Joint DASC/DASC-SC Telecon Meeting 16 May 2007


Victor Berman, Chair Improv Systems

Alex Zamfirescu, Vice Chair Denali

Karen Bartleson, Treasurer Synopsys

Stephen Bailey, Secretary Mentor Graphics

Andy Piziali, 1647 Chair Consultant/Cadence

Gerard Berry, 1778 Chair Esteral Technologies

Stan Krolikoski Cadence

Alain Vachoux, 1076.1 Chair ETH University

John Beatty, 1481 chair IBM

Ron Waxman IEEE Computer Society

Perry Alexander University of Kansas

Michael Mirmak Intel

Karen Pieper, 1800 Chair Synopsys


  1. Call to quorum
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Steve moved to approve the agenda. Andy seconded. Agenda approved with no objections or abstentions.
  4. Approval of minutes of last meeting, 21 Mar 2007
  5. Alain moved to approve the minutes. Steve seconded. Minutes approved with no objections or abstentions.
  6. P&P Discussion
  7. Review of proposed changes to section 7.3. No objections voiced with the proposed changes.
  8. Victor pointed out that the P&P wording for liaising with other organizations and that he did not see any need for changes to the P&P.
    Alex stated his opinion that we needed to have the IEEE person responsible for international standardization review our P&Ps and make suggestions for any changes.
    Victor stated that the P&Ps must be reviewed after our approval by the SA.
    Michael thought a case-by-case basis for engaging is appropriate
    Victor asked if there were any specific change requests.
    Alex reiterated that we should have the IEEE international standardization people to review.
    Karen and Victor expressed desire to not hold up approval of our P&Ps awaiting for their review.
    Victor said he will ensure that our P&Ps are reviewed by the appropriate people in the IEEE.
    Alex made motion to have IEEE review the international standardization aspects of the P&Ps prior to our approval and submission to parent organization. Victor agreed that he will submit it for a 1 week review period to anyone at IEEE Alex believes should review this aspect and that he will do it prior to DASC submitting the P&Ps to our parent for approval.
  9. Alain pointed out redundancies in 3.4.1 and 3.4.3. Redundancies were removed.
  10. Alex pointed out that both DASC-SC and DASC must approve the P&Ps. Steve agreed that SC approval is required first, followed by DASC approval.
  11. Andy moved to approve the revised P&P. Steve seconded the motion. The DASC-SC approved the revised P&Ps with no abstentions or objections.
  12. Victor will submit the revised P&Ps to the DASC for an email vote to approve and simultaneously request the IEEE international staff to review.
  13. 1647 Vice Chair appointment/approval
  14. Current vice chair, Steve Perlmutter, has not attended the past 4-5 meetings and, due to personal reasons, resigned as vice chair.
  15. Andy nominated Darren Galpin of Infineon to be appointed as temporary vice chair. Darren has been active in the WG.
  16. Victor requested that an election be held as soon as practical.
  17. Alex moved to approve the appointment of Darren Galpin. Andy seconded the motion. Motion passed with no objections or abstentions.
  18. Study Group Status
  19. Low Power (P1801). Steve provided status. WG approved by NesCom and SAB earlier this month. Email ballot approval of WG P&Ps. Initial budgeting that needs to be firmed up with goal of DAC or shortly after completing the budgeting and scope of the WG for the first version of 1801.
  20. Rosetta (P1699). Perry provided status. New web site setup. Several meetings. Moving forward.
  21. Esterel (P1778). Working on the P&Ps. Also moving forward with regular meetings.
  22. Working Group Status
  23. 1076.1. Alain Vachoux provided status. Package submitted to RevCom but rejected due to conflict with the PAR and the current draft. Issue was contingency on 1076-2007 revision. But, 1076.1 is based on 1076-2002. PAR was amended to correct the version dependency. Revised PAR approved 9 May.
    Completed ballot recirculation with 100% approval after recirculation. RevCom approved 1076.1-2007. Awaiting final steps at IEEE to make standard available.
    Alain asked what he is required to do for IEC dual logo standardization. Victor said it should be automatic.
    AI: Victor will check with IEEE to ensure that 1076.1 will continue through with 1076.1 dual logo standardization.
  24. 1076.4 VITAL and 1076.6 Synthesis will be folded into 1076 WG for future maintenance and revision.
  25. 1364.1 (Synthesis). Victor suggested that this activity should be folded into the P1800 WG.
  26. 1481: John Beatty provided status. Bringing the WG up-to-date on the new IP policy. In a slight lull as many members involved in DAC demo construction. Activity will pick up after DAC with work towards completing the specification. Next meeting on 21 June.
    Victor asked if they have a date on getting the draft to ballot. John said he will have the date at 21 June meeting. John is hoping to be ready for ballot in July.
  27. 1603 (ALF). Dormant for quite some time. Victor will try to contact Wolfgang. If it remains quiescent, Victor will propose at next meeting to inactivate the group.
  28. 1647 (e): Andy provided status. >200 draft clauses for next revision. Editor has these in process. WG is reviewing revisions. Planning for a DAC meeting.
  29. 1685 (SPIRIT): Victor provided status. In process of hiring a technical editor. Goal is to have draft done by end of year.
  30. 1800 (SystemVerilog): Karen Pieper provided status. Merged 1364 and 1800 LRMs. All future work will be based on the merged LRM. 24 May meeting will determine if they will release merged draft to IEEE for potential publication.
    Victor asked if the WG had thought about taking on responsibility for the 1364.1 standard as a subgroup of the 1800 WG.
    Karen Bartleson spoke against merging the two groups at this time. Karen Pieper also expressed opinion that they should remain separate.
  31. 1778 (Esterel): Gerard provided status. Starting officer elections. Meeting regularly and planning the technical work.
  32. IEC Dual Logo group on Verilog (1364) standard. No revision activity but the existing 1364 standard will remain a current standard.
  33. Next meetings schedule
  34. DAC: 6 June. 2-4pm PDT. Room 27A at DAC.
  35. AOB
  36. None.
  37. Adjournment