Department of
LadokeAkintola University of Technology
PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Acting Head,
Department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology
The Hod’s Foreword
he department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology is Unique, forward looking and friendly place to study. The department offers progressive courses with a vocational emphasis on equipping our graduates for self employment and modern employment market place.
The department offers both undergraduate (B.Tech) and Post Graduate (M.Tech. M.Phil and Ph.D)
degrees in different fields of specialization in Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology. The Department is
endowed with highly qualified and experienced academic staff members. Both well equipped
laboratory and farms facilities are available in the Department for a sound academic pursuit at the
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Students are implored to carefully peruse the contents of the
handbook and abide by the rules and regulations contained therein.
Wishing you a successful stay in the department
Dr. L. O. Ojedapo
Acting Head
Department of Animal Nutrition & Biotechnology
Train of Headship
1.Dr. I. A. Emiola
Ag. Head of Department 2010 – 2012
2.Dr. L. O. Ojedapo
Ag. Head of Department 2012 t0 2014
3. Dr. S.G. Ademola
Ag. Head of Department 2014 t0 date
Train of Headship…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
Brief History of the Department………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
University Philosophy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Objectives of the Department……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Admission Requirement………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
With the current trends and development in the field of Animal Production, the existing curriculum cannot accommodate new emerging concepts of general animal husbandry. Thus, it is imperative to spilt the present Animal Production and Health department so that the existing curriculum could be reviewed to accommodate these new concepts and meet the current day reality in the field of animal sciences.
Poor or inadequate nutrition cum breeding of animals remain the most single problem facing livestock industry in Nigeria. Nutrition represents about 75% of the total cost of production in any livestock farm. Thus, the field of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology is long overdue as separate and unique department. The department will cater for adequate training of students in the science and arts of animal nutrition and biotechnology. When they are adequately trained, graduates from this department will be able to contribute meaningfully and substantially towards solving the global main problem of livestock industry which is feed scarcity and selection of better breeds.
The curriculum for the Department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology would provide avenue for training students in:
a.Agricultural Biochemistry;
b.Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition;
c.Feed Manufacturing Techniques;
d.Animal Biotechnology
The training is tailored towards producing graduates who are versed in knowledge and can fir into many job careers.
The Philosophy of the department is to produce graduates who will be self-reliant and can contribute meaningfully to the production of high quality animal products and manpower needs for the funding states in particular and Nigeria in general.
Objectives:- The Objectives of the department are to produce graduates who will be able to face challenges of producing adequate animal protein for the teeming population of Nigeria by mobilizing all emerging production techniques, feed resources and application of biotechnology in all facets of livestock production and nutrition.
The Department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology is currently one of the six departments in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. It was carved out of the old Department of Animal Production and Health in 2009. The department is endowed with three Professors, two Readers, six Senior Lecturers, One lecturer 1,three lecturer ll, one Chief Technologist, One Technologist ll, Secretary and Data Management Officer.
With reference to admission, the first set of student were admitted in 2009/10 academic session, however, the department shared the responsibility for training of all the students admitted to read Agriculture.
The following are the courses mounted by the department in the Faculty;
200 Level Harmattan Semester:
ANB 201 - Agricultural Chemistry (2 Units);
200 Level Rain Semester:
ANB 202 - Animal Anatomy & Physiology (2 Units);
300 Level Harmattan Semester:
ANB 301 - Introduction to Animal biotechnology (2 Units)
ANB 303 - Feeds and Feeding Stuff (2 Units)
300 Level Rain Semester:
ANB 302 - Basic Reproductive and Digestive Physiology (2 Units)
ANB 304 - Basic Animal Nutrition (2 Units)
400 Level Harmattan Semester:
ANB 401 - Poultry and Feedmill Management (2 Units);
ANB 403 - Livestock toxicology and Biotechnology (1 Unit)
400 Level Rain Semester:
ANB 402 - Special techniques in mini livestock production (2 Units)
ANB 404 - Rabbits and Swine Production (2 Units)
500 Level Harmattan Semester:
ANB 501 - Monogastric Animal Nutrition (3 Units)
ANB 503 - Reproductive Physiology & Artificial Insemination (3 Units)
ANB 505 - Instrumentation and Feed Analysis ( 2 Units)
ANB 507 - Animal Behaviour and biotechniques (2 Units)
ANB 509 - Feed Manufacturing and Technology (2 Units)
ANB 511 - Livestock Biometry & Research Techniques (2 Units)
500 Level Rain Semester:
ANB 502 - Ruminant Animal Nutrition (3 Units)
ANB 504 - Animal Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2 Units)
ANB 506 - Environmental Physiology and lactation (2 Units)
ANB 508 - Biotechnology in livestock improvement (2 Units)
ANB 510 - Aquaculture (2 Units)
ANB 598 - Project (4 Units)
The philosophy of the University, which applies to the Facultyof Agricultural Sciences and indeed the Department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology is reproduced/adapted as follows:
The LadokeAkintola University of Technology should relate to the requirement of development in a country like Nigeria with its complex social and economic problems. The circumstances of Nigeria call men and women with knowledge and skill and the capacity to create opportunities for themselves and others.
