March 5 – 6, 2011
Ellensburg, Washington
Held under the approval of USA Swimming, Inc. and Inland Empire Swimming, Inc.
Sanction # IE1107
In granting this sanction it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming (USAS) and Inland Empire Swimming (IES) shall be free and held harmless from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event.Use of audio or visual recording, including the use of a cell phone camera, is not allowed in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms.
Host:Ellensburg Area Swim Team, POBOX 622, EllensburgWA98926
Location:CentralWashingtonUniversity (CWU) AquaticCenter. The facility is located on campus nearNicholson Pavilion and Tomlinson Field, on North Walnut. Ample FREE parking is available.
Format:Timed Finals, Non-Split Format
Course:Indoor, 10 lane 25 yard pool with anti-wave lane lines. Eight (8) lanes will be used for competition, and one (1) lane for continuous warm-up/down use. The Meet Director may choose to utilize only six (6) lanes for competition if the meet has a low attendance. The pool is equipped with a Colorado Timing System. The pool is 15’ deep at the starting block end and 4’ deep at the turn end. The starting blocks meet USAS height and water depth requirements. Deck marshals will be present during warm-ups. Wheelchair access to lower deck level is available. The competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4).
Rules:Current USAS Official Rules will govern the meet. The rules and procedures of IES also apply.The Referee of the meet shall be the final authority for the conduct of the competition. Swimmers participating in the meet without a coach must report to the Meet Referee prior to the warm-ups for instructions. Coaches must be currently registered with USA Swimming. Proof of certification must be produced at any time upon request by the Meet Referee. Only swimmers, coaches, officials and meet workers are permitted in the deck area. Spectators will not be allowed in deck area without proof of current USA Swimming membership. The deck area is considered to be a 3 foot area from the edge of the pool and the area behind the start platforms up to the timer chairs. Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.
Eligibility:Open to 2011 registered USAS athletes. Registration numbers must be included with entries. Age on the first day of the meet determines the age group to enter. Each swimmer must swim in his/her respective age group. Athletes with a disability are welcome and are asked to provide advance notice of necessary accommodations.
Entries:All swimmers may enter a maximum of five (5) individual events and one (1) relay on both Saturday and Sunday. Only yard times will be accepted. All events are timed finals. “No Time” (NT) entries will be accepted. Age groups may be combined for competition, but scored separately.
Awards:Ribbons will be awarded for first through eighth place in individual events and relays.
The 11 and over, as well as the 13 and over, events will be scored and awarded as 11 -12, 13 -14, and 15 and over for both girls and boys.
Vendors:A concession stand will be available throughout the meet. A full swim shop will be available
throughout the meet. Cash/check payments only. NO charge/debit cards.
Submissions:Team must submit Entries using Team Manager “Hy-Tek” Software via email (preferred) only.
Please include a hard copy of "Meet Entry Report" as a back-up.
Entries must include current 2011 USA Swimming registration numbers.
Final Entries deadline is Monday, February 28, 2011.
Entries may be submitted via email to Tony Malella at
Phone entries will not be accepted.
Please send the following 4 attachments via email (preferred):
1. Commlink entry file from Team Manager
2. Print to file (word format) of team individual entries
3. Print to file (word format) of team relay entries
4. Print to file (word format) of meet fees due.
Payment and hard copies must be received by the above deadline for entries to be considered official.
Entry Fees:There is a ten dollar ($10.00) IES surcharge per swimmer.
Individual events are three dollars ($3.00) each.
Relay events are twelve dollars ($12.00) each.
Fees & surcharges for each team must be paid with one check and accompany entries.
Please make the check payable to Ellensburg Area Swim Team and address to:
Ellensburg Area Swim Team
PO Box 622
Ellensburg, WA98926
*** Please Waive requirement for signature ***
March 5 – 6, 2011
Schedule:Warm-ups will begin @ 8:30AM on both Saturday & Sunday. Team lane assignments will be announced. Meet marshals will be present during warm-ups. Coaches must be on deck at all times during warm-ups; further, when sprint starts are in progress, the coach must be positioned near the starting blocks in order to maintain proper control over his/her swimmers.
The meet will begin @ 9:30AM on both Saturday & Sunday.
Meetings:Officials meeting @ 8:45AM (Saturday & Sunday)
Coaches meeting @ 9:15AM (Saturday & Sunday)
Officials:Meet Referee:Greta Alderson509-248-5204
Meet Director:Tony Malella509-962-5059
Lead Starter:Ken Hummell
Stroke & Turn:Matt BruggmanJim Denison
We welcome (and need) the help of visiting certified officials. Sign-up sheets will be posted near the office. Your support is most certainly appreciated! Please bring current certification and USA Swimming registration cards; these will be verified by the meet referee before deck assignments are made.
