Topic guide: Volume
This topic contains the following fivesubtopics:
- Measuring volume
- Rectangular prisms
- Triangular prisms
- Cylinders
- Practice – Volume calculations.
Underpinning knowledge is developed by progressing through the subtopics so please complete the subtopicsin this order.
There is a further sub topic titled Sharing. The purpose of this subtopic is to provide learners with collaborative opportunities.
The topic Volume contains the following activities.
Measuring volume
The purpose of this activity is to assist learners develop an understanding of volume.
This activity uses images and text to:
- introduce the concept of volume
- provide information on the unit for measuring solid and liquid volumes.
Rectangular prisms
The purpose of this activity is to assist learners develop skill in calculating the volume of rectangular prisms.
This activity uses images and text to:
- demonstrate the use of the formula for calculating the volume of a rectangular prism
- provide opportunity for learners to develop skill in calculating volume of rectangular prisms through the use of short answer questions with feedback
- demonstrate the use of the formula for calculating the volume of a combined rectangular/square prisms
- provide opportunity for learners to develop skill in calculating the volume of combined rectangular/square prisms through the use of short answer questions with feedback.
Triangular prisms
The purpose of this activity is to assist learners develop skill in calculating the volume of triangular prisms.
This activity uses images and text to:
- demonstrate the use of the formula for calculating the volume of a triangular prism
- provide opportunity for learners to develop skill in calculating volume of triangular prisms through the use of short answer questions with feedback.
The purpose of this activity is to assist learners develop skill in calculating the volume of cylinder.
This activity uses images and text to:
- demonstrate the use of the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder
- provide opportunity for learners to develop skill in calculating the volume of a cylinder through the use of short answer questions with feedback.
Practice – Volume calculations
The purpose of this activity is to provide learners with the opportunity to practice their skill in calculating the volume of shapes.
This activity uses images and text to:
- present short answer questions requiring the use of volume formulas.
The purpose of this subtopic is to provide learners with the opportunity to collaborate with other learners. It is recommended that teachers should use their professional judgment when determining the appropriateness of collaboration for their learners and the most suitable communication method to use.
Collaboration suggestions for students in this topic are:
- Discuss times when you needed to calculate the volume of something.
- Discuss ideas of how to estimate volume.For example, how would you estimate the total volume of the concrete slab if the building on the plan in exercise 1, Practice – Volume calculations, was real?
- Discuss why it is important to be able to estimate volume as well being able to calculate it.
- Look at some photos of things that are delivered by volume and estimate how many cubic metres each photo shows (eg a load of gravel).
Assessment suggestions
The activities contain short answer questions that can be used as evidence of gaining the knowledge component of the unit of competency.
Assessment activities for this unit could include observation of practical tasks, verbal questioning, notes/charts/drawings, written tests, etc.
Related resources
The following resources may be useful in completing this unit.
Go to this website, type volume into the search box on the site and then look under the general math category. There are activities for finding the volume of different geometric shapes.
Maths teacher (
Look for the sections
- Year 7 Interactive Mathsselect Year 7 Support Materialand thenChapter 14 Volume.
- Year 8 Interactive Mathsselect Year 8 Support Materialand thenChapter 13 Volume.
BBC KS3 Bitesize
At the BBC website search for KS3 Bitesize then navigate to Maths > Measures > Volume – Revise, Activity and Test.
Maths is fun
Look for the section on geometry, solid geometryor search forvolume.
Mapping to units of competence
The following table maps the topic Volume to units of competence.
Topic: VolumeUnit of competence / Addressed in unit
Carry out measurements and calculations / Element
Element 2.3 – Measurements, including area and volume are confirmed and recorded.
Required knowledge
Required skills
Numeracy skills to apply geometry
Critical aspects for assessment
Calculate using a realistic construction task or example:
- volume.
Investigate and interpret measurements and related formulae for everyday purposes. / Element
Element 1.5 – Language of shape is used to describe objects and their representations.
Element 2.3 – Appropriate formulae are chosen and used to calculate quantities of common shapes.
Element 2.4 – Conversion between metric units are performed.
Required knowledge
Ability to understand and use simple mathematical formulae in familiar contexts.
Ability to interpret, use and calculate with a range of types of numbers, measurements and numerical information.
Critical aspects for assessment
Investigate 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
Estimate, measure and calculate using formulae.
Volume is also required knowledge for a range of units of competence including, but not limited to:
CPCCCM2001A Read and interpret plans and specifications
Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Numeracy Indicators
This Toolbox has been developed to support learners requiring numeracy assistance associated with selected Units of Competence. The content supports the following Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Numeracy Indicators:
.09 addressing the identification of mathematical meaning in activities and terms
.10 addressing problem solving and mathematical processes
.11 addressing the way formal and informal language, symbolic and diagrammatic representations and conventions of mathematics.
The teacher/mentor should assess each topic to determine the ACSF Level applicable.
Employability Skills
Employability Skills are skills that apply across a variety of jobs and life contexts. The Commonwealth of Australia defines them as ‘skills required not only to gain employment, but also to progress within an enterprise so as to achieve one's potential and contribute successfully to enterprise strategic directions’. (Employability Skills Summary, accessed 30 September, 2009.)
There are eight Employability Skills:
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Problem solving
- Initiative and enterprise
- Planning and organising
- Self-management
- Learning
- Technology.
An Employability Skills Summary lists the elements of each skill that have been identified for a specific qualification. To search for an Employability Skills Summary for the qualification supported by this Toolbox, go to
Employability skills are embedded in the activities in this Toolbox. The degree of coverage of a skill will vary depending on:
- the type of activity
- the trainer’s delivery method
- whether learners are completing the activity individually or in a group
- whether the activity is being completed face-to-face or at a distance.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework1
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