Oyo and Osun States established a University of Technology, defined Technology in all-encompassing sense of all applicative use various types of knowledge and professional skills for the optimal development of human and material resources and its environs.
In addition to the orientation of a University generally, the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology has to be geared towards the social, cultural and technological needs of the country in the general and of the Oyo and Osun States in particular.
The University combines the ideals of excellence in learning with a large dose of practical application in development. Its strength lies in its orientation towards productivity in all aspect of its programmes.
In essence, the University will be both a center of academic excellence and a training ground for productive, self-employable, self-sustaining and self-reliant individuals passing through it.
The objectivesof the Department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology are:-
(a)The provision of excellent and functional education in the science and technology of nutrition and biotechnology at graduate and postgraduate levels.
(b)The provision of continuing education relevant to natural needs of science of nutrition and biotechnology and allied experts in forestry agricultural engineering, farm management and extension.
( c)The improvement of animal production and health potentials of local farmers via provisions of extension services, short-term training with opportunities for reciprocal visit and exchange.
(d)Conducting appropriate goal oriented research using the concept of biotechnology in animal nutrition.
(e)Collaboration with the State, National and International institutions in the different aspects of research in feed resources and quality control.
(f)The production of cheap animals protein to meet the needs of the University, its immediate environment and the Oyo and Osun State through the highly mechanized university farm.
(g)Co-operation with other faculties of the university to achieve the set goals and objectives of the University.
Admission Requirements:
JME/UME Entry Requirement
Five “O” Level Credits in Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology/Agric. Science, Physics and English
Language. Admission is also through Pre-Degree Science (PDS) Programme of the University.
English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology/Agric. Science and Physics
Direct Entry
i.Two Advanced Level passes or equivalent in Chemistry and one of Biology/Botany/Zoology/Agric. Science/Geography/Geology.
ii.NCE/OND (Upper Division) certificate holders will spend four years; i.e. they will be exempted from the internship (400L) programme.
iii.Admission is also through pre-degree Science Programme (PDS) of LAUTECH.
iv.HND Certificate holders will be admitted to 200L and will not participate in the internship programme of 400L i.e. HND holders will offer courses at 200,300 and 500 levels.
Academic Staff:
The academic staff members are adequate in number, qualification and experience.
