HighlandHigh School

Geometry Syllabus

Mr. Dorsuleski

Dear students and parents,

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. This year, students will be exposed to the beauty and importance of geometry. Geometry is one of the oldest branches of mathematics that deals with shapes, sizes, lengths, areas, volumes, and much more. This course will teach us how to manipulate mathematics and shapes to be useful and applicable for everyday situations. It will also teach us logic, reason, and the ability to understand and explain what we know in a way that is both rational and powerful. I am excited to teach you these geometry concepts that I am passionate about, and I know you will soon appreciate them also.


Materials that are necessary for this course are:

Notebook just for this class

Mechanical Pencils with extra lead


Scientific calculator


Students are expected to follow all rules stated in the HighlandHigh School handbook. Any discipline issues will be dealt with immediately according to the handbook.


65% of the grade comes from Chapter Tests.

25% of the grade comes from Quizzes(2-3 per chapter).

10% of the grade comes from Homework(every night).

Parents can access grades at any time on RDS.


Homework will be assigned nearly every night. Each assignment will be designed to require a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Homework MUST be fully complete in order to receive credit. Incomplete homework will not be graded.

Homework must be completed and have work clearly shown in order to receive full credit.

Quiz questions are taken directly from homework assignments and test questions are taken directly from quizzes and homework.


  • Work is completed on time. No folds, rips, wrinkles, doodles, etc… should look professional. I will not accept any work that is not neat.
  • Homework questions are written, diagrams are drawn, and all work is shown.
  • All work is in pencil, unless otherwise instructed.
  • Follow all directions. Failure to follow directions will result in loss of credit.
  • Take good, clear, usable notes.
  • Come to class be prepared and on time. Tardiness is a disruption to the learning process.
  • Pay attention! Sit up straight, no slouching, look interested.
  • If you are absent find out what you missed from me or a classmate.
  • Make every effort to be in class every day. We move quickly and I don’t want you to be left behind!
  • All work must have a proper header. Your name, period, the date, and the FULL assignment (page number and problem numbers) must be written on the top of every assignment. If you don’t have your name written down, you will not receive credit.
  • If you are turning in an assignment late due to an excused absence, make sure that you write down “ABSENCE” in the front page of your assignment and turn it in the very next day that you are in class. It is YOUR responsibility to turn in your homework after an absence. I will not ask you for your late work…..you must remember to turn it in!Assignments not received the day following an absence will not be accepted.
  • All assignments must be corrected in RED pen.
  • Revised assignments must be turned in prior to taking the unit test. Grades are not based upon effort. Students are expected to master the Indiana State Standards.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at . I am looking forward to meeting all of you and I know this will be a wonderful year for all of us.


Pere Dorsuleski

I have read and fully understand this entire syllabus. I understand and accept the expectations of this course and respect all of Mr. Dorsuleski’s classroom rules.


Student NameStudent Signature


Parent Signature Parent Phone Number Parent E-mail