Study Sheet for Rock & Blues Keyboards
Resource on the wiki: USMusic Theory Workbook
2 Levels-You are expected to know the information in the wiki chapters. If you have any questions bring them to class on Thursday 10/1.
Treble and Bass Clefs - Know how to read notes in both clefs. Know where to locate any specific note on the keyboard
Rhythm-understand how time signatures function-how many beats there are in a measure (can be any #) and what types of notes get one beat (can only be half notes (2), quarter notes (4), eighths (8), sixteenths (16) and higher multiples of 16. The most common time signature is 4/4, or common time. Know symbols for eighth, quarter, and half rests.
Scales and Key Signatures-Know how to form a Major scale for any key up to 4#s or 4 bs.
Intervals-Major, minor, and Perfect. Know how to form intervals and how to recognize them. Be able to notate the right pitches when requested (ex. What is a Major 3rd above C? answer: E)
Chords and Inversions-I, IV, V & vi chords in Major keys up to 4#s and 4 flats
Ear Training – Notate chords in harmonic dictation-examples may be played with inversions.
PLUS: (Level 2)
Rhythm-Figure out which is the best time signature if given a measure without a time signature. Also, add in barlines to a line of music depending on the time signature.
Scales and Key Signatures-all Major scales and minor keys up to 2 #s and 2bs
Intervals-Includes diminished and Augmented intervals
Chords-Includes V7 and its inversions
Ear Training – May include melodic dictation