S/No. / Name / Rank / Qualification / Area of Specialization1 / S.G. Ademola / Reader / B.Sc, M.Sc(Ibadan) Ph.D (LAUTECH / Nutrition Biochemistry
2 / G.O. Farinu / Professor / B.Sc, M.ScPh.D (Ibadan) / Nutritional Biochemistry
3 / A.A. Odunsi / Professor / B.Sc, M.ScPh.D (Ibadan)
MBA(LAUTECH) / Monogastric nutrition/ Feed Resources Management
4 / I.A. Emiola / Professor / B.Agric(Ife) M.Sc Ph. D (Ibadan) / Monogastric nutrition and Feed Toxicology
5 / O.S. Adedeji / Reader / D.V.M. M.Sc (Ibadan) Ph.D (LAUTECH) / Vet Anatomy
6 / L.O. Ojedapo / Senior Lecturer / B.Sc, M.Sc (Ibadan) Ph.D (LAUTECH) / Breeding and Genetics
7 / O.O. Ojebiyi / Senior Lecturer / B. Agric (Ife) M.Sc (Uyo) Ph.D (LAUTECH) / Non ruminant nutrition and Management
8 / O.A. Amao / Senior Lecturer / B.Sc (ilorin), M.Sc (UNAAB) Ph.D (Ibadan) / Reproductive Physiology
9 / V.O. Asaolu / Senior Lecturer / B.Sc, M.ScPh.D (Ife, Ibadan) Ph.D (Ibadan) / Ruminant Nutrition
10 / A.O. Ige / Senior Lecturer / B.Tech (LAUTECH), MScPh.D (Ibadan) / Breeding and Genetics
11 / A.O. Akinwumi / Lecturer II / B.Tech. (LAUTECH), M.Sc(Ibadan) / Animal Product and Processing
12 / D.O. Okunlola / Lecturer II / B.Sc, M.Sc (Ibadan) / Ruminant Production
13 / T.K. Ojediran / Lecturer II / B. Tech(LAUTECH) M.Sc(Ibadan) / Feed Resources and Toxicology
Technical Staff
1.Mrs. A. F. FolaranmiHNDChemistry/BiologyChief Technologist
2.Mr. K. O. MoradeyoHNDTechnologist II
Administrative Staff:
1.Mrs. N. R. AdigunSecretary
2.Mrs. T. R. AdelekeData Management Officer
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
BIO 101 / General Biology I / 2 1 0 / 3
BIO 103 / Experimental Biology I / 0 0 3 / 1
CHM 101 / General Chemistry I / 3 1 0 / 4
CHM 191 / Experimental Chemistry I / 0 0 3 / 1
FAA 101 / Fundamental of Drawing / 2 0 0 / 2
GNS 101 / Use of English I / 2 0 0 / 2
LIB 101 / Use of Library / 1 0 0 / 0
MTH 101 / Elementary Mathematics I / 4 1 0 / 5
PHY 101 / General Physics I / 3 1 0 / 4
PHY 103 / Experimental Physics I / 0 0 3 / 1
Sub total / 23 Units
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
BIO 102 / General Biology II / 2 1 0 / 3
BIO 104 / Experimental Biology II / 0 L 0 / 3
CHM 102 / General Chemistry II / 3 1 0 / 4
CHM 192 / Experimental Chemistry II / 0 0 3 / 1
CSE 100 / Introduction to Computer Technology / 1 0 0 / 1
GNS 102 / Use of English II / 2 0 0 / 0
GNS 110 / History of Settlement / 1 0 6 / 2
MTH 102 / Elementary Mathematics I / 4 1 0 / 5
PHY 102 / General Physics II / 3 1 0 / 4
PHY 104 / Experimental Physics II / 0 0 3 / 1
Sub total / 16 4 9 / 24Units
Total for 100 Level / 33 8 18 / 47 Units
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
AEC 201 / Introduction to Agricultural Economics I / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 201 / Agricultural Chemistry / 1 0 3 / 2
APH 201 / INTRODUCTION TO Animal Agriculture / 1 0 2 / 2
APH 203 / Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife Management / 2 0 0 / 2
ARD 201 / Introduction to Agricultural Extension / 3 0 0 / 2
CEP 201 / Introduction to Environmental Mgt. and Toxicology / 2 0 0 / 2
CEP 203 / Introductory Pesticide Science / 1 0 0 / 1
CPS 201 / Introductory Crop Taxonomy, Anatomy and Physiology / 1 0 3 / 2
CPS 203 / Introduction to Soil Science / 1 0 3 / 2
CPS 205 / Principle and Practice of Horticulture / 1 0 3 / 2
GNS 207 / History of Science / 2 0 0 / 2
GNS 209 / Citizenship / 2 0 0 / 2
FTP / Farm Practical Training I / 0 0 9 / 0
Sub total / 23units.
