MDCVS Meeting space

Terms and Conditions

Charges (as per Dec 2015)

Meeting & Training Room:

£5 per hour for MDCVS members

£8 per hour for non MDCVS members

Informal desk space

£3 per hour from MDCVS members

£4.50 per hour for non MDCVS members

Other services

Access to Wi-FI No Charge

Use of Powerpoint projectorNo Charge

Use of Flip chartNo Charge

Provision of Flip chart paper£1.50 per sheet used

Kitchen facilitiesNo Charge

Tea/coffee making£1 per person per 4 hour session

Photocopying/printing5p per A4 B&W (10p for double sided)

20p per A4 colour (40p double sided)

10p per A3 B&W (15p per double sided)

Laminating50p per A4 sheet

35p per A5 sheet

Making a booking

To book the MDCVS meeting room or space a Meeting room booking form must be completed. If you wish to check availability prior to making a booking you can call the office on 01621 851891 or email an enquiry to and make a provisional booking. This booking will not be confirmed until a completed form is received. Completed forms can be emailed to or sent by post to

Maldon and District CVS

The Square

Holloway Road




The room will not normally be available outside of office hours. In exceptional cases, the Director may make a decision to allow a group to use the room outside of these hours. In this case, the room-user must be able to pick up the office key during office hours. The room-user will also be asked to provide photographic I.D. and a deposit of £50, which will be returned after the use, should the Terms & Conditions of Use have been met.


The per hour charge will be levied if a booking is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.

Terms & Conditions of Use

  • Users of the MDCVS rooms must confine their primary activities to the space they have booked. i.e. those using the meeting room should not use the informal meeting space aside from access to the room and kitchen/toilet facilities
  • Users should respect other people within the meeting spaces and building and keep unnecessary noise to a minimum
  • The upstairs area will remain out of bounds for all users.
  • Users will have access to the toilet and kitchen facilities; however, they must bring their own refreshments and may not use any stored there for CVS use unless purchased from MDCVS as part of the booking.
  • Users must respect the furnishings and equipment, and must leave the room in the same condition it was in before the use.
  • Users must not use blu tac, sellotape or any other means to attached posters, papers etc to the walls
  • Users must give advance warning of any intention to use the equipment and must be prepared to reimburse M&DCVS for any printing or other costs.
  • Users of the room must have appropriate Public Liability Insurance
  • Users may have access to the MDCVS Wi-Fi on request – this must be used responsibly.
  • If the room use is taking place outside of office hours, it will be the named contact’s responsibility to ensure the security of the building throughout the use, and to ensure that the building is properly locked after the use. It will be this person’s responsibility to return the door key to M&DCVS as soon as possible after the room use.

Key use and return

If you are required to take possession of an office key in order to make use of the MDCVS room at your chosen time this must be collected from the MDCVS offices at a pre-arranged time. The responsible person will be required to sign for the key and will remain responsible for the key until it is returned to MDCVS.

A signature will also be required to return the key.

MDCVS accept that groups may wish to return the key by posting through the door after use. In this case the responsible person remains responsible for the key until such time as an MDCVS member of staff has signed the key back in on their behalf.

Any key lost or not returned will be the responsibility of the organisation to replace. This will be at a cost of £10

  • Users must supply their own first aid kit. If there are any issues with room fixtures and fittings then please inform M&DCVS and if necessary complete an accident form

Please return this form to

Maldon and District CVS, The Square, Holloway Road, Heybridge, Essex, CM9 4ER

or Email to