KP article for over concentration
VOTMA Announcement
Do you think 19 tasting rooms in Kenwood are enough? Have you experienced the cumulative impacts of all these tasting rooms and events? Within the mile and a half of highway 12 from Adobe Canyon Rd to Deerfield Winery, we have seen a proliferation of signs, banners and sandwich boards, increased traffic congestion, unsafe road conditions and a loss of our rural character. The VOTMA board and others feel this area is over concentrated with visitor serving facilities. We feel it needs some special consideration at the county when a new application or a modification of a use permit is submitted.
There is another area of concern in Sonoma Valley along highway 121. It is a 2 mile stretch from the arterial stopat 116 to Viansa Winery that has 7 large winery/event centers with a total of 441 events a year already approved. The traffic on this two lane roadway with no shoulders and groundwater intrusion are serious concerns with the number of events approved. The VOTMA board has been collaborating with a group concerned about the same type of issues on Westside Road near Healdsburg. We are asking the Board of Supervisors to include these three concentrated areas on the PRMD work plan.
Tuesday, October 7th, 10 am at the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meeting there will be discussion on the PRMD work plan for 2015. Please help us get these areas of over concentration on the work plan so the county will be able to develop some criteria for new applications.
Write or email the supervisors your request to have the three mentioned areas of over concentration added to the PRMD work plan for next yearto formulate criteria for the approval of new and modified use permit conditions that would address the cumulative impacts of these areas.
Susan Gorin - Shirlee Zane –
David Rabbitt – Mike McGuire –
Efren Carrillo –
Mailing address: 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, Ca. 95403
Flood the supervisors with your request and come to the Oct. 7th Board of Supervisors meeting to make sure they know we have had enough. You can make a difference. Thank you.