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / Units
AEC 202 / Introduction to Agricultural Economics II / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 202 / Animal Anatomy & Physiology / 1 0 3 / 2
APH 202 / Livestock Environment / 2 0 0 / 2
ARD 202 / Introduction to Rural Sociology and Rural Development / 2 0 0 / 2
CEP 202 / Introductory Plant Pathology / 1 0 3 / 2
CPS 202 / Principles and Practices of Crop Husbandry / 1 0 3 / 2
CPS 204 / Introductory Agricultural Meteorology / 2 0 0 / 2
CPS 206 / Family, Marriage system and kinship / 2 0 0 / 2
AES 202 / Entrepreneurial Studies in Agriculture I / 2 0 0 / 2
FPT 202 / Farm Practical Training II / 0 0 9 / 0
AEC 202 / Entrepreneurial studies in Agriculture l / 2 0 0 / 2
Sub total
Total for 200 Level
*Students to register for only one GNS Course in Harmattan Semester.
Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
AEC 301 / Statistics and Biometrics / 2 0 0 / 2
AEC 303 / Principles of Agricultural Economics I / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 301 / Principles of Animal Production I / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 303 / Animal Health I / 1 0 3 / 2
ANB 301 / Introduction to Animal Biotechnology / 2 0 0 / 2
ARD 301 / Introduction to Training Techniques for Agricultural and Rural Development / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 305 / Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem / 1 0 0 / 1
CEP 301 / Introductory Pesticides Chemistry Toxicology and Integrated Pest Management / 2 0 0 / 2
CPS 301 / Introductory Soil Pedology, / 1 0 3 / 2
CSE 201 / Introduction to Computers / 2 0 0 / 2
FPT 301 / Farm Practical Training III / 0 0 9 / 0
MEE 301 / Agricultural Mechanization / 1 0 0 / 1
AES 301 / Entrepreneurial studies in Agriculture II / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 303 / Feeds and Feeding Stuff / 2
Sub Total / 22 units
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
AEC 303 / Principles of Agricultural Economics II / 2 0 0 / 2
AEC 302 / Introduction to farm Management / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 302 / Principles of Animal Production II / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 304 / Pasture Management / 1 0 3 / 2
ANB 302 / Basic Reproductive and Digestive Physiology / 2 0 3 / 2
ANB 304 / Basic Animal Nutrition / 1 0 3 / 2
ARD 302 / Leadership for Agricultural and Rural Development / 2 0 0 / 2
CEP 302 / Principle of Crop Protection (Entomology) I / 1 0 3 / 2
CEP 304 / Principles of Plant Pathology / 1 0 3 / 2
CPS 302 / Introductory to Tropical Crops / 1 0 0 / 1
CPS 304 / Crop and Animals Breeding and Genetics / 2 0 0 / 2
CPS 306 / Introductory Soil Micro Biology and Chemistry / 1 0 3 / 2
APH 306 / Fish and Wildlife stock Assessment and Population Dynamics / 2 0 0 / 2
Sub total / 25 units
Total for 300 Level / 47 units
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
AEC 401 / Farm Accounting and Management / 0 0 6 / 2
AEC 403 / Market and Marketing of Agricultural Produce / 0 0 3 / 1
ANB 401 / Poultry and Feed Mill Management / 0 0 6 / 2
ANB 403 / Livestock Toxicology and Biotechnology / 0 0 3 / 1
APH 401 / Pasture Management / 0 0 6 / 2
ARD 401 / On-Farm Demonstration/Field Trips Extension / 0 0 3 / 1
CEP 401 / Environmental Monitoring System and Techniques / 0 0 6 / 1
CEP 403 / Principles and Practices of Crop Protection / 0 0 6 / 2
CEP 405 / Apicultural Management / 0 0 3 / 1
CPS 401 / Crop Production Techniques and Nursery Operations / 0 0 6 / 2
CPS 403 / Soil Survey and Land Use Planning / 0 0 3 / 1
CPS 405 / Mechanization and Workshop Practices / 0 0 3 / 1
APH 403 / Mechanization and work practices / 0 0 6 / 2
Sub total / 22 units
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
AEC 402 / Seminar in Farm Business Planning and Management Problem Solving / 0 0 3 / 1
ANB 402 / Special Techniques in Mini-livestock Production / 0 0 6 / 2
APH 402 / Cattle, Sheep and Goat Management / 0 0 6 / 2
APH 404 / Livestock Diseases and Control / 0 0 6 / 2
ARD 402 / Report writing and record keeping in Agriculture / 0 0 6 / 2
CEP 402 / Experimental Pesticides, Chemistry and Residue Analysis / 0 0 6 / 2
CEP 404 / Mushroom Production Technology / 0 0 3 / 1
CPS 402 / Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products / 0 0 3 / 1
CPS 404 / Soil Testing, Fertilizer Application and Soil Conservation Techniques / 0 0 6 / 2
