Dear Interested Not-for-Profit Organization:

Thank you so much for your interest in Starlight Theatre’s 2016 Community Ticket Program. This program is designed to provide a professional entertainment experience to groups representing or serving individuals who would otherwise be unable to enjoy live theatre performances due to economic, medical or other restrictive causes.

Starlight’s Community Ticket program is available to not-for-profit charitable organizations operating in Missouri and Kansas. While we would love to provide a ticket to everyone who asks, our supply is limited, so our focus is on fulfilling requests from organizations serving underprivileged and at-risk youth, the medically dependent or disabled, and low-income senior citizens. We distribute tickets through partnering service organizations in order to qualify and track the recipients and their ticket use.

To help ensure the care and well-being of all participants, organizations applying for the 2016 Community Ticket Program must complete the Program Application, the Audience Guideline Form, the Memorandum of Understanding, and the Ticket Request Form. As you make your request, please be considerate of other groups by requesting only the number of tickets your group will use. Please keep in mind the following:

  1. Submitting a completed packet will allow Starlightto consider including your group in the program, but does not guarantee that your organization will receive tickets. We are committed to serving as many individuals as possible through as wide a range of organizations as possible.
  1. Each year’s ticket requests are evaluated independently of any previous requests. However, your previous years’ actual utilization of Community Tickets may affect the number of tickets you receive in 2016.
  1. By participating in the Community Ticket Program, you acknowledge that the name of your organization and the aggregate number of donated tickets your organization receives may be mentioned in Starlight Theatre’s communications, including annual reports, grant applications, press releases, newsletters and other promotional materials.

There are eight shows in the 2016 season. Four run for six nights,one (Matilda The Musical) has five performances, one (Disney’s Beauty and the Beast) has seven performances, and two weekend special engagements run for three nights each. Please see the last page of this packet for shows and dates.

Your completed Application Packet containing all of the items listed below must be received by 5PM on Friday, March 18, 2016,in orderto receive consideration for the 2016 program:

  • Completed Application, Memorandum of Understanding, and Theatre Audience Guideline Forms
  • Completed Ticket Request Form
  • Documentation of not-for-profit status (A copy of your IRS letter granting 501(c)(3) or similar status is preferred.)

This year your organization will be able to return its completed and signed Community Ticket Program Application Packet in one of four ways – email (scan your signed documents and return to ), mail, fax or in person at the Starlight administration office. We will only evaluate complete packets; if anything is missing, we will be unable to consider your ticket request. You may optionally include supporting documentation about your organization’s purpose and programs.

Applications will be processed for approval after March 18, and a status update will be emailed to all applicants on or before May 1, 2016. In an effort to control costs, we will continue to increase our reliance on email correspondence, so please make sure that you include a valid, legible email address that is checked regularly in the designated space on the application form.

If you have any questions, please contact meat or 816-997-1144.

We look forward to making a Starlight experience a reality for your group and greeting you “under the stars” for Starlight’s 2016 Broadway Season.


Barb Schulte
Director of Communications and Outreach

Starlight Theatre

2016 Community Ticket Program Application

Please answer the following questions completely.

Return this form by email, mail, fax or hand delivery by 5 PM on March 18, 2016to:

Starlight Theatre Community Ticket Program

Attention: Barb Schulte, Director of Communications and Outreach

4600 Starlight Road

Kansas City, MO 64132

Fax: 816.361.6398 Phone: 816.997.1144


Name of Organization: Click here to enter text.

Primary Contact Person: Click here to enter text.
Telephone #: Click here to enter text. Email*: Click here to enter text.

Alternate Contact Person: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text.

Mailing Address: Click here to enter text.

City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text. ZIP: Click here to enter text.

Emergency Contact & Cell Phone for Group while at Starlight: Click here to enter text.

*NOTE: Email is the primary source of correspondence for the Community Ticket program. Please ensure that the email addresses you provide are legible, valid and checked daily.

Are you a Not-for-Profit, tax-exempt organization? ☐Yes☐No

If “Yes,” please provide your tax ID number here: Click here to enter text.

Did you receive Community Tickets for Starlight Theatre for the 2015 season? ☐Yes☐No

Did you receive Community Tickets for Starlight Theatre for seasons prior to 2015? ☐Yes☐No

If “Yes,” for how many seasons? Click here to enter text.

How many clients do you serve? Click here to enter text.In what age groups? Click here to enter text.

Is your program? ☐Residential☐Non-residential

Please describe your clientele: Click here to enter text.

Page Two—2016 Community Ticket Program Application
Please describe the services and programs you provide: Click here to enter text.
Are your services provided to clients at no charge? ☐Yes ☐No

Explanation (optional): Click here to enter text.

What is the mission of your organization? Click here to enter text.

What is your the source of funding for the services provided to your clientele? Click here to enter text.

What other types of entertainment do you provide for the clients your organization serves? Click here to enter text.

