You are summoned to attend a meeting to be held on Wednesday 6th August 2014 inRawdon Community Library at 7.45pm.
31st July 2014
- To accept any apologies for absence.
- To receive any declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Also to receive declarations of any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.
- To discuss with Mr Merckel from LCC Highways road safety concerns and possible solutions.
- Public Participation (15 mins) Members of the Public are reminded that this is their opportunity to speak to the Meeting on any topic relevant to the work of the Council. However they may not speak during the remainder of the meeting unless specifically invited to do so by the Chairman.
- To approve the Minutes of the last Meeting held on 2nd July2014.
- To receive information arising from the Minutes of the previous meeting that is not specified elsewhere on the agenda.
- To comment on planning applications sent by Leeds City Council.
Single storey side extension / 12 Invertrees Avenue Rawdon Leeds LS19 6EP / 14/03625/FU
New pitched roof to detached garage / 12 Layton Park Avenue Rawdon Leeds LS19 6PL / 14/03872/FU
Single storey side and rear extension including terrace / 9 Larkfield Avenue Rawdon Leeds LS19 6EN / 14/04523/FU
Change of use and alterations from retail unit to four self contained domestic dwellings / Yorkshire Care Equipment 6 Over Lane Rawdon Leeds LS19 6DY / 14/04498/FU
- To note applications received by Leeds City Council that do not require comment
Change of use and alterations from retail unit to four self contained domestic dwellings / Yorkshire Care Equipment 6 Over Lane Rawdon Leeds LS19 6DY / 14/04498/FU
Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 and 25 of Planning Application 14/00477/FU / Airedale International Air Conditioning Park Mills Leeds Road Rawdon Leeds LS19 6JY / 14/04145/COND
Variation of condition 7 of planning approval 10/04261/OT to read "No more than 50 dwellings shall be occupied on the site until all the off-site highway works listed in the planning obligation dated 10 November 2011, as varied by a Deed of Modification dated 29 October 2013 and as further varied by a Deed of Modification dated 6 January 2014 relating to the adjoining Clariant site have been completed." / Riverside Mills Low Hall Road Horsforth Leeds LS18 4EF / 14/03733/FU
- To note decisions made by Leeds City Council on previous planning applications presented to this committee
Conservatory to rear / 28 Larkfield Road Rawdon Leeds LS19 6DZ / 14/02829/FU / Application Approved
Two storey and single storey side extension; gable wall extension to side / 1 Hill Crescent Rawdon Leeds LS19 6NQ / 14/02747/FU / Application Refused
Two storey side and rear extension; porch to front / 22 Leeds Road Rawdon Leeds LS19 6NL / 14/02726/FU / Application Withdrawn
Porch to the front / 1 Underwood Cottage Underwood Drive Rawdon Leeds LS19 6LA / 14/02372/FU / Application Approved
- To receive information that members and the Clerk would like to draw to the attention of the Committee.
- To consider items for inclusion on the next agenda.