- Bio-friendly articles
- Coffee refills $
- Water bottles
- Lighting – controls, sensors, timers, quality – incandescent vs. fluorescent
- How aware are they? Very
- How important for them
- Go Green Club
- Pledge Tree
- Alternative energy
- Solar panels
- Geo thermal
- Partner w/companies, new products, new technology
- Water conservation
- Low use faucets
- Leaks/drips
- Recycling very important to students
- Expand composting
- Plastic vs. china tableware; Styrofoam at Roost
- Class scheduling for energy conservation esp. w/online distance learning
- More efficient use of computer labs vs. laptops
- Students don’t know where the labs are
- More “Internet Café” spaces
- Tightening the gap between new faculty and older faculty
- Student involvement in these ideas… it is happening – but where does it go? Can I.T. see ideas so they can move on some things? Follow up!
- Without visible follow up, student/staff get tired of coming to share ideas. Need credibility!
- Consider culture when implementing and moving forward. Culture will shift – but may take time.
- Web mail?
- Current Naz culture isn’t one of laptops
- Student life gaming/technology
- Making technology visible – not all behind the scenes
- New ways of teaching w/technology
- Second life?
- Faculty seems to be slow to respond
- How to get a culture of change?
- Newer faculty comes in with different expectations – will we be ready for the shift? Positioning.
- Re-allocate funding (no $$ for dorm phones – put it elsewhere!)
- How do we know what’s happening? Not being college-age ourselves, it’s hard to keep up. Every six months or so, things change.
- Students come in with different levels of knowledge/need
- Give a ‘package’ upon entrance, ex: laptop/phone/I-touch/Kindle or I-pad instead of /for textbooks
- Competitiveness with technology among incoming students
- Don’t know what the technology will be: start with 3-5 years
- How to get the $$ to proceed? Annual giving option?
- Staff professional development to stay up-to-date
- Distance learning/on-line/satellite classrooms – but not lose the personal feel of Naz
- What technology are the students using? Social/curricular/etc.
- Be ready for rapid change! Not just I.T. but all staff/faculty levels. May need to let go of old ways.
- Need to catch up to 2010! Texting/long distance calls from campus (staff & students)
- (Need to be aware of personal choice/involvement. Preferred contact info not widely available.
- Staff not always capable of keeping up with technology.
- Hand-held Naz apps will help with this. Portal
Financing a College Education
- Challenges
- Cost/$$ amount
- Options – ways to pay
- Internal
- External
- Appeals
- Special circumstances
- Employment under/un
- Competing aid packages
- Fed/State
- Competing family priority
- Culture – immediate gratif. (mortgage vs. financing ed.)
FELP vs. Direct Lending
- Alt. loans, good for both
- Sub/unsub, college and students
- Need-based aid – FAFSA app. All must complete if seeking aid other than just Naz aid (for any Fed and State)
- Discounting – need “blind”
NY Model vs. Other States:
- For FA options
- How we address the GAP?
- How to quantify admissions recommendation to FA (transition)
- Community resources
- High school guidance admission (disc. of family) FA
- Educational lobbying
- NYS programs, ex. HHS scholarships, TAP ($5K max., $500 min.
- Complexity Award, fall/spring, 50/50 yearly
- Aid & Beyond (overwhelming commitment)
- Parents/families – overwhelmed, but result in delaying action
What can we do?
- Once accepted, better guidance/help engage families reduce the family’s stress/get them to act sooner
- Are there grants that we should be pursuing as a college? Noyce/HEOP/Endowment Articulation
- Other schools offer a 4 year rate – finance package how would structure?
- How would 2+2 programs impact our residency requirement? Ease of participation.
- What is ‘affordable’?
- Ability to package under/grad degree, ex. P.T. Demonstrate value.
Financing a College Education
- More difficulty paying bills – student accounts
- Fewer loans available, due to changes in student lending – fewer options
- More graduates with backgrounds associated with fewer resources by 2020
- Economy will continue to cycle up and down
- The governor is already discussing cutting TAP
- Will continue
- No TAP increase since 1994, while tuition continues to climb
- Discount to student vs. actual revenue
- Potential funding cuts at state level for programs like HEOP
- No guarantees
- Federal grant programs down
- Parents wanting to prepay for next four years – potential “deal” with Nazareth
- Would require innovative payment options
- More options for transfer students needed due to increase in community colleges-financial aid payment
- Need for transfer-friendliness – recruiting, financial aid, academics
- Transfer students:
- offering less than average incoming freshman, more opportunities for greater revenue
- making connections with two-year schools, plan on Nazareth
- “Discount” is more about competition with competing schools
- Becomes a “money game”. How do we “win”?