How do you fund these types of activities? Click here to enter text.

If your organization is selected, by what means of transportation will your clients arrive at Starlight Theatre?

☐They will all arrive together in one or more vehicles operated or arranged by the organization

☐They will arrive separately in a number of different private vehicles

☐Other (please specify) Click here to enter text.

How are the show information and tickets distributed to your clients? Click here to enter text.

NOTE: In 2016, ONLY hard-copy, printed tickets will be provided for ALL shows.
Starlight will no longer email ticket vouchers to organizations to be redeemed upon arrival at the theatre. This is because we will no longer be staffing a Community Ticket Program table outside of Gate 4.

☐I agree to have an authorized representative of my organization pick up hard-copy, printed tickets for ALL shows at Starlight Theatre prior to the start of the 2016 Broadway season. A designated pick-up date or dates will be announced to all participating organizations this spring.

*Please note that Starlightno longer mails tickets to community organizations. This allows us to minimize postal costs and avoid problems with tickets lost in the mail. Thank you for understanding.

Please provide any other comments or information that you think will be helpful for Starlight to consider when evaluating your application. Click here to enter text.

2016 Community Ticket Program Memorandum of Understanding

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to detail the program requirements, working relationships and responsibilities of both agencies as we enter into a partnership agreement for

Starlight Theatre’s 2016 Community Ticket Program.

Upon an organization’s acceptance into the 2016 Community Ticket Program, Starlight Theatre will:

  1. Provide the Partnering Organization with a detailed, designated method for attendance at a 2016 Broadway Production, as specified elsewhere in this document. We may utilize actual tickets, vouchers, or any other method we deem feasible. In any event, we will provide clear and complete instructions to facilitate your attendance.
  2. Provide adequate communication to the Partnering Organization regarding Starlight Theatre’s Audience Guidelines, which outline expectations of chaperone and client behavior while attending a 2016 Broadway Production through the 2016 Starlight Theatre Community Ticket Program.
  3. Provide, through our website, information regarding the content of each production, along with our determination of baseline audience suitability. The Partnering Organization acknowledges that this information may change over time if adjustments to the production are made and communicated to Starlight Theatre.
  4. Provide the Partnering Organization’s clients with a professional Broadway Theatre experience.

The Partnering Organization will:

  1. Complete the 2016 Community Ticket application with true and accurate information.
  2. Agree to provide a minimum of one trained, qualified chaperone* for every five children (12 years and under) and/or 10teen/adult membersof the Partnering Organization’s group. Depending upon the specific circumstances of your clients, additional trained chaperones may be required. Tickets are required for all members of the group, both chaperones and clients. Any questions regarding the appropriate number of chaperones for a given situation must be reviewed with our House Manager at 816.997.1163 no later than 3 PM on the day of the performance.
  3. Provide appropriate information in advance to Starlight Theatre regarding those with special needs, and provide an accurate count of members requiring wheelchair seating, to ensure the availability of wheelchair-accessible spaces.
  4. Maintain care and control of any and all tickets provided.
  5. Provide transportation to and from the theatre for all clients attending a Broadway production as part of the 2016 Starlight Theatre Community Ticket Program. Community Ticket participants

arriving in private vehicles are subject to parking charges of $7 per vehicle. Buses and vans used
for group transportation will be directed to park along Starlight Road opposite Gate 4 and will be parked at no charge. Cars may not park along Starlight Road. Guests who wish to park in the ADA-designated area of our reserved lot must display a current state-issued hang tag or license plate and will pay the General parking fee of $7.

  1. Follow all instructions provided regarding attendance and ticketing.
  1. Attend the show on the night assigned and bring no more people than the number of tickets provided, unless a prior arrangement has been made. Tickets generally cannot be added on the night of a performance but may be available for purchase in other sections based on availability. There are no rain checks, refunds or other exchange privileges available in the Community Ticket Program.
  1. Arrive early enough to allow sufficient time to locate seating area and get clients seated prior to the performance. All 2016shows start promptly at 8 PM.
  1. Provide the name and cell phone number of an emergency contact on the Community Ticket Program Application. This individual must be available to be contacted in the event an emergency occurs while his/her organization’s clients are attending Starlight.
  1. Require chaperones to remain with clients for the entire performance.
  1. Inform and orient clients and chaperones regarding Starlight Theatre’s Audience Guidelines and agree to hold all clients to these standards.
  1. Acknowledge age-appropriate entertainment options and abide by the audience suggestions provided by Starlight Theatre.
  1. Acknowledge that Starlight Theatre is an outdoor venue and assume all risks associated with attending events during various weather conditions.
  1. Abide by all Starlight Theatre staff instruction in all aspects of theatre operations, including seating.
  1. Acknowledge that tickets obtained through the Community Ticket Program are to be used for theclientele served by your organization and not for Fund-Raising, Staff Rewards, Incentives or VolunteerAppreciation, and abide by this stipulation (with the understanding that some staff and/or volunteers will need to accompany your group as chaperones).
  1. Acknowledge that standards, tastes and opinions about suitability differ, and that it is solely the Partnering Organization’s responsibility to determine the appropriateness of any particular production for the clientele they serve.

