Introduction to Academic English
Outline Drafting
Hanging Gardens
Instructions: To practice drafting an outline, complete each step below using the essay question and the source texts from the webpage below to help you.
Essay Question: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the most impressive historical buildings in the world. Describe what a ziggurat is, the Hanging Gardens and how the gardens were irrigated.
Example of all steps (1, 2, & 3)
- Annotate your source texts for Body Paragraph 1.
• Then make a list (Draft 1) below of everything that you annotated in the source texts for Body Paragraph 1.
- Reorganize the information into an outline.
- Edit your outline and add a conclusion.
Draft 1
Body 1•Part of ancient Mes. Cul.
•Found many cities – archaeologists – modern Iraq 19 in 16 cities – 1000sq km
(Osman, 2011)
•Temple – top – dedicated to local gods (Osman, 2011)
•Pyramid construction - terraced
•Religious symbol – citizens = very proud (Osman, 2011)
•Seen all over city
•V. large buildings
•Mud brick center – outer walls = baked brick – no rooms inside – external stairway to
top (Ali, 1997)
•Terraces - contained plants
•Dimensions = 40x50 at base 50 meters high (Ali, 1997)
Draft 2
Body 1 - Main Idea / Zigguarat - building in ancient MesopotamiaSupport
• explanations
• examples
• evidence / Zigg - played a part - ancient Mesopotamian cul. Religious symbol – seen all over
city - Prof Ali Baghdad Uni =citizens proud
Modern Iraq - archaeologists -19 discovered in 16 cities – large area
• Large religious towers of Babylonians
• Tall terraced pyramids – usually contained plants
• temple on top – dedicated to local gods
Mud brick center – outer walls = baked brick – no rooms inside – external stairway to
top. Dimensions = 40x50 at bas
Draft 3
Body 1 - Main Idea / Zigg = Played a part - ancient Mesopotamian cul. + unique physical featuresSupport
• explanations
• examples
• evidence / • Important religious symbol - seen all over
• Prof Ali Baghdad Uni =citizens proud (Osman, 2011)
• Modern Iraq archaeologists - 19 discovered –in 16 cities – large area (Osman, 2011)
• Large religious tower of Babylonians
• Tall terraced pyramids – usually contained plants
• Temple on top – dedicated to local gods
• Mud brick center – outer walls = baked brick – no rooms inside – external stairway to top. Dimensions = 40x50 at base 50 meters high
Step 1:
• Annotate your source texts for Body Paragraphs 1, 2, & 3 as well as the introduction
• Then make a list (Draft 1) below of everything that you annotated in the source texts for Body Paragraphs 1, 2, & 3 as well as the introduction.
Note: In this first step, it is acceptable to have repeating items. That means they are important. Try to write them as notes in your own words when you can.
Draft 1
General Statement / Background / Importance
Body 2
Body 3
Step 2: Make an outline (Draft 2) of everything that you listed from the source texts for Body Paragraphs 1, 2, & 3 as well as the introduction.
Note: In this second step:
• Pick out repeating items and only use them one time.
• Reorganize your points.
• Try to organize the important points you choose in order from general to specific information, giving explanations first and then examples.
• Group your information together with points that support each other.
• Try to write them as notes in your own words when you can.
Draft 2
IntroductionGeneral Statement
(Key terms) - if necessary
Body 2 - Main Idea
• explanations
• examples
• evidence
Body 3 - Main Idea
• explanations
• examples
• evidence
Step 3: Edit your outline (Draft 3) for Body Paragraphs 1, 2, & 3 as well as the introduction.
Note: In this third step:
• Make sure your info is organized well.
• Is everything in the correct paragraph?
• Are all repeated items removed?
• Is your information grouped appropriately?
• Is it in a general to specific order?
• Check your citations.
• Do you have enough?
• Are they following the correct information?
Note: Add a conclusion now.
• Repeat the aim you wrote in the introduction.
• Give a summary of the three body paragraph main points.
• Give an academic comment.
• The comment includes an opinion.
• Use language that expresses opinions and explain how you and people feel about the topic.
• Example: extraordinary
• Example: wondrous
• It also includes future action.
• Talk about what people can do in the future or future research that can be done to improve knowledge and understanding of this topic.
Draft 3
IntroductionGeneral Statement
(Key terms) - if necessary
Body 1 - Main Idea
• explanations
• examples
• evidence
Body 2 - Main Idea
• explanations
• examples
• evidence
Body 3 - Main Idea
• explanations
• examples
• evidence
- Restate Aim
- Summary
- Academic Comment (Opinion & Future Action)