- “Wal-Mart Effect” – becomes issue of volume vs. quality
- Housing?
- Live off campus to keep costs down.
- First and second year requirement for living on campus – if enrollment is down.
- Empty beds equals a potential decrease in revenue
- More inter-office communication; more automation, efficiency.
- Automation + efficiency = accuracy
- There is a need for better/reliable/innovative technology to support increased enrollment/need with same amount of staff
- Variance in “customers”:
- Not just traditional students
- Due to the economy being down, there will be an increase of adult / nontraditional students
- Diverse programs, time offering, flexibility within program requirements
- Non-traditional like transfers:
- Less Nazareth money, especially for Graduate students
- Cheaper for college in terms of aid
- Significant impact on revenue with this population – leads to increased competition with similar schools
- Undergrad vs. Graduate financing:
- Decrease in ESTP due to companies cutting money and benefits
- More last minute registration leading to greater pressure on financial offices.
- International Recruitment
- Financing concerns
- Language skill issues
- Demand in SE Asia
- Seeing some increase in European students
- Athletics is a draw
- 2020 Goals
- Language skill support
- Increase bilingual staff
- Inter-college collaboration (RAC)
- Dietary needs
- CFS – opportunities for increased diversity (e.g., Muslim student organization)
- Muslim chaplain
- Students expect international mission trips
- Funding international student organizations
- Interdepartmental collaboration and campus communication
- Technology
- On-line learning
- Certification program / 2 year program / individual courses
- Effective delivery
- Financing / tuition differential?
- Communication key
- Increased investment in infrastructure
- Staff training for on-line students plus more diverse students
- Sending our students to international locales
- After graduation, more international opportunities
- Promote quality education to “marry” traditional with on-line technology
- What are other institutions doing?
- How competitive will we be?
- Financing
- What draws students to us?
- Look closely at degree offerings
- Lower sticker price?
- Housing when college closed:
- Married students?
- Families?
- Graduate students?
- Veterans:
- Counseling?
- Support groups
- Housing
- Training for faculty/staff
- Disability services
- Job placement
- Training needed for diversity
- Research other colleges
- Curricular questions – freshman seminar to increase tolerance and understanding
- Student training for increased understanding of diversity
- Student empowerment
- External campus? / Sister school?
We use technology to get students – what do we use when they are here?
- Files, forms, document management
- Do we have structure / support?
- Stay open to new tech / new ideas
- Support IT / Spend the $$$
- Stay compatible with students
- Need R & D for technology
- Make smarter decisions
- Process first – don’t let tech lead
- Technology needs to be part of all job descriptions
- Keeping fresh
- Support faculty so that we can have some united tech plan
- Keep our students using our technology
- Technology as assessment of programs/events
- Do more than “mission critical”
- Hybrid programs
- Contact makes us who we are
- Idea of 24 hour contact – response
- Customer Service vs. Education
- Parent involvement and information
- Development of technology best practice
- Set expectations of contact service and 24/7 opens
- Student assumptions
- Nimble
- Text messaging – use / misuse
- Documentation of information so that everyone can answer a question
- Change vs. challenge
- Prepare students for the technology they face
- Central database of tech needs and what’s available
- Government and Process
- Aggressive advertising on TV increases visibility
- Lower cost for tuition
- Define what makes Nazareth special and define what students are looking for
- Recruit from community colleges
- Define target market
- Capitalize on graduate programs at Nazareth
- Make more flexible schedule in grad programs
- Create:
- Hybrid programs
- Job transition programs
- Two year skill development programs
- Professional or certificate programs
- Latino market is growing – look beyond the familiar
- Recruit – look at high schools, guidance counselors, what they do
- Why do people take on-line courses? Convenience.
- Look at Nazareth’s on-line and ed technology
- Recruit adult learners
- Look at Nazarethfacilities. Need updating:
- Dorms
- Sports
- Science labs
- Technology
- Music facilities
- Etc.