- Meet officials reserve the right to reduce the number of lanes used to 6 if the meet is lightly attended.
- Late entries may be accepted by the Meet Director. If accepted, late entries will be entered as exhibition swims. Regular fees apply to exhibition swims, but the swimmer is not eligible for awards.
- Any protests or questions concerning the outcome of an event should be directed to the meet referee only. The protest should come from the swimmer’s coach.
- Swimmers are responsible for reporting to the right lane for their event.
- The Referee may schedule ten-minute breaks during the competition, at his/her discretion.
- The USA Swimming SWIMS database requires that ALL swimmer data be correct before any meet data (swimmer times) be loaded into the USA Swimming database. If you know of any swimmer data that is NOT correct in the meet database, please notify the meet referee as soon as possible. The appropriate changes will be made. The data will be sent to USA Swimming within 3 days of the meet. Thank you for your cooperation.
Lodging Information:
Best Western Lincoln Inn:(509) 925-4244 Comfort Inn:(509) 925-7037
Days Inn:(509) 933-1500 Ellensburg KOA: (509) 925-9319
Hampton Inn: (509) 933-1600 Holiday Inn Express:(509) 962-9400
Inn at Goose Creek:(509) 962-8030Nites Inn:(509) 962-9600
Quality Inn:(509) 925-9801 Super 8 Motel: (509) 962-6888
1 / 8 & Under 100 IM / 2
3 / 9-10 200IM / 4
5 / 11-12 200 IM / 6
7 / 13 & Over 200 IM / 8
9 / 8 & Under 25 Breaststroke / 10
11 / 9-10 100 Breaststroke / 12
13 / 11-12 100 Breaststroke / 14
15 / 13 & Over 100Breaststroke / 16
17 / 8 & Under 100 Medley Relay / 18
19 / 9-10 200 Medley Relay / 20
21 / 11-12 200 Medley Relay / 22
23 / 13 & Over 200 Medley Relay / 24
25 / 8 & Under 25 Freestyle / 26
27 / 9-10 100 Freestyle / 28
29 / 11-12 100 Freestyle / 30
31 / 13 & Over 100 Freestyle / 32
33 / 8 & Under 50 Butterfly / 34
35 / 9-10 50 Butterfly / 36
37 / 11-12 50 Butterfly / 38
39 / 11 & Over 200 Butterfly / 40
41 / 8 & Under 25 Backstroke / 42
43 / 9-10 100 Backstroke / 44
45 / 11-12 100 Backstroke / 46
47 / 13 & Over 100 Backstroke / 48
49 / 11 & Over 500 Freestyle / 50
51 / 9-10 100 IM / 52
53 / 11-12 100 IM / 54
55 / 11 & Over 400 IM / 56
57 / 8 & Under 50 Back / 58
59 / 9-10 50 Back / 60
61 / 11-12 50 Back / 62
63 / 11 & Over 200 Back / 64
65 / 8 & Under 100 Freestyle Relay / 66
67 / 9-10 200 Freestyle Relay / 68
69 / 11-12 200 Freestyle Relay / 70
71 / 13 & Over 200 Freestyle Relay / 72
73 / 8 & Under 50 Freestyle / 74
75 / 9-10 50 Freestyle / 76
77 / 11-12 50 Freestyle / 78
79 / 13 & Over 50 Freestyle / 80
81 / 8 & Under 25 Butterfly / 82
83 / 9-10 100 Butterfly / 84
85 / 11-12 100 Butterfly / 86
87 / 13 & Over 100 Butterfly / 88
89 / 8 & Under 50 Breaststroke / 90
91 / 9-10 50 Breaststroke / 92
93 / 11-12 50 Breaststroke / 94
95 / 11 & Over 200 Breaststroke / 96
97 / 8 & Under 200 Freestyle / 98
99 / 9-10 200 Freestyle / 100
101 / 11-12 200 Freestyle / 102
103 / 13 & Over 200 Freestyle / 104
105 / 11 & Over 1650 Freestyle / 106
March 5 – 6, 2011
NAME OF CLUB: ______
NO. OF SWIMMERS:______x $10.00 SURCHARGE =$______
NO. OF EVENTS:______x $3.00 PER INDIVIDUAL =$______
______x $12.00 PER RELAY =$______
MAIL ENTRIES TO:Ellensburg Area Swim Team
PO Box 622
Ellensburg, WA 98926
Or e-mail entries to:
Questions regarding entries should be addressed to Tony Malella: (509) 962-5059