Sugar House Park Authority April 14, 2016 Meeting Minutes

ApprovedMeeting Minutes

from the

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Meeting at theSugar House Garden Center

Advertised Agenda

Call to order

Approval of special events and athletic field use requests

Name, Organization/Event Date(s) PDF file page

Capt. Layne Tilton, Utah Firefighters EmeraldSocietyAug 131

Megan Jensen, Runtastic Events (The Haunted Half)Oct 225

Benjamin Brown, Mtn West Flag Football LeagueMay 18 - Aug 109

Crystal Lee Durrant, Ultradent ProductsAug 27 pm13

Chris Mauch, MG WalkOct 15(pending)

Wagma Mohmand, United in Service for HumanityJun 4 pmpaper

(*)Noland Gilmore, Antioch Community ChurchMay 19paper

(*) Single-day athletic field use requests do not need to appear before the board for approval.

4th of July Event
Summer Shumway, Sugar House Chamber of Commerce

Architectural Nexus Pavilions Study
Holli Adams

Approval of March 10 Meeting Minutes

Approval of March Financial Statements Summary
Melanie, George

President’s Report

Other Business


I. Call to Order

George calls the Sugar House Park Authority Board meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Board members present are: George Sumner, Chad Anderson, Lee Bollwinkel, Joedy Lister, Wayne Johnson, Landon Allred, Lucy Hansen and Melanie Grayson.

Board member not present is Elizabeth MacGregor.

County staff member present is Craig Cheney.

George explains to the audience that the Park Authority is a non-profit organization deemed to manage and maintain the park. The board is made up of non-paid volunteers. Event user fees are discretionary funds used by the board for improving the park.

II. Special Event and Athletic Field Use Requests Approval

Layne Hilton, Utah Firefighters Emerald Society (UFES)

Capt. Hilton is here to discuss holding a fundraiser at the park for the UFES. The event consists of Highland games, shillelagh car smash, fire extraction demo, auction, raffle, BBQ competition, games and fire safe activities. They would like to reserve the soccer field for the games and would need 4 parking lot stalls for the car smash and extraction demo.

George expresses concern about damage to the soccer field. Layne explains they have mats and will avoid worn areas of the field.

Chad makes a motion to approve theUtah Firefighters Emerald Society fundraising event on August 13 at the Big Field Pavilion and soccer field.

Lucy seconds the motion.
Motion passesby show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.

Megan Jensen, Runtastic Events (The Haunted Half)

(not present)

Benjamin Brown, Mountain West Flag Football League

Ben is here to request playing their group’s flag football season. They have done this for the past 9 years.

Landon makes a motion to approve the league’s flag football season.

Melanie seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8in favor,none opposed.

Crysta Lee Durrant, Ultradent Products

Their event request would require the whole park road to be closed but there aren’t any dates available to accommodate this since the park has already started taking private reservations at the pavilion.

The board advises them to work with Craig to see what dates are available.

Chris Mauch, MG Walk

(not present)

Wagma Mohmand, United in Service for Humanity

Rashida is here for Wagma to request holding a fundraiser for building a well in Afganistan for getting clean water. She is requesting June 4 for the afternoon evening and the only pavilion available is Fabian Lakeside. They are expecting 300 people.

Chad makes a motion to approve the United in Service for Humanity event on June 4 at the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion.

Lucy seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor,none opposed.

III. 4th of July Event

Summer Shumway, Sugar House Chamber of Commerce
Chuck, Vortex Productions

Chuck says they will do the same site for the fireworks as last year. Highland High property is no longer an option.

Summer has signed the agreement. Summer says the main arts festival will down on 2100 South. They are talking about holding a 5k event that would loop around the park road. As the day progress, she is going to work on getting the public transitioning from the business district to the park. There will probably be some food trucks and music in the park before the fireworks.

They are planning on the donations from the City and County. Last year the garbage bags were not delivered (the garbage cans were.)

UTA is running later than normal; the fireworks show should end by 11 pm.

Summer will come back next month.

IV.Architectural Nexus Pavilions Study

Holli Adams

Holli explains that last month’s choice won’t work. The vendor can’t combine the design with the “fan out” request on the roof. (These are pre-fab structures.) Holli passes out new design options and recommends option 4.

Landon points out that the pricing on these options is all the same. Holli says this is an error – option 4 should be correct.

Holli says the tongue-and-groove “ceiling” request would almost double the cost of the pavilion. The board discusses wildlife nesting issues in pavilion roofs. Also discussed are crown moldings for the roof beam corners. Wayne asks if metal paneling would be an option instead of tongue-and-groove for a ceiling. Holli will look into a cost for that and for adding crown molding.

Chad opts for option 1 – with no brick around the columns.

The board discusses the different sizes of cross beams. Option 4 is more economical since they are all the same size.

Joedy says we can apply for CIP funding for this project in December. Joedy would prefer a brick wrap on the columns for the Fabian Lakeside to match the new restrooms. Joedy wants to confirm that the cost includes existing pavilion and concrete removal. The electrical cost won’t be known until installation time.

Chad makes a motion to approve pavilion design option 4 with no column wraps and get pricing for crown molding in the roof cross-beams, for different beam sizes and a red brick wrap for the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion.

Landon seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor,none opposed.

II.Special Event Requests (Impromptu)

The Salt Lake Running company came to see if September 3 was available for holding a 5k event at the park. What is $40 times 1000 runners?

VIII. Other Business – 2015 Audit Review

Audit assess internal controls with client. Issued clean audit opinion. Report includes the government standards used which covers financials and audit adjustments. The report discusses the “deficiencies” which are inherent in an organization this size. Normally the organization prepares the financial statements. We are required to document that we not only prepare the financials, but we also audit them.

George points out that SHPA hired Ron Tolman, who is with KHSA. Ron had explained that the “deficiencies” report is done to protect the auditors, Eide Bailly. Eide Bailly cannot remain independent and that must be documented.

The audit uses a trial balance, account balances, budget, transactions and asset depreciation to create the financial reports.

IV. Approval of March 10 meeting minutes

George asks for any comments.

Joedy makes a motion to approve the March 10 meeting minutes.

Landon seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed; Wayne abstains.

VI. Approval of MarchFinancial StatementsSummary Melanie, GeorgeMelanie reviews the summary.

Chad makes a motion to approve the March financial summaries.

Landon seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.

George has requested $140,000 from the City for the third restroom.

George created a transactions summary from the March account balances. It projects a $145k balance at the end of the year. We should include construction cost inflation for new CIP requests since the lag time for applying to construction takes so long.

VI. President’s Report

Joedy and George have been re-appointed to the board for another 4 year term.

Landon makes a motion to approve the re-appointment of Joedy and George to the board for a second 4-year term.

Lucy seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.

George talked to John Houser, who is over the Iris Society, about the use and reservability of the Garden Center’s parking lot. George said it was okay for him to monitor and restrict access to only those using the Garden Center. The conversation didn’t take more than an hour, 2 at most.

VII. Other Business

Joedy and Craig received an e-mail from the City’s Brian Fullmer. He received a request on the cost breakdown of the new restroom. This request was forwarded on to Wayne who in turn sent the cost breakdown for the requestor’s perusal.

Wayne says the third restroom is still scheduled to be completed by the Memorial Day weekend.


Chad makes a motion toadjourn.

Time is8:06 pm.