APH 406 / Processing Techniques and utilization of animal and fish products / 0 0 6 / 2
ANB 404 / Rabbit and Swine Production / 0 0 9 / 3
Total for 400 Level / 42 units
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
ANB 501 / Monogastric and Animal Nutrition / 3 0 0 / 3
ANB 503 / Reproductive Physiology and Artificial Insemination / 3 0 0 / 3
ANB 505 / Instrumentation and Feed Analysis / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 507 / Animal Behaviour and Biotechniques / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 509 / Food Manufacturing and Technology / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 508 / Small Ruminant Production and Management / 3 0 0 / 3
AEC 505 / Agricultural Development and Policy / 2 0 0 / 2
Total No of Unit / 22 0 0 / 21 Units
Course Codes / Course Titles / Hours / UnitsL T P
ANB 502 / Ruminant Animal Nutrition / 2 0 0 / 3
ANB 504 / Animal Biochemistry and Biotechnology / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 506 / Environmental Physiology and Lactation / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 508 / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 502 / Beef and Dairy Cattle Production / 2 0 0 / 3
APH 504 / Animal Health and Disease / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 506 / Special Topics in Domestication & Production of other Small Animals / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 508 / Animal Products and Processing / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 510 / Range Management / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 502 / Ruminant Animal Nutrition / 3 0 0 / 3
ANB 506 / Environmental Physiology and Lactation / 2 0 0 / 2
ANB 510 / Aquaculture / 2 0 0 / 2
APH 598 / Project / 4
Total No of Unit / 22 Units
Courses Codes, Title and Discriptions:
200 Level
AEC 201Introduction to Agricultural Economics I 2-0-0 (2units)
Introduction to Agricultural Economics – Scope and method, Price Theory and the Function of the market with particular reference to agriculture.Theory of agricultural production.Cost Analysis with respect to agricultural production. Theory of distribution.
AEC202Introduction to Agricultural Economics II 2-0-0 (2 units)
Macro Economics Theory as it relates to agriculture emphasizing the components of agriculture in National Income and in International trade; fiscal and monetary policies as they affect agriculture, inflation and the rural sector.
AES 202Entrepreneurial Studies in Agriculture2-0-0 (2 units)
Definition of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, savings and Investment, Professionalism and job creation potentialities, Recent Economic Development issues and coping methods
ANB 201Agricultural Chemistry1-0-3 (2 units)
The composition of living matter, chemistry of meat, milk, eggs, herbicides, insecticides and fumigants. The composition, structure function and metabolism of carbohydrates lipids, proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen metabolism and their biochemical relationships.Bioenergetics.The nature, classification and function of enzymes and hormones.
ANB 202Animal Anatomy and Physiology. 1-0-3 (3 units)
Normal functions of higher animals with particular emphasis on mammalian and avian digestive, reproductive, skeletal, nervous, sensory, circulatory and endocrine system. Anatomy of cattle, sheep goats, pigs, poultry and rabbits.Stress, ecology and adaptation of the various species.Physiological functions of animals –homeostatic, nutrition and digestion, respiration. Temperature regulation, excretion and reproduction. Endocrinology the blood and circulation lactation, milk let down and egg production. Water balance.
APH 201Introduction to Animal Agriculture 2-0-0 (2 units)
Man and the history and development of animal agriculture. Common breeds of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits and general principle of their husbandry including housing record keeping, feeding, breeding and health management, processing and marketing of animal products.
APH 202Livestock Environment 2-0-0-2 (2 units)
Livestock housing. Use of local materials in construction and fabrication of housing facilities. Feeding and management facilities for swine, poultry and rabbits construction of facilities in range and feed lots for ruminant animals. Waste management and disposal in commercial livestock operation waste cycling.