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Welcome to our fourth and final edition for 2012. Once again welcome to our new students and supervisors and thankyou for all your referrals.

We’d like to say congratulations to our Year 12 students for making it through a tough year and hope your results are what you expected.

Nearly Ready for your Test??

If you’re getting closer to your 120 hours or turning 18, please call us and book in for some lessons. We’ll be able to see if you are getting close to being ready for P plate safe driving, and if you’re not then we’ll do our best to get you to that stage.

Also a reminder to contact us before booking your test, to make sure we’re available to take you and to also see if you are ready.

Don’t forget to book in for a 90 or 120 minute Test Simulation with Two Instructors Present for the same price as one!!

Newsletter December 2012 Page 2

Most of you know that we base ourselves around the Mooroolbark Vic Roads Office and that this branch of Vic Roads only operates as a Licence Testing Office and is not available for other matters.

You will also need to book in for your Hazard Perceptions Test at Burwood East, Camberwell or Carlton, as Mooroolbark doesn’t have the facilities for this test.

Log Books

If you’re worried about the condition of your log book or have any other query with it, then please ask us to have a look at it. We can call into a Vic Roads office during a lesson and have it checked just to be sure.

A reminder to keep a copy of your Log Book as you complete each page – either photocopy or scan into your computer. If something happens to your original Log Book or you lose it, then you have a record of what you’ve done and can rewrite it into a replacement Log Book. If you haven’t kept a copy, then unfortunately you’ll have to start all over again!!

Previous newsletter updates:

* 60 and 90 minute night lessons available with Andy

* 90 or 120 minute city driving lessons also available with Andy

* 90 or 120 minute test simulations available with two instructors present for the same price as one

* More help for Supervisors – Lessons from the Road

* New P drivers are invited to join the programme

For those of you who haven’t as yet received your FREE 60 minute Keys 2 Drive lesson, please log onto the website and register for your free lesson. Then give us a call or send us an email to book in. It’s a valuable lesson for both the learner and their supervisor, even if your test is close!

I have now delivered over 100 Keys 2 Drive lessons and am proud to say that I have been awarded “Gold Status” with Keys 2 Drive. If you’ve had your lesson, don’t forget to log onto and fill out the online feedback form for your lesson.

Newsletter February 2012 Page 3

Gift Certificates and Packages

If you have a package with unused lessons, please contact us and book in. Also please note that future packages will need to be used within a 2 month period (some exceptions may apply).

Long overdue CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah, Jordan, Jess S, Wisoot, Callum, Bronte, Jess G, Jack M, Alana, Luke, Rachel, Tori, Richie, Sean, Dylan, Ashleigh, Mark, Deanne & Zuzanna, and more recent congrats to Toni, Jack S, Jess B, Alicia, Lauren, Mitch, Liam, Leone, Darcy & Zoe.

We’re so very proud of you all when you pass your test with such great results and hope you continue your high standards out their on your own.

Have a look at the website for your photos and if you haven’t sent us a short testimonial yet, then please email or text us and we’ll add it alongside your photo.

See page 4 for some interesting and unusual things that have happened during lessons!

Many of you have tests fast approaching – we wish you the best of luck and remember that during any test the unexpected can happen and is beyond our control.

From our family to yours, we wish you a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

Until next time – please take care on the roads.

Andrea & Andy Moran

Andrea’s A.C.E. Driving Academy ABN 46 196 681 613

0409 424 436 03 9879 9691

Newsletter February 2012 Page 4

Check out a few near disasters and odd things that have happened during our lessons since the last Newsletter!!

Rejane and Eric D, and a number of other students, have had interesting encounters with ducks on their lessons, having to stop and wait patiently for them to cross and get out of the way.

Near misses seem to be more and more common these days! Tori and I were very lucky when two planks of wood came off a trade vehicle behind, one hitting the rear tyre and the other going straight under the car. As Tori said “Secure Your Load”. The man was very apologetic and so he should have been!!

Dylan and I were also lucky when a man came out of the Kilsyth shopping centre and slammed straight into the car in the right lane. A second or two later and it could well have been us.

Probably the luckiest of all recently has been Shelby. A man came flying through a give way sign in Croydon and with us both braking, and forgetting the clutch causing a stall, he missed us by only inches. We were both quite shaken, but it’s a lesson for us all and one of my sayings “TRUST NO-ONE”.

Deanne had to stop during a lesson on Mt Dandy Road for me to move a small fridge door off the road. Secure your load once again!!

Poor Leone had to deal with a very strange encounter on her drive test when a man in his motorized scooter decided to come around behind us at an intersection and stop so close to the back of the car, staring in the back window at us and the Tester. We were on a hill in the manual and he was that close that any rollback would probably have hit him. Thankfully Leone is one smart girl and saw the danger, using her handbrake and all was good!

Today’s test was a little unusual for Zoe, when our Testing Officer got out of the car to ask another instructor to stay where they were so we could do a reverse park behind their car!!