- Investment in security paid off as has investment in grounds, but interiors need upgrading
- Instill a culture of giving early on with undergraduates
- Examine competition and what they are doing
- Benchmark colleges like Nazareth and see what they are doing
- Combat Fisher’s large-scale campaign
- To remain competitive, look at core curriculum
- Look at direction employment is taking. Large corporations are dying in area – what is the future? (Small business, health care, etc.)
- Look at business trends/projections for area
- Still is a need for teachers – gradSchool of Education especially
- Look at what we do well and build our strengths
- When you get grad students, they pay full rate – UG is discounted. International students pay full rate too
- Delivery of services in Grad and UG – length of time to get degree, flexibility of program.
- Look into option of 3-year BA and strengthen graduate programs
- Look at models of success at 2 + 2 programs
- Are community colleges looking at offering 3-year Bas in the future?
- What are 4-year colleges doing to partner with community colleges?
- Do we compete with community colleges or develop relationships with them
College Accountability
- Be intentional (not same-ole-same-ole)
- Focused on outcomes (students*) Advertise outcomes
- Make connection to what we are doing – to outcomes
- Think progressively – what do we need to do NOW in order to address those needs
- Students/Parents are customers – What do they want/need?
- Does our curriculum match the job market? It needs to!!!
- How does what we (dept) do fit w/LO? How to measure?
- What will student population look like?
- How will our roles/responsibilities change?
- How will additional barriers/struggles affect retention and grad rates?
- Can we clearly define student demo in order to better prepare?
- Maintain high-academic standards *Important*
- Services/schedules to accommodate changing demos
- Would we be willing to decrease enrollment and offerings to fine tune our focus? Make hard cuts acad/staff.
- How can we better support Grad Students and that changing demo? (services, housing, other)
- What are we doing? Why? And how does it fit? *we have to assess*
- In order to better understand “our” mission, we need to be able to share our stories and see how they fit w/LO.
- How can we increase collaboration between div/dept/fac/staff?
- Simplify/combine/discard
- Accountability within institution across divisions needs to be more in line/on same page
- Accountability of resources/use across divisions/dept (without losing quality)
- Participate in proff/orgs including State/Federal lobby efforts
- Do we have 2 + 2 agreements? (Peer-MCC, FLCC)
- Honor Scholarships
- Are we targeting the States that are growing? (NJ, AZ)
- Recruiters in new areas, regional reps
- Marketing to Canadian/International students
- Discounting Students
- Need to market to adult learner as an undergraduate
- Evening classes (fit in with their schedules)
- On-line classes
- Transfer credits
- Looking at 2nd careers, not staying in one job for 40 years
- Look at Majors we offer – ex: Health Care Admin.
- Or piggy back on to a degree
- What’s in place for people far away with regards to vacations…
- Retention rates – how do we improve them
- Different Athletic programs – males, hockey
- We need facility space for practices – field house
- Push to increase science programs to go along with the new building
- Facility is sometimes a deal breaker
- Summer course schedule
- Programs build to attract students – ex: Summer School of Arts
- Collaborate with other Colleges for weekend classes
- Intensive 2 week summer classes
- Getting younger students on campus so they begin to think ahead to college
- Offer/expand Certificate Programs for older adults
- Overnights for sports/HEOP students
- More recruiters in key areas
- Build programs
- Best bang for buck
- How expensive are on-line?
- Need faculty who are receptive to on-line courses
- Need to look at classes we offer and perhaps stop offering some
- Adjunct teachers prefer night classes
- Full Professors might not want to teach at night
- Look at overall atmosphere on campus
- Male – athletes: artists
- What attracts the “average Joe”?
- Programs need to fit
- Perceived as strong gay population – would we promote that?
- Image of College
- Still perceived as: Catholic and Girls
- Name Change
- Modification of name
- Who does the College want to attract
- The “average Joes” Don’t stay once they get here
- No connection
- Leave because of programs
- Clicks
- Don’t like it- move to different school
- Price
- Don’t forget to attract “average Jill’s”
- Indentify what Nazareth wants to be
- Pro’s and Con’s to having Greek groups or other niches to feel connected
- How big do we want to get?
- Safe environment
- Articulating the value of a Nazareth Degree as compared to other schools
- Perception-associates with small privates
- Fisher
- Don’t have enough ump to attract from peer schools
- Tap into Government Financials
- Mandate