Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare – All Saints
Safety, Infection Control, Etc. Information
/ WFH-ALL SAINTS /Phone Numbers
· General information· All Emergencies
· Central Staffing / (262) 687-4011
Dial 7777
262-687-4881, Located at Spring Street Campus, Main Building
Standard Precautions
/ All sites: Gloves at patient bedside and bathroom; gown; gloves, and masks availableIf Blood Exposure…. / Associate Health Services (AHS) or ED (if AHS is closed)
Types of Isolation:
Location of Supplies / Airborne
Airborne + Contact
Droplet + Contact
Modified Protective
Equip. from Central Processing.
Emergency, Infection Control, PP Manuals / On Taunet, available off line through AHS.
Location of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) / MSDS Online (on TauNet)
DEPARTMENTAL ICOE BOOKLET / ICOE (In Case of Emergency) – every department has at least one ICOE Booklet. This booklet outlines the system-wide responses for most emergencies and also has supplemental department-specific information that should be followed during any emergency. Know where your booklets are and be familiar with your department specific information.
Power Failure Phone Numbers / Location and number of all power failure phone numbers are provided in the departmental ICOE booklet
Patient Strong / Alert to be used when a patient is becoming agitated, aggressive, combative or violent towards staff, visitors or other patients.
Missing Person / Alert to be used when anyone over the age of 18 is reported missing. Provide best possible description of individual to switchboard, and to security when they arrive.
Security Alert – Building Threat / Alert to be used if you receive a bomb threat, observe violent action or potential violent actions (not from a patient) inside or outside the facility.
Security Alert – Active Shooter / Alert to be used to notify all associates of an active shooter situation. Follow one of the following steps:
1. Evacuate to safety if possible
2. If evacuation is not possible, barricade yourself in a protected area, turn off lights and remain quiet
If you get to safety use any phone to contact 9-1-1 and report what is happening.
If the police are there, do exactly as you are told, do not approach them or run to them
Operational Alert / Alert used to notify all associates of a situation (or with another alert). There are three phases to this alert:
Phase III – All associates return to their departments, await updated orders from leadership
Phase II – Mobilize on duty associates, redirect workforce as necessary, implement departmental plans if necessary.
Phase I – Off duty staff are called in to report for work.
Chemical Alert / For large or hazardous chemical spills. Evacuate department with the spill until cleared. Do not go to area of spill.
Relocation Alert / Evacuation Plan. Shelter in place is always the primary option. Stay in your department until it is no longer safe to do so. Move to next safest horizontal smoke zone when necessary. If no more or available horizontal smoke zones, relocate to next safest floor (up or down).
Missing Infant/Child / Used any time someone under the age of 18 is reported as missing. Provide the age, gender, race, and clothing if possible when reporting the alert. DO NOT DELAY REQUESTING THIS ALERT FOR ANY REASON, INCLUDING SEARCHING THE DEPARTMENT. Once the alert has been announced, begin to search your department and await for security.
Fire Alarm / Any time you observe or think there may be, smoke, fire or the possibility of a fire take the following actions:
R – Rescue/Remove those in immediate danger or harm
A – Activate the alarm -pull the nearest pull station and contact the switchboard (ext.7777)
C – Contain/close any doors that did not automatically close in your area
E – Evacuate or prepare to evacuate your patients and associates
Medical Emergency / Code White – First Aid
Code Blue – Cardiopulmonary Arrest
Severe Weather Watch/Warning / All weather events that are issued by the National Weather Service will be announced overhead. Follow all outlined department specific responses for your area
Utility Alert / Used to announce a utility outage or event
Main Campus Maps / Campus Stairwell maps are provided for the Spring Street and Wisconsin Avenue Campuses
All Saints- OSHA.doc UPDATED 1/2013 Page 2 of 2