ND0534 / Certificate in Design Draughting
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) Level 6
Course Descriptor
CDD4.003/NDE4.301 Engineering CAD Course Descriptor
(Approved by Academic Standards Committee on 31 January 2012) Effective date: / February2012
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki / Page 1 of 2
Form Version: B
Course Code: / Course Title:CDD4.003
NDE4.301 / Engineering CAD
WITT credit value: / 15
Level: / 4
Duration: / 17 Weeks
Internet based learning indicator: / 2 Web Supported
Learning hours:
Tutor contact hours / 90
Self-directed hours / 60
Total learning hours / 150
Rationale for allocation of hours:
This course includes theory, practical & problem solving and requires the tutor contact hours to complete. These hours match the indicative hours as per the NZDE consortium recommendations.Purpose:
To provide students with the basic CAD draughting skills required for an engineeringtechnician.
NDE4.103 Technical LiteracyLearning outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:No / Learning Outcome /
1. / Demonstrate correct draughting practice and the use of different views and projections
2. / Produce working drawings including projections, perspective, sectional and assemble views
3. / Produce 3D models of parts and assemblies, and output final drawings
4. / Explain the CAD/CAM manufacturing process
Content/main topics:
· Drawing office practice, drawing standard AS 1100, storage and recording systems.· Drawing projection - Orthographic (1st angle and 3rd angle), pictorial projection (oblique and isometric), sectional views, auxiliary projection.
· Dimensioning - principles of dimensioning,
· Drawing skills - freehand sketching,
· Solid modelling application e.g. Inventor and SolidWorks. Construction of parts and assemblies, Output drawings for parts, details, sections, and assembly drawings.
· Concepts of CAD/CAM
Basis of assessment:
Assessments in this course are achievement based.Assessment requirements:
Assessment Task / Learning Outcome(s) / Weighting /Projects (2) / 1,2,3,4 / 100%
Required texts:
Refer to course outline.Recommended reading:
IPENZ GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES / OUTCOME1 / Knowledge of Engineering Sciences / 1, 2, 3, 4
2 / Analysis and Problem Solving
3 / Design and Synthesis / 1, 2, 3
4 / Investigation and Research
5 / Evaluation and Management of Risk
6 / Team Work
7 / Communication / 1, 2, 3
8 / Ethics and Responsibility to Society
9 / Management and Financial
10 / Practical knowledge and application / 1, 2, 3
CDD4.003/NDE4.301 Engineering CAD Course Descriptor
(Approved by Academic Standards Committee on 31 January 2012) Effective date: / February2012
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki / Page 1 of 2
Form Version: B