LA communications to schools
Title: / Local Area Inspections of Special Educational Needs and/or DisabilitiesSummary: / A brief guide for School Governors
Target school(s): / All
Specific schools
For attention of: / Heads, SENCOs, and governors
Contact: / Keith Tysoe
Email: /
Telephone: / 07739 315424
Newsletter date: / 19 September 2016
Action required/
due date: / For information
Local Area Inspections of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
A Brief Guide for School Governors
Purpose of the inspection
- A new joint inspection framework has been established by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission to inspect the effectiveness of local areas in fulfilling their duties in regard to provision for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
- It is important to note that these inspections will evaluate how effectively the local area meets its responsibilities, and not just the local authority.
- The local area includes the local authority and health service, early years settings, schools, further education providers and specialist services providing services to residents within the local authority geographical area.
During the inspection
- The inspection team will usually consist of three inspectors and will normally last five days.
- Inspectors will interview key officers from the local authority and health service, and interview key representatives from strategic and operational groups.
- Inspectors will arrange meetings with children and young people as well as parent and carer groups.
- Inspectors will visit other providers, such as nurseries, schools, colleges and specialist services. It is important to note that when inspectors visit providers, these providers are not under inspection.
- If during the course of these inspections inspectors become aware of concerns of a safeguarding or child protection nature, they will make additional enquiries to satisfy themselves that such matters are being dealt with appropriately.
Following the inspection
- Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission will publish a report. The report will be in the form of a letter providing a summary of key findings including strengths and areas requiring further development.
- The judgements will be given within the narrative of the report as there are no inspection grades under this inspection framework.
What is the Local Authority and Health Service doing in response to this new inspection framework?
- The Local Authority has set up a steering group with key partners to produce a local self-evaluation in preparation for the inspection.
- The self-evaluation will identify particular strengths across provision, areas of best practice, gaps in the local offer and areas for further improvement.
How can school contribute?
All providers and services should be available to be involved in the self-evaluation process as requested. The plan is to engage with local partnership groups on this matter. It would be helpful if all providers and services had conducted their own self-evaluation in answer to the three primary questions:
Question A:How effectively does the local area identify children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities?
Question B:How effectively does the local area assess and meet the needs of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities?
Question C: How effectively does the local area improve outcomes for children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities?
If you wish to familiarise yourself further with the inspection framework it is available at: