Teacher: Renee Abramson
Room: C60
Course:953-01 ESL EMERGING 2
Contact Information.
Ms. Renee Abramson
ESL Department – House B
Milford High School
Course Objectives: The aim of this class is to improve your reading, listening, speaking, writing and grammar skills in English. You will learn to read and write sentences in the present, past, future, present perfect and past perfect tenses. You will learn to recognize the differences between the simple and continuous tenses and to write negative and interrogative (question) sentences. You will learn to use syntax correctly, and you will learn basic spelling rules and basic rules for punctuation. You will distinguish between main ideas and supporting details. You will write original focused paragraphs with topic sentences, relevant supporting detail and transition words. You will also increase your vocabulary through use of context clues as well as knowledge of word parts. You will learn spelling and rules for success in the classroom and beyond.
Classroom Expectations: Students are expected to be prompt, prepared, polite, and positive!
PROMPT: When the bell rings, class starts! Be in your seat with your binder or notebook open!
PREPARED: Come to class prepared and ready to learn. Bring a writing utensil of your choice and it is suggested to bring a three ring binder and spiral notebook. Word to word dictionaries are always available but if you choose to bring a translating device, you are fully responsible for its safety.
POLITE: Always ask or answer questions in a respectful manner. Be aware that talking while another person is talking is rude. The classroom must be a learning environment at all times – do not interfere with someone else’s right to learn.
POSITIVE: Negativity is counter-productive to learning. I will always try to be positive, and so must you. I have complete faith in your ability to succeed in this course provided you make an effort to learn.
Students are expected to abide by all school policies including tardiness, class absences, dress code & cheating. See student handbook for details.
Term Grade Percentages: Tests…………………………… 60%**Quizzes………………………... 20%
Homework/Class Participation…20%
**For Term 4 – Tests 40% and Final 20%
Extra Help 2:20-2:50PM
M / T / W / Th / F
√ / * / √ / √ / √
*available most Tuesdays
HELP! This is always around the corner! I am available on Tuesdays for help after school. On the first Tuesday of the month are faculty meetings so please arrange a time that I can be after school to help you succeed.
Homework Procedures
All homework will be checked the day after it has been assigned. I believe that homework is extremely important for understanding the material. Therefore, homework is a learning experience. All homework will be graded based on completeness. Point values will be assigned as follows:
¨Complete: 4 points
¨Mostly Complete: 3 points
¨Half-way Complete: 2 points
¨Mostly Incomplete: 1 point
Quizzes and tests will be given on each unit. In addition, there will be projects and group activities. If you do poorly on a test, you may choose to retake the retest within 1 week of the original test.
How to be successful in this class: You can be successful in this class by doing the following
- complete assignments thoroughly and on time
- attend class and be an active, cooperative learner
- prepare for quizzes and tests
- ASK FOR HELP right away if you do not understand.
I can also be reached by email: and by leaving a message for me at the House B office.
- Please share this course information with a parent/guardian.
- Complete the information and questions on the last page and sign in the spaces provided.
- Please return the last page of this handout to Ms. Abramson no later than August 29th.
I look forward to having a rewarding and productive semester with you.
Ms. Abramson
Policy Agreement
Parent/Guardian Copy
Please sign and return THIS SHEET ONLY to Ms.Abramson by August 29, 2013.
STUDENT: I have read the information contained in Ms. Abramson’s course information packet. I will do my part to help maintain a good classroom environment and will follow all school & classroom policies. If I have any questions or concerns, I know I can speak with Ms. Abramson at any time.
Print Student NameStudent Signature Date
PARENT/GAURDIAN: I have read the information contained in Ms. Abramson’s course information packet. I understand that my child/student is responsible for his/her actions. I will encourage my child/student to follow all policies. I also know that if I have questions at any time during the year, I can speak with Ms. Abramson in person, over the phone, or via email.
Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Please explain anything you would like me to know and that would be helpful in making this a successful and productive year and math course for your student.
OPTIONAL, BUT WELCOME. All information will be kept confidential.
Phone Number(s) at which
Parent/Guardian can be reached:______
Best time to reach me:______
Email address______