*A “trained, qualified chaperone” is a representative of the attending organization who has the requisite skills, knowledge and professional acumen to attend to the needs of the organization’s clients who are attending the performance.

** Signature required on final page **
2016 Community Ticket Program Audience Guidelines

We hope you’ll enjoy your evening at Starlight Theatre. Please communicate the following information to everyone attending as part of your group. In order to ensure that everyone enjoys the performance, we require the following guidelines be observed by everyone in your party.

  1. Please be considerate of others around you. Don’t block their view of the stage. Keep movement and conversation to a minimum throughout the performance.
  2. Please place all cell phones and other communication devices in silent mode and refrain from using them for any purpose, including texting, during the performance. If someone in your group needs to take or make an emergency call, please instruct them to move to the covered walkway behind the seating area.
  3. Please remember that the Community Tickets you are provided are for specific seats located in a specific area of the theatre. Please remain in the seats for which you are ticketed. Please see our Guest Information station located behind Terrace 6, a red-vested Usher Captain, or the House Manager if you experience any issues related to your ticketed seats.
  4. Audio and video recording or still photography of the performance (including, but not limited to, the stage, scenery, costumes, props and actors) is strictly prohibited. You may, of course, take as many pictures as you like of each other, the theatre buildings and grounds, the plants and flowers, and anything else that is not a part of the production.
  5. Please keep umbrellas closed while in the seating arena. Umbrellas may be opened in other parts of the theatre.
  6. Please remember that the Starlight seating arena is a “No Smoking” environment at all times. This includes electronic cigarettes and other devices designed to simulate smoking. Designated smoking areas are located to the rear of the seating arena behind the pavilions. Please look for signs.

For everyone’s benefit and safety

  1. Starlight Associates will assist your group in locating your seats, facilities and services, or security and medical personnel as needed. Starlight Theatre ushers (wearing red or yellow vests) or staff members (identified by badges and/or distinctive clothing) will be available throughout the seating arena.
  2. Life safety codes require that aisles must be kept clear for emergency services during the performance. Any items or individuals placed or seated in aisles are trip hazards in low-light conditions and are not allowed.
  3. If a member of your group requires medication or food to be brought in to the venue, please ask one of our GuestASSIST Specialists, located at the gates in red shirts, to call our medic on duty so he/she may be apprised of the situation.
  4. Please follow all Starlight Theatre management and event staff instructions. Failure to do so may result in revocation of Community Ticket privileges for the organization for all future performances.

** Signature required on next page **

  1. Our primary goal is to make sure that everyone has a safe, fun and enjoyable experience when visiting Starlight. For Broadway shows, we do not routinely perform “pat-down” inspections of guests or their belongings upon entry. We do, however, reserve the right to inspect persons, parcels or clothing capable of concealing or carrying prohibited items in situations where health, safety or well-being may be compromised. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:
  • Weapons of any type, or any item that might be employed as a weapon
  • Outside food or drink (other than one unopened bottle of water per person)*
  • Car seats or booster seats
  1. Starlight Theatre’s GuestASSIST associates are charged with implementing all life safety measures and venue policies. Please follow all GuestASSIST associate instructions.
  2. Starlight Theatre offers a complimentary “wheelchair assist” program to help our Guests who would benefit from assistance from the gates to their seats upon entry, and from their seats back to their gate when leaving. Due to safety concerns, our GuestASSIST Specialists can only provide wheelchair assist to guests weighing 250 pounds or less. Please understand that a limited number of specially trained staff members are available to perform this service, so it may be necessary to wait for an available GuestASSIST Specialist to become available after the show. We do not have wheelchairs available for loan or rental. Personal wheelchairs not in use during the performance must be stowed per the instruction of Starlight Theatre staff

*See item #9 above for situations involving clients who require outside food or drink due to a medical condition.

For more information about Starlight Theatre’s policies, please see the FAQs on our website ()

or call our House Manager at 816.997.1163

I have read and understand the 2016 Community Ticket Program Starlight Theatre Audience Guidelines. I agree to communicate these expectations to the clients and chaperones of our Partnering Organization who will be attending a 2016 Starlight Theatre Broadway Performance.

I accept the responsibility for communicating the information to all those attending with our Group. I understand that failure to comply with responsibilities set forth in the 2016 Community Ticket Program Memorandum of Understanding or with the behavior expectations in 2016 Community Ticket Program Starlight Theatre Audience Guidelines may necessitate removal from the theatre of all involved individuals and may result in the forfeiture of future Community Ticket Program privileges.