20060402 Sparta Fisherman, page 1

Multi-Stakeholders Forum in Sparta

Date: 2 April 2006

Region #2 N.D.C

Venue: Fisherman

Number of participants: 27

Facilitators: Judy Davson and Louisa Mancey

What we can celebrate as positives in Guyana

Participants see this conversation as a stepping stone for more conversations where they can air their voices

Elements of a vision for Guyana


  1. The Government that is elected does their best for all Guyanese
  2. To see all Guyanese entitled to their democratic right whether or not they have migrated
  3. All political parties collaborate

Social Inclusion/Cohesion

  1. All races unite and work for the good for Guyana
  2. Guyanese live together as one and be happy


  1. Leaders of Guyanaseek the interest of the poor and not just the rich


  1. Guyanese live in unity and help each other
  2. The political parties look to God and therefore be better examples and guidesto younger ones
  3. A country that values honest work
  4. Work constantly and consistently for better Guyana

Law and Order

  1. Institutionsensure that the constitution function effectively
  2. Justice enforced
  3. No robberies and murders – “Police stamp out crime”


  1. A cure for HIV/AIDS is found


  1. To see Guyanese dollar as strong as the US dollar

Present local conflicts/areas of tension


1.Culvert between Lima/La Belle Alliance needs to be widened

  1. Poor street light
  2. The sea dam is washing away
  3. Roads are in bad condition: Sea side road, Street in Lima Scheme, Lima Street west of sea and street at back not in order. Some of these roads were never upgraded, and some although recently repaired have been badly damaged
  4. Location of house lots not being done satisfactorily
  5. Busesover-crowded
  6. Residents do not have land line telephones


  1. Noise nuisance during sleep hours (music in neighbourhood)
  2. Blockage of back drain

Social Issues:

  1. Child labour
  2. Use of indecent language in the public road.
  3. The disabled are not treated equally
  4. Mentally ill persons roaming streets
  5. Children of school age not attending school
  6. No institution for children 14yrs and over who are not in school

Community Development

  1. Persons are not working to make their community a better place

Law and Order

  1. Issuing of driver’s license is not properly monitored by the Police


  1. Job freeze poses serious problems
  2. Residents are unable to obtain jobs
  3. Fishermen have several issues including access to second hand and/or duty free engines; the need for extension of 4” pipe so that fishermen would obtain an adequate water supply; piracy on sea – fishermen being robbedand high gasoline for fishermen
  4. Price for paddy is too low
  5. High prices for fertilizer
Public Administration:
  1. Recipients are not receiving old age pension
  2. Substandard work being done by contractors because of poor Government supervision of the work done by contractors
  3. RDC and NDC officers and the Regional Chairman are “just holding position”

Potential for violent conflict

None put forward

Concrete commitments and ideas towards overcoming challenges


  1. GWI must place pipe line on Lima sea dam road shoulder


2.Local authority should re-dig Lima collecting drain

3.Government transportation, e.g. buses need to be reintroduced

  1. Sea dam needs to be weeded

Access to Opportunities and Resources:

  1. The Government should support school children by providing them with text books
  2. Children should have better job opportunity despite of their qualifications

Public Administration:

  1. RDC and NDC Officers and the Regional Chairmen must have a4year term
  2. No sub-standard work should be tolerated – the government must have technical personnel to oversee work done by contractors

Any other observations/process issues

The ERC coordinator and assistant coordinator did an excellent job

There was good communication between facilitator and community

Participants left the meeting with these thoughts:

“Good; satisfied; very good; hopeful with urgency; hopeful not the first or time; let it be a reality; hope it will not be an empty promise; not satisfied; so far so good; successful; hope that God will smile on this president to make everything successful; glad; welcome; came through as was said; hope government can look into problems seriously.”