Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Association of Integrated School held at the Brentwood Hotel, Kilbirnie, Wellington, on Thursday 19 June 2014 at 2.00 pm
Present: Graham Preston, Mark Larson, Dawn Ackroyd, Shaun Brooker, Helen Campbell, Elizabeth Coe, Eoin Crosbie, Vaughan Darby, Aaron Donaldson, Ian Faulkner, Sue Fordyce, Jan Gaffney, Richard Hoek, Alan Hood, Chris Johnston, Bill Kathagen, Gillian Laird, Barry Law, Roger Marshall, Rosalie McFarlane, Brigid McGillivray, Tim McJorrow, Vicky McLennan, Anne Mills, SarndraRauzi, Ruth Russell, Carmel Spencer, Stan Stewart, Andy van Ameyde
In Attendance: Lyn Scott
Apologies: Jackie Barron, Melissa Bell, Jenny Browning, Dan Carrasco, Gavin Clark, Gaye Cowie, Steve Farrand, Steve Frost, Cherie Galloway, Lindy Graham, Phillipa Guerin, Ken MacLeod, Lesley Mawley, Helen Pearson, Elizabeth Rogerson, Bruce Sharp, Rosemary Simpson, Christine Sparrow, Keith Spragg, James Sprowson, Jacky Stafford, Maxine Tau, Cherie Wildon, Tom Wolfenden
Moved from the Chair:“That the apologies be accepted.”Carried
Graham Preston welcomed members. The meeting opened with prayer.
“First-timers” after brief “self-introduction” were welcomed. Acknowledgement and thanks were expressed to Ian Faulkner, Wesley College, retiring at the end of this year after 12 years as Principal.
Graham expressed thanks to Tim McJorrow, former Principal St Mark’s School, retiring from his Executive position, for his valued contribution and service over many years. Tim responded noting growth in AIS was encouraging as 14 years ago there had only been 30 attendees at Conference. Tim was wished well in his “retirement”!
Graham paid tribute to Colin Prentice who had recently passed away following a period of ill health. Colin’s contribution will be greatly missed. Special tribute was paid by Eoin Crosbie who, while he had never met Colin, greatly admired his leadership.
- Minutes: Moved : V Darby Seconded: A Donaldson –
“That the minutes of meeting held Thursday 20 June 2013 were a true and correct record.” Carried
- Reports:
- Annual Report:
Graham Prestonand Mark Larson tabled their combined report and acknowledged the ongoing support and help from the Executive and members.
Moved: from the Chair –
“That the Report as presented be accepted.”Carried
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Vaughan Darby presented the report (apology had been received from Jenny Browning)
Administration costs and Executive expenses were up which was a reflection on the additional work that was being done with APIS.
Moved: V Darby / Seconded: A Donaldson –
“That the accounts as presentedbe accepted and adopted.”Carried
- AISNZ 2014 Membership Fees: Moved: V Darby / Seconded: I Faulkner –
“That the AISNZ membership subscription be $1.00, plus GST, per student per annum.”
- Auditor: Moved: V Darby / Seconded: S Brooker –
“That for 2014 the accounts would be audited. Mark Larson and Vaughan Darby have delegated responsibility to arrange the audit.” Carried
- Elections:
- Sue Fordyce took over as Chair of the meeting for the appointment of Executive members.
- Nominations were then called for:
President – Graham Preston – Moved V Darby/Seconded R McFarlaneElected
Treasurer – Jenny Browning – Moved G Preston/Seconded C JohnstonElected
Executive – (2 new reps)
–Helen Campbell (Nga Tawa Diocesan School) – Moved C Johnston/Seconded C Spencer Elected
– Jackie Barron (Woodford House) – Moved M Larson/Seconded E Crosbie Elected
Sue Fordyce, Vaughan Darby, Rosalie McFarlane – Moved G Preston/Seconded C Johnston Elected
Representatives to APIS Executive :
Graham Preston, Sue Fordyce, Vaughan Darby – Ratified
M Larson attends APIS Executive meetings by invitation as a “guest” – non voting.
S Fordyce has retired as Chair of Board at Nga Tawa this year and indicated this would be her last year on Executive. Thanks were expressed to Sue for her continuing contribution.
Members were asked to give thought to “succession planning” for the continued growth and future success of AIS.
- General Business:
- Research Proposal:
Sue Fordyce and Mark Larson spoke to AIS NZ Research Proposal paper which had been circulated to members. The proposal had been “fine tuned” at the Executive meeting on Tuesday evening, this being the reason the paper had not been available for circulation earlier. This proposal is to be funded by built up reserves and is seen as a way to support member schools in respect of Special Character education.
The Executive had been advised by contacts at Massey University that the first step should be to commission and fund a Literature Review. Dr Kama Weir, currently co-leader of the Graduate and Post Graduate Initial Teacher Education programmesat Massey, had been identified as a potential supervisor. Should the research proposal be approved, Kama had nominated Evelyn Lewis (BEd. MA), a Post Graduate Massey student, to undertake the literature review. Executive endorsed her nomination.
In response to some concerns raised by members around benefits from such a project, Mark and Sue responded that this will be a resource to assist AIS people. Concerns around monitoring and setting parameters would be addressed as a preliminary report would be required when the project would either be continued or stopped. It is expected there would be at least two Milestone Reports during the course of the review.
Moved G Preston/Seconded S Stewart: “That the AGM approve allocation of up to $20,000 from Association Reserves to fund the Literature Review as proposed, with appropriate Milestone Reports.” Carried
- Bursars’ Conference2014: To be held at Rydges Latimer Christchurch, 18th and 19th September.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 2.30pm.
Signed: (Chairman)