Algebra 1-B Syllabus

Stanhope Elmore High School

Instructor: Mr. Dunn E-Mail:

Objective: After completion of this course, the student should have a strong knowledge of the following:

First Semester: Second Semester:

Algebra 1-A Review Unit 7 – Quadratic Relationships (cont.)

Unit 6 – Exponents and Exponential Functions Unit 8 – Radical Functions

Unit 7 – Quadratic Relationships Unit 9 – Statistics and Probability

Alabama Course of Study, Common Core Standards, and College and Career-Ready Standards are built in with the above listed contents.

You are asked to keep a notebook, complete homework, study for tests and quizzes, and seek extra help when necessary. Your efforts determine your grade. Grades will be calculated as follows:

Grading Scale:

Major Tests/Projects - 60% A = 100 - 90

Quizzes - 30% B = 89 - 80

Daily Grades - 10% C = 79 - 70

(Homework, Classwork, Notes, etc.)

D = 69 – 60

F = 59 – 0

Required Supplies:


3 ring Binder with loose leaf paper

Scientific Calculator ($10 at Walmart)


You will not be allowed to go to your locker to retrieve these items after the bells rings to start class.

Other “Wish List” Supplies:

1 Ream of copy paper

Paper Towels


Hand Sanitizer

Clorox Wipes

Attendance: It is your responsibility to get to class every day!!! Students who are more than 25 minutes late to class unexcused will be considered absent. Refer to makeup policy for absences.

Make up Work Policy:

1.  The full responsibility for making up work after an absence rests with the student. Tests and quizzes must be made up within three (3) business days after the student returns to class. If a student misses only one day, homework is due upon returning to class. A grade of zero (0) is given until the assignment is completed.

2.  It is the responsibility of the student to find out what assignments were missed and to approach the teacher to set up a makeup assignment.

3.  If the student fails to show up for the scheduled make up , a grade of zero (0) will remain.

Testing and Grading Policy:

1.  Zero tolerance for cheating. Students must do their own work. Students who permit their work to be copied as well as the student that copy will receive a zero.

2.  Major tests will take place on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. The test will be announced well in advance and will be posted on the board.

3.  If absent the day before a test, the student will be required to take the test with the class. If absent multiple days before a test, the student will need to make up the test within 3 days.

4.  Daily work will be graded periodically and actually grade will be recorded.

5.  Other than tests grades will consist of quizzes (announced and unannounced), group work, projects, classwork, homework, notes, etc.

6.  All students receive a mid-nine week grade report as well as an end of nine week grade report. Parents please remember to gain access to iNow at home to keep up with your child’s grades.

7.  Any work not completed in pencil or with no work shown will receive a zero (0).

Classroom Rules:

1.  BE PROMPT AND PREPARED: Enter the classroom prepared to work. Each day when you walk into the class there will be an assignment that will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It will be taken up at least once a week for a grade. You must sharpen your pencil before class begins. If your pencil breaks during class, you should have another one ready to use or your own pencil sharpener available for your use only.

2.  Electronics will ONLY be used when specifically designated by the teacher

3.  No food or drink in the classroom

4.  Students will remain seated until they have permission

5.  During instruction, students should only speak when they have been given permission

6.  Be Polite: Respect each other, the classroom, the teacher, and yourself.

These rules are in addition to Elmore County and SEHS handbook rules.


Step 1: Verbal Warning

Step 2: In classroom discipline (writing, break detention, etc.)

Step 3. Teacher/student conference and telephone call to parents/guardians

Step 4. After School Detention

Step 5. Office Referral

NOTE: For serious offenses, an office referral will be written without following steps 1-4.

The school policy for being tardy will be followed for students who arrive to class late.

Mr. Dunn Algebra 1-B 2015-16

Thank you for reading, understanding, and abiding by these classroom policies and procedures. I wish you the best of luck and success during this school year. I hope you excel in all your endeavors. Please return this page as soon as possible signed by both the parent/guardian and student.

Student Name (Last): ______(First):______

Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______

Parent/Guardian E-Mail:______

Parent/Guardian Phone #’s: ______

Student: I have read the classroom guidelines and procedures and understand it. I will honor it at all times.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian(s): My child and I have read and discussed the classroom guidelines and procedures. I understand it and will support it.

Signature: ______Date:______