The Communication Trust– SLCF Case Study Template

As part of our ongoing work around the Speech, Language and Communication Framework (SLCF), we have been funded this
year to build on the success of the new SLCF and develop a new area on the website – ‘Evidencing Good Practice’.

This page currently hosts 5 case studies and more will be added soon.Their purpose is to showcase examples of good practice to help others think about what they could do to improve their own practice around speech, language and communication support, using the SLCF and we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to add to the series.

If you would like to contribute a case study please complete the form below and return it to will then contact you to arrange a follow up telephone call at a time that is convenient for you. If you have any questions about the form or how your case study will be used please don’t hesitate to contact us first.

Areas we would like to know about / Comments
  • Name
If you would prefer to keep anonymous please do not include your name
  • Which region you work in?
    Please indicate if you work in one of the 12 government ‘social opportunity’ areas:
    Bradford, Doncaster, Fenland & East Cambridgeshire, Hastings, Ipswich, Stoke-on-Trent, Blackpool, Derby, Norwich, Oldham, Scarborough and West Somerset.

  • Where do you work and what is your job title?
    You don’t have to share the name of your organisation if you would prefer not to, but the type of service you work in would be useful, e.g. a primary school

  • What are the ages of the children and young people you work with?

2. Your use of the SLCF
  • How did you first hear about the SLCF?

  • Did you complete the SLCF as an individual, as part of a group or as a training provider?
    If you are a training provider please skip to section 4.

  • What was your reason for signing up to use the SLCF?

  • Which level(s) of the SLCF did you/your group complete?
    (Foundation, Universal, Enhanced or Specialist)

  • How often do you/your group re-visit the SLCF?

3. Impact(Please answer these questions if you used the SLCF as an individual or as part of a group).
How would you describe your experience of using the SLCF in terms of:
  • How easy was it to complete the SLCF online?

  • How useful did you find the information in your learning profile/group profile?

  • Did the SLCF signpost you to useful and relevant training and/or resources?

  • Do you think the SLCF has helped you to understand your/your group’s current levels of skill and knowledge concerned with speech, language and communication?

  • To what extent has using the SLCF had an impact on your CPD/your group’s CPD?

  • What impact has using the SLCF had on your practice/the practice of staff in your setting?
    Have you seen any improvements in specific areas of practice?
    Have you seen any impact on outcomes for the children or young people you work with?

  • What are your next steps?
    Do you have plans to continue using the SLCF?
    Are you going to access further training/resources?
    What further actions are you/your setting going to take to continue to improve practice?

  • Would you recommend the SLCF as a tool to colleagues?
    If you would like to add comments to explain why please do so

4. Training/resource providers
Please answer these questions if you used the SLCF as a training or resource provider.
  • What was your reason for using the SLCF?
    Did you use it to map existing training/resources?
    Did you use it to help you to develop additional courses/resources?

  • Which level(s) of the SLCF did you map your training/resource against?
    (Foundation, Universal, Enhanced or Specialist)
  • Which level(s) of the SLCF did you use to help you to develop new training/resources?
    (Foundation, Universal, Enhanced or Specialist)

  • If you mapped an existing training course/resource, what was your reason for mapping your training/resource?
    Did you submit your course/resource to feature on the SLCF website?

  • What benefits have you seen from mapping your training/resource?

  • Do you have plans to map further training/resources onto the SLCF?

  • If you used the SLCF to help you to develop a new course/resource, how did the SLCF support you to do this?

Please add any other comments below about your experience using the SLCF and the impact you feel it has had on your practice or organisation:


Thank you for taking the time to fill in this case study template, we really value your feedback.
Please send your completed form to or The Communication Trust, 31 Angel Gate, Goswell Road,
London EC1V